Literature Survey Literature Comprehension Literature Review Thesis Structure

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Literature Survey, Literature Comprehension, & Literature Review

Literature Survey, Literature Comprehension, & Literature Review

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Design

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Design

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4.

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4. Development

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 3.

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4. Development

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2. Literature

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4. Development

Thesis Structure n n n Consider these as “logical chapters”, that is to say

Thesis Structure n n n Consider these as “logical chapters”, that is to say they might represent a number of physical chapters or a single section For example, “Chapter 2”, the Literature Review chapter might consist of a chapter on Knowledge Management, a separate chapter on Knowledge Elicitation Or for example, “Chapter 5”, the Evaluation Chapter might just exist as a section in the Conclusions and Future Work chapter.

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2. Literature

Thesis Structure Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4. Development

Mirroring of Chapters Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2.

Mirroring of Chapters Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 5. Evaluation Chapter 3. Design Chapter 4. Development

Mirroring of Chapters n n n All of the main points raised in the

Mirroring of Chapters n n n All of the main points raised in the Introduction chapter should be addressed in the Conclusions chapter. All of the main sections in the Research Method (or Design) chapter should appear in the Data Analysis (or Experiment) chapter. All of the main sections in the Literature Review chapter should be re-discussed in the Data Findings (or Reflections) chapter.

Introduction to Literature

Introduction to Literature

Introduction n Finding out what is happening in your area of research is a

Introduction n Finding out what is happening in your area of research is a vital step along your journey to discovery, to find and understand how leading researchers in your field have tackled similar problems and the results they obtained, shortcomings they observed and methodologies they employed are the goals of the literature review process.

Introduction n Additionally the literature reviews serves other purposes; ¡ It shares the reader

Introduction n Additionally the literature reviews serves other purposes; ¡ It shares the reader with other studies closely related to your work ¡ It relates your work to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature ¡ It shows how your study is filling in gaps and extending prior studies. ¡ It provides a framework for establishing the importance of your study ¡ It provides a benchmark for comparing the results of your study with other findings

Introduction . . . in other words. . .

Introduction . . . in other words. . .

Introduction . . . the literature review. . .

Introduction . . . the literature review. . .

Introduction . . . is really, really important.

Introduction . . . is really, really important.

2 D Analysis n The objective of this process is to systematically analyse the

2 D Analysis n The objective of this process is to systematically analyse the existing research and classify it in one of two dimensions. ¡ ¡ The breadth of the review is concerned with ‘setting the scene’, in terms of describing the foundational research in this particular domain, there will be research mentioned from each of the areas you have included in your spider diagram. The depth of the research concerns itself with the particular topic work that your research will be built upon. There should be approximately the same number of research papers covered in the depth and breath of the research review.

Examples n Let’s look at three examples ¡ ¡ ¡ Knowledge Management Information Technology

Examples n Let’s look at three examples ¡ ¡ ¡ Knowledge Management Information Technology Assistive Technology

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research Depth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research Depth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0 Elicitation Decision Support

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0 Elicitation Breadth of Domain Decision Support

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps Knowledge Sharing Agile Methods Web 2. 0 Elicitation Decision Support Breadth of Domain Indicate your awareness of the broader field, and you know where your specific topic fits into the domain

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research Depth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research Depth of Research

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Example Probst Nonaka Bhatt Ruggles Davenport Eppler Wiig Prusak Gurteen Knowledge Management O’Reilly Web 2. 0 Mc. Afee Miller Eggers Knorr Grossman

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Web 2. 0

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Knowledge Maps

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Elicitation

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Elicitation

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Agile Methods

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Agile Methods

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Decision Support

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Decision Support

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Decision Support Elicitation Web 2. 0 Agile Methods Knowledge

Knowledge Management Example Knowledge Management Decision Support Elicitation Web 2. 0 Agile Methods Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Maps

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

Information Technology Example Information Technology

Information Technology Example Information Technology

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Agent

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Agent Development

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Breadth

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Breadth of Domain Agent Development

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Agent

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis Computer Architecture Networks Databases Assistive Technology Agent Development Breadth of Domain Indicate your awareness of the broader field, and you know where your specific topic fits into the domain

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information Technology

Information Technology Example Information Technology Databases

Information Technology Example Information Technology Databases

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information Technology Databases

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information

Information Technology Example Knuth Wirth Naur Hoare von Neumann Dijkstra Turing Moore Boehm Information Technology Databases Date Codd Gray Boyce Pipes Epstein

Information Technology Example Information Technology Databases

Information Technology Example Information Technology Databases

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis

Information Technology Example Information Technology Image Synthesis

Information Technology Example Information Technology Networks

Information Technology Example Information Technology Networks

Information Technology Example Information Technology Agent Development

Information Technology Example Information Technology Agent Development

Information Technology Example Information Technology Comp Architecture

Information Technology Example Information Technology Comp Architecture

Information Technology Example Information Technology Assistive Tech

Information Technology Example Information Technology Assistive Tech

Information Technology Example Information Technology Agent Development Assistive Tech Databases Networks Comp Architecture Image

Information Technology Example Information Technology Agent Development Assistive Tech Databases Networks Comp Architecture Image Synthesis

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

2 D Analysis Breadth of Research

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC MPT

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC MPT

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC Breadth of Domain

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC Breadth of Domain MPT

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC MPT Breadth of

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware Accessibility Usability Universal Design AAC MPT Breadth of Domain Indicate your awareness of the broader field, and you know where your specific topic fits into the domain

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Universal Design

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Universal Design

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology Universal Design

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Example Schaff Cain Lahm Lee Meyer Rose Swann Adlam Scherer Assistive Technology Universal Design Mace Story Ostroff Mueller Dolan Preiser

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Universal Design

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Universal Design

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Hardware

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Usability

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Usability

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology MPT

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology MPT

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Accessibility

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology Accessibility

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology AAC

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology AAC

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology MPT AAC Universal Design Usability Accessibility Hardware

Assistive Technology Example Assistive Technology MPT AAC Universal Design Usability Accessibility Hardware

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts:

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey Literature Comprehension

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey Literature Comprehension Literature Review

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey Literature Comprehension Literature Review Collecting the literature

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey Collecting the literature Literature Comprehension Understanding the literature Literature Review

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into

The Literature Review n To made things clear, we divide the Literature Review into three parts: Literature Survey Collecting the literature Literature Comprehension Understanding the literature Literature Reviewing the literature