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INSTRUMENTATION • Combination of instruments used to perform a song. • Sound that each

INSTRUMENTATION • Combination of instruments used to perform a song. • Sound that each instrument make must be considered. • Remember the voice is an instrument also.

STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSIVE ELEMENT MELODIC IDEA This mean pitch movement, which deals with the

STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSIVE ELEMENT MELODIC IDEA This mean pitch movement, which deals with the intervals between notes. For example, the pitch movement uses a range of 1 st, 4 th, 5 th or a combination or step and skips or many leaps were used. Simple or complex. Staccato or legato What is the tonality? Is it major or minor? HARMONIC IDEA Tonality of the chords. Is it consonance or dissonance notes/chords being used? Relaxed versus tense. Cadence – this speaks about how the music or a phrase ends.

RHYTHMIC IDEA Metre – the time signature of the piece Beat – is in

RHYTHMIC IDEA Metre – the time signature of the piece Beat – is in on the beat or syncopated (off beat)? Is the beat steady throughout? Tempo – what is the speed on the song? Does the speed remain the same throughout the song? Style – is the music Calypso, Pop, Rock, EDM?

DYNAMICS What is the volume of the music? Does it remain the same throughout

DYNAMICS What is the volume of the music? Does it remain the same throughout the song?

TEXTURE Monophonic – one melody. Homophonic – melody and accompaniment. Polyphonic – Many layers

TEXTURE Monophonic – one melody. Homophonic – melody and accompaniment. Polyphonic – Many layers of sound happening at the same time. Heterophonic – a variation of the melodic line played at the same time by more than one voice or instrument. Is it dense, full, thick or light and thin?

FORM What is the structure, plan or layout of the music? Binary – A

FORM What is the structure, plan or layout of the music? Binary – A B Ternary – A B A Rondo – A B A C A Strophic – Verse and chorus.

SOCIOCULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE How does this song grasp the attention of the intended audience? Who

SOCIOCULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE How does this song grasp the attention of the intended audience? Who is the intended audience? Is it because of the style of music used? The lyrics. The voice (male, female, kids) The tempo.

EXAMPLE Below you will find a musical advertisement. Listen to it carefully, then look

EXAMPLE Below you will find a musical advertisement. Listen to it carefully, then look at the analysis below. For every point in the analysis, go back and play the song to listen for that particular element of music.

INSTRUMENTATION Male tenor voice Keyboard – percussion Claves – percussion Crash symbol – percussion

INSTRUMENTATION Male tenor voice Keyboard – percussion Claves – percussion Crash symbol – percussion Bass Guitar – chordophone Drum kit – percussion African drum – percussion Trumpet – brass/wind

RHYTHMIC IDEA Steady cut time metre Syncopated beat throughout the song. Calypso style Allegro

RHYTHMIC IDEA Steady cut time metre Syncopated beat throughout the song. Calypso style Allegro tempo

MELODIC IDEA Simple melody throughout the song. Intervals within the song consist of a

MELODIC IDEA Simple melody throughout the song. Intervals within the song consist of a combination of step, skip and leap patterns. Both conjunct and disjunct motions occur in the melody. Tonality – major 4 bar phrase sequence.

HARMONIC IDEA Major chords played throughout the song. Harmonies mainly produced by the voice

HARMONIC IDEA Major chords played throughout the song. Harmonies mainly produced by the voice and keyboard. Cadence- imperfect cadence at the ending of the verse. Song ended in a perfect cadence. There were both dissonance and consonance chords.

DYNAMICS Introduction started moderately loud, then got moderately soft my the phrase “smile is

DYNAMICS Introduction started moderately loud, then got moderately soft my the phrase “smile is truly yours”. With the other instruments introduced, it remained moderately loud but the cadence into the chorus was a crescendo. Song ended very loud.

TEXTURE Homophonic throughout. Song began with homophonic texture with voice and keyboard. The bass

TEXTURE Homophonic throughout. Song began with homophonic texture with voice and keyboard. The bass guitar, claves, drumkit/cymbol and African drums was then introduced, ending the introduction with the trumpet. All instruments through to the end.

FORM Strophic – Verse and chorus

FORM Strophic – Verse and chorus

SOCIOCULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE Because of the lyrics, style and upbeat tempo of the advertisement, it

SOCIOCULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE Because of the lyrics, style and upbeat tempo of the advertisement, it makes it “catchy” to any audience. There a few hook lines that make it easy to sing along too. Because of the Caribbean feel of the advertisement, it can attract tourist easily to use the airline and to visit the country.