Lithuanian BBI JU info day 2019 Dieter BRIGITTA

Lithuanian BBI JU info day 2019 Dieter BRIGITTA Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking Project Officer 16 April 2019

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks

BBI (Bio-based industries)? BBI and their value chains are facing complex and substantial technological and innovation challenges Biomass and waste Biorefineries sk u ck s to eds Fe Fragm ented High ri y l pp Fuel very i l e d t c Produ capi tal c osts nt e i c ffi ture u s n I truc s a infr risk Chemicals and materials Product d evelopme suppl y cha in Feed & food ingredients ogy Technol risks Market access nt risk

BBI Joint Undertaking (BBI JU)? • Public-Private Partnership • Mission: to implement, under Horizon 2020 rules, (PPP) developing the Strategic Innovation sustainable and Research Agenda competitive bio-based (SIRA) developed by the industries in Europe industry and validated by • Partners: the EC. - European Union (via EC) - Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) www. bbi-europe. eu

BBI JU: Public Private Partnership

The BBI JU annual cycle Strategic level: SIRA Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda guiding document developed by BIC Drafting – Approval – Supporting Operational Level Annual Work Plan + Scientific Committee + States Representatives Group Call for proposals (RIAs, CSAs) Portfolio management Publication & Implementation Reporting – monitoring Dissemination – comm.

BBI JU Impact By 2030 50% greenhouse gas emissions 20% biomass supply 25% mobilization of unused sources 30% replacement of petroleum-based products 10 times more bio-based materials

BBI JU: a high-impact initiative ü “the objectives could not be addressed with traditional Union instruments. ü “structuring effect, bringing together the sectors and actors towards deployment of new value chains, and it has mobilised increasing investments on developing innovations for the biobased industries”. (Oct 2018) ü Structuring effect ü Mobilizing effect ü BBI JU is well aligned vs initial challenges + specific KPIs on track ü BBI JU ” has been instrumental in the development of new biobased value chains centred around the use of renewable resources including waste”. ü BBI JU “is proving crucial in supporting the development of European industrial bio-based infrastructures and value chains”

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks Any urgent questions?

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks

Similarities: IT environment • Funding & Tendering Opportunities Portal – (Previously called ‘Participant Portal’) – Since BBI JU’s start (Call 2014) – Find calls & partners, register organisations, submit proposals, … • Terminology & help

Similarities: types of action

Similarities: 3 main evaluation criteria Excellence Impact Implementation

Similarities: ‘Open to the World’ • All organisations can participate… • …but not all organisations are automatically eligible for funding • Terminology – EU countries – Associated countries (16) – Developing countries – Industrialised countries and emerging economies • H 2020 online manual, international cooperation section

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks

Differences: annual cycle Dec • Publication of ‘topic texts’ Apr • Call opens Sept • Call closes Oct. Nov Dec • Evaluation • Results to applicants

Differences: types of action

Differences: funding percentages Action TRL (1) Duration CSA n/a 1 -3 y RIA 3 -5 Up to 4 y IA-DEMO 6 -7 IA-Flagship 8 4 -5 y BBI JU funding % 100%(2) 70%(3) (1) TRL = Technology Readiness Level (value 1 -9; higher TRL = closer to market) (2) However: de facto no (0%) BBI JU funding for large enterprises (3) Non-profit beneficiaries / linked third parties may be reimbursed at 100%

Differences: Consortium own contribution Leverage of private investments is crucial! The consortium own contribution in BBI JU projects consists of: • In-kind contributions The eligible costs incurred by one partner implementing the project minus the funding requested from BBI JU • Financial (‘in cash’) contributions Financial transfers from one or more to one or more partners of a BBI JU project to implement part of the action • Additional investments Investments (e. g. infrastructure, facilities, durable equipment, etc. ) that contribute to achieving the objectives of the projects and the BBI JU initiative (maximize impact) outside the budget of the project

Differences: business case/plan • Only for IAs (Innovation Actions) • Close to market (TRL 6 -7 or even 8) → business case and plan needed • No page limits (can be included in section 4 -5 of the proposal) • More info: see Annex 4 b of the Call 2019 Guide for Applicants

Differences: some evaluation subcriteria • Although the 3 main evaluation criteria (Excellence, impact, implementation) are the same… • …the previously mentioned differences with Horizon 2020 have been translated into (some) BBI JU-specific evaluation subcriteria • More information: see ‘how to write a good BBI JU proposal’ part

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks Any urgent questions?

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks

Call 2019 key figures • Call timing – Call opening: – Call closure: – Results to applicants: – GA Signature: 4 Apr 2019 4 Sept 2019, 17: 00 CET End of Dec 2019 (tentative) By 3 May 2020 • Budget Type of Action # topics Budget (€ million) Extra RIA 10 52 DEMO 4 31 Flagship 3 47 (15+20+12) 1 budget line / topic CSA 4 5 Max. 1 project / topic Total 21 135

Call 2019 types of action

Call 2019: strategic orientations vs. topics TOPICS FEEDSTOCK PROCESS PRODUCTS MARKET UPTAKE Scaling-up lignin conversion; OFMSWaste (F 1); tree species for new VC; microalgae R 1, D 2, F 1 Operations and treatments; end-of-life of plastics, holistic valorization (F 2), oils & fats, residual streams R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5, R 6, R 7, F 2 High volume products, high performance materials (F 3), bio-pesticides, functional ingredients, R 8, R 9, R 10, D 3, D 4, F 3 Brand owners, mixed feedstocks, participatory public input, support SME S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4

Call 2019 - RIAs Feedstock § R 1 – Use tree species and/or varieties to create new bio-based value chains Process § R 2 – Develop breakthrough technologies to improve the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of pre-treatment steps within biorefining operations § R 3 - Apply microorganisms and/or enzymes to resolve end-of-life issues of plastics § R 4 – Develop surface or bulk treatments for improved wood-based materials § R 5 – Convert plant oils and fats into safe high-added-value products for various applications including food and personal care § R 6 – Improve biorefinery operations through process intensification and new end products § R 7 – Model the composition of bio-based residual streams and its evolution to optimise its management and processing Products § R 8 - Develop sustainable bio-based materials for high-volume consumer products § R 9 - Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products § R 10 – Develop bio-based high-performance materials for various and demanding applications Market uptake /

Call 2019 - DEMOs Feedstock § D 1 – Scale up conversion of lignin into valuable compounds for application in specific market sectors § D 2 – Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae Process / Products § D 3 – Produce bio-based functional ingredients and additives for high-end markets § D 4 – Demonstrate bio-based pesticides and/or biostimulant agents for sustainable increase in agricultural productivity Market uptake /

Call 2019 - Flagships Feedstock § F 1 – Valorise the organic fraction of municipal solid waste through an integrated biorefinery at commercial level Process § F 2 – Apply technological combinations to valorise all components of biomass feedstock Products § F 3 – Produce high-performance bio-based alternatives to harmful products or processes to protect and enhance human health and the environment Market uptake / Note: a dedicated budget line per Flagship topic • F 1: € 15 million • F 2: € 20 million • F 3: € 12 million

Call 2019 - CSAs Feedstock / Process / Products / Market uptake § S 1 – Assist brand owners to ‘switch to bio-based’ § S 2 – Establish methods and communication for applying mass balance principles to attribute biomass co-feedstock to products § S 3 – Shaping the bio-based economy through a participatory approach § S 4 – Empower SME clusters to bring SMEs ‘across the valley of death’ Note: • Although all CSA topics fall under the same budget line (total: € 5 million)… • …max. 1 CSA project can be funded per topic

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal Final remarks Any urgent questions?

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal? Final remarks

Brussels Info day presentations • 2016: « Think like an evaluator » • 2017: « Write for an evaluator » • 2018: Excellence Impa ct ct Impact Implementation

One sentence that ‘stuck’… • « Every word counts » • …on mainly 3 levels 1. Topic text 2. Evaluation (sub)criteria 3. Proposal template

The BBI JU annual cycle Strategic level: SIRA Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda guiding document developed by BIC Drafting – Approval – Supporting Operational Level Annual Work Plan + Scientific Committee + States Representatives Group Call for proposals (RIAs, CSAs) Portfolio management Publication & Implementation Reporting – monitoring Dissemination – comm.

1. Annual topic text creation • Further refining – Longlist to shortlist – Shortlisted topic texts are continuously updated… – …so every word counts • How to write a good proposal? – Copy/paste the topic text – Divide it in different (grouped) sentences – Does your proposal idea tick all the boxes? What / who (expertise) are you missing?

2. Evaluation (sub)criteria Excellence Impact Implementation

2. Evaluation (sub)criteria • Different ‘types’ of evaluation subcriteria – ‘Standard’ Horizon 2020 subcriteria – BBI JU-specific subcriteria • Differences between ‘types of action’ – Coordination & Support Actions (CSAs) – Research & Innovation Actions (RIAs) – Innovation Actions (IAs) • DEMOs • Flagships

Excellence: WHAT?

H 2020 subcriteria (RIAs and IAs) • Extent that proposed work is beyond the state of the art (SOTA), and demonstrates innovation potential. – What is the state of the art (SOTA)? What’s the benchmark? –. . . and how does your proposal go beyond the SOTA? – Tip: • clearly describe the (starting and end) TRLs • e. g. via a table (left: SOTA + start TRL; right: envisaged end TRL)

4 1 BBI JU-specific subcriterion (IAs) • Coverage of the whole value chain (IAs are close to market => this subcriterion checks that your idea take into account biomass, processing and end products & markets)

Impact: SO WHAT? Excellence: WHAT? Impact: SO WHAT?

H 2020 subcriteria (all actions) • Outputs of the project vs. the expected impacts mentioned in the work plan – Are all ‘expected impacts’ listed in the topic text dealt with in your proposal. . . –. . . in a qualitative AND quantitative manner? • Often link with BBI JU KPIs – More info on BBI JU KPIs: see SIRA – SIRA is more than a theoretical text

H 2020 subcriteria (all actions) • Exploitation, dissemination and communication of project results (including IPR and - where relevant - research data management) – Dissemination & exploitation: more than an eligibility criterion; this is also evaluated by experts – Tips: • Also provide quantative data (how many conferences, publications, target audiences, . . . ) => be specific, avoid ‘generic’ diss. /comm. /expl. plans • Include relevant (also public) deliverables • Explicitly describe IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) management – every word counts

BBI JU subcriteria (RIAs and IAs) • Extent to which the proposed consortium own contribution, including additional investments, will help maximising the impact of the action

BBI JU subcriteria (RIAs and IAs) • Extent to which the proposed consortium own contribution, including additional investments, will help maximising the impact of the action – Clearly describe if and how much “own contribution” (‘in kind’, ‘in cash’ and/or ‘additional investments’) is included in the proposal. . . –. . . AND explain how this will maximise the impact of the action – Don’t just list the amounts, also explain them – Where to explain this? See: • FAQ for Applicants • Guide for Applicants

Implementation: HOW? Excellence: WHAT? Impact: SO WHAT? Implementation: HOW?

Significance of Implementation Call 2018 case Successful proposals (invited to GAP) Proposals on reserve list (= passing all thresholds) Proposals not passing ≥ 1 threshold(s) ‘Excellence’ ‘Impact’ 4. 92 4. 79 4. 73 4. 56 3. 20 3. 10 ‘Implementation’ 4. 71 4. 50 3. 28

Significance of Implementation Call 2018 case Successful proposals (invited to GAP) Proposals on reserve list (= passing all thresholds) Proposals not passing ≥ 1 threshold(s) ‘Excellence’ ‘Impact’ 4. 92 4. 79 4. 73 4. 56 3. 20 3. 10 ‘Implementation’ 4. 71 4. 50 3. 28 → Biggest ‘difference to 5’ in implementation (same as in 2016 & 2017)

H 2020 subcriteria (all actions) • Allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources – Football analogy: • Sometimes, a certain amount of ‘home-grown’ players is required. . . • . . . but they’re only part of the team pro forma; they seldom play. – Tip: convince expert-evaluators that you don’t have ‘token’ consortium members, e. g. via resource allocation (money talks. . . )

H 2020 subcriteria (all actions) • Management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management. – Consortium of 5 or 20 members: different management (structures) needed – ‘Innovative’ management techniques are not necessary; it needs to work! – Tips: • explicitly mention / describe risk and innovation management. . . (every word counts) • . . . and include ‘real’ (not token) risks and mitigation measures • Create a project with a realistic (overall) timing (‘request a project extension to BBI JU’ is - except in cases of ‘force majeure’ - not an appropriate risk mitigation measure!)

BBI JU-specific subcriteria (IAs) • Soundness of the business case and business plan – Why? IAs are close to market => business case and business plan are needed – How? See Guide for Applicants and proposal template (bullet points describing business case & plan requirements) – FAQ: how much info is needed? • “(Further) details can be provided in part B – sections 4 -5” (= not included in 70 -page limit) • (Only) for Flagships: additional info via hearings

BBI JU-specific subcriteria (IAs) • Readiness of the technology – Tip (bis): clearly indicate the start and end TRLs – “In particular, for flagships applicants must demonstrate that by the time of the submission of their application they have been operating relative demonstration scale plants at a significant production capacity (justification shall be provided in the proposal). ”

Successful proposals Excellence Impact Implementation

Successful proposals, bis

Successful proposals, bis Topic text Evaluation criteria

Successful proposals, bis Topic text Evaluation criteria Proposal template

3. Proposal template • Main message of Call 2017 BBI JU info day: « Write for an evaluator » • ‘Help’ the expert-evaluators… • …by ensuring that they can find the right information to evaluate all evaluation subcriteria as quickly and efficiently as possible… • How? By using the proposal template

3. Proposal template • How to write a good proposal? – Use the proposal structure found in the Participant Portal / BBI JU Guide for Applicants – Stick to ‘part B - section 1 -3’ page limits (50 for CSAs, 70 for RIAs and IAs) – For IAs: put business case/plan info in ‘Part B - section 4 -5’ (no page limits) – Every word counts (what you write, and where you (should) write it)

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal? Final remarks Any urgent questions?

Table of contents • • • Bio-based industries (BBI) vs. BBI Joint Undertaking (JU) Horizon 2020 vs. BBI JU: similarities & differences Call 2019 How to write a good proposal? Final remarks

BBI JU Partnering Platform • Database of organisations • « Find & be found » • Free • Accessible via the BBI JU homepage • Also used during 12 Apr 2019 info day for matchmaking / brokerage

Partner search via SEDIA (1/2)

Partner search via SEDIA (2/2) • Partner search per BBI JU topic

Partner search via SEDIA (2/2) • Partner search per BBI JU topic

Other useful information • Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (‘SEDIA’) – Register organisations, topic search, proposal submission, . . . – H 2020 online manual • BBI JU website – BBI JU-specific info (incl. Guide for Applicants (Gf. A), a regularly updated FAQ for Applicants, . . . ) – Info day 12 Apr 2019: presentations & webstreaming/recording – (Link to) BBI Partnering Platform • One last question. . .

Do you have BBI (JU) expertise? • Please consider registering as an expert on SEDIA – https: //ec. europa. eu/info/fundingtenders/opportunities/portal/screen/work-as-an-expert – BBI = broad field => different expertise needed! – As a BBI JU evaluator, you’ll gain valuable BBI JU / H 2020 insights. . . • Call 2019 expert-evaluator invitations – First invitations have been sent on 8 Apr. . . –. . . but if you’re interested to become an evaluator, please create / update your expert profile, and e-mail experts@bbi. europa. eu by 25 Apr 2019

Thank you!

Consortium own contribution: where to include it in the proposal? es t a l p • In-kind contributions: no further explanations needed tem & ! fo A n f i l G l • Financial contributions (‘in cash’) e A in th – Part A: Call-specific question: quantitative description – Part B, section 3. 4: table containing information on beneficiaries providing and receiving the financial contribution, the amount, and the activities performed • Additional investments – Part A: Call specific question: quantitative description – Part B, section 3. 4: specific table with breakdown and description of additional activities, and how they help to achieve the objectives of the BBI initiative

A well balanced project portfolio Calls 2014 + 2015 + 2016 + 2017 + 2018 Per type of action Origin of feedstock Agri-based Per SO 1 Feedstock Forest based Bio-waste and CO 2 Per SO 4 Market uptake RIA DEMO Carbosurf, PROMINENT, LIBBIO, HYPERBIOCOAT, Zelcor, BIOrescue, Enz. Ox 2, In. DIRECT, Bio. Barr, SSUCHY, Re. Solve, BIOSMART, ECOXY, REFUCOAT, POLYBIOSKIN NEWPACK, Pro-Enrich, Prolific, EXCorns. EED, VIPRISCAR i. Fermenter, Pulp 2 Value, Agri. Max, Funguschain, Green. Protein, LIPES, GRACE, OPTISOCHEM, BIOMOTIVE SUSFERT, Re. Invent, EFFECTIVE Smart. Li, Greenlight, PROVIDES, US 4 GREENCHEM Neo. Cel, LIBRE, TECH 4 EFFECT, EFFORTE, SHERPACK Sus. Bind, Wood. Zymes, UNRAVEL, New. Fert, AFTERLIFE, PERCAL, BARBARA, Val. Chem, BIOFOREVER, Green. Sol. Res, PULPACKTION, FRESH, Ligni. Ox Dendromass 4 Europe SYLFEED, EUCALIVA, Flagship FIRST 2 RUN, LIGNOFLAG, BIOSKOH Agri. Chem. Whey, PEFerence, EXILVA SWEETWOODS EMBRACED, URBIOFIN, DEMETER, Biowaste, Aquatic Biomass MACROCASCADE, BIOSEA, ABACUS, MAGNIFICENT, VALUEMAG, AQUABIOPROFIT, SO 4 Policy, regulations and standardization Consumer awareness of the benefits of the bio-based products Knowledge gathering and networking CSA STAR 4 BBI Bio. Cann. Do, BIOWAYS BIOBRIDGES BIOPEN, Pilots 4 U, Road. To. Bio ICT-BIOCHAIN Spiral. G
- Slides: 70