Los Adjetivos Demostrativos Demonstrative Adjectives Los Adjetivos Demostrativos

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Los Adjetivos Demostrativos (Demonstrative Adjectives)

Los Adjetivos Demostrativos (Demonstrative Adjectives)

Los Adjetivos Demostrativos ü Point out persons, places or things relative to the position

Los Adjetivos Demostrativos ü Point out persons, places or things relative to the position of the speaker – distance from the speaker. ü They always agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. ü Always come in front of the noun.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns DEMONSTRATE where things are in relation to a person speaking.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns DEMONSTRATE where things are in relation to a person speaking. Which flag? – THIS flag. ¿Cuál bandera? Esta bandera

English has two sets of demonstrative pronouns: Do you want THIS apple? ¿Quieres esta

English has two sets of demonstrative pronouns: Do you want THIS apple? ¿Quieres esta manzana? No, I want THAT apple. No, yo quiero esa manzana.

But what if there are TWO apples? You wouldn’t say, “I want this apples”

But what if there are TWO apples? You wouldn’t say, “I want this apples” or “I want that apples. ” You have to change demonstrative adjectives to make them agree in number with the noun: I want THIS apple. BUT. . . I want THESE apples. Yo quiero ESTA manzana. . Yo quiero ESAS manzanas

Guess what: Spanish has THREE demonstrative pronouns: Do you want this apple? ¿Quieres esta

Guess what: Spanish has THREE demonstrative pronouns: Do you want this apple? ¿Quieres esta manzana? No. Do you want that apple? ¿Quieres esa manzana? No. I want that apple way over there. No. Quiero aquella manzana.

Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives: masc. sing. fem. sing. masc. pl. fem. pl. este (this) esta

Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives: masc. sing. fem. sing. masc. pl. fem. pl. este (this) esta (this) estos (these) estas (these) ese (that) esa (that) esos (those) esas (those) Watch out for the masculine forms: remember that, while the masculine singular ends in –e, the plural ends in –os. Don’t get mixed up and write “esto” or “estes. ” Notice that the only difference between “este” and “ese”, “esta” and “esa, ” etc. , is the “t”. Take the “t” out of “este” (this), and you have “ese” (that). ‘This’ and ‘these’ have t’s; ‘that’ and ‘those’ do not. ”

“Este/Esta” (“this”) is near the speaker. “Ese/Esa” (“that”) is not near the speaker. “Aquel/Aquella”

“Este/Esta” (“this”) is near the speaker. “Ese/Esa” (“that”) is not near the speaker. “Aquel/Aquella” is very far away.

Los Adjetivos Demostrativos ü Este libro es fácil de leer. This book is easy

Los Adjetivos Demostrativos ü Este libro es fácil de leer. This book is easy to read. ü Esos libros son difíciles de leer. Those books are difficult to read. ü Aquellos libros son aburridos. Those books (over there) are boring.

1. I want this shirt. Yo quiero esta camisa. 2. She wants that shirt.

1. I want this shirt. Yo quiero esta camisa. 2. She wants that shirt. Ella quiere esa camisa. 3. They want those shirts over there. Ellos quieren aquellas camisas. 4. We prefer these books. Nosotros preferimos estos libros. 5. You guys prefer those books. Vosotros preferís esos libros. 6. But Luis prefers those books way over there. Pero Luis prefiere aquellos libros.

1. This page is Manuel’s. Esta página es de Manuel. 2. Who is that

1. This page is Manuel’s. Esta página es de Manuel. 2. Who is that girl? ¿Quién es esa chica? 3. Those people over there are his siblings. Aquellas personas son sus hermanos. 4. I have to buy this videogame. Tengo que comprar este videojuego. 5. No, you should buy that videogame No, debes comprar ese videojuego. 6. I think that I like that videogame over there. Creo que me gusta aquel videojuego.

“This and these have T’s, these and those do not”

“This and these have T’s, these and those do not”