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LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY • A common essay task you will be asked to write

LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY • A common essay task you will be asked to write in higher education will be literary analysis essays. • The intent of a literary analysis essay is to look at author intent, message, characterization, social commentary, plot in order to determine larger meaning.

THIS ESSAY • For this paper, you will be developing a thesis driven literary

THIS ESSAY • For this paper, you will be developing a thesis driven literary analysis on aspects of your independent novel. • There is no prompt, you are creating the prompt or topic. • You can choose to use character, setting, conflicts in the novel, theme, symbolism, point of view. – Think about how these things impact the story or storytelling. • The key is that you must be able to support your indepth analysis with quotes and specificity. • In order to ensure that you are on the right track, you must have your topic approved by me.

DUE DATES Topic Approval~ Tuesday 10/28 Outline~ DUE Friday 11/1 by 10 pm on

DUE DATES Topic Approval~ Tuesday 10/28 Outline~ DUE Friday 11/1 by 10 pm on turnitin. com • Working Thesis Included • 4 level outline • Must include quotes Rough Draft~ DUE Friday 11/8 by 10 pm on turnitin. com AND hard copy to class on Tuesday 11/12 Peer editing Tuesday 11/12 • 1200 -1500 Words • Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times font, heading, header w/ page numbers • In-text citations and Works Cited page. (Must follow MLA format) Final Paper ~ DUE by Friday 11/15 by 10 pm to turnitin. com (no hard copy needed)

ESSAY REQUIREMENTS • 1, 200 -1, 500 Words • Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12

ESSAY REQUIREMENTS • 1, 200 -1, 500 Words • Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times font, heading, header with page numbers • In-text citations and Works Cited page. (Must follow MLA format) • Final due: 11/15 by 10 pm

TASK TODAY • Figure out what you are going to analyze in your novel

TASK TODAY • Figure out what you are going to analyze in your novel Write a working thesis • Give me a rough outline of what you are going to argue • Best format to you