Lions For Life Lions 4 Life Lions For

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Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life Lions For Life is all about the people! We are dedicated to bringing Penn State Abington together with surrounding community to promote a healthy, active lifestyle! Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life Lions For Life will be providing refreshments for all participants. We will have Gatorade, G 2 and Water. Let us know your favorite flavors! #Lions 4 Life #Hydrate Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life Need a ride to the event? Contact Brandon Bailey of University Relations at bvb 5546@psu. edu to arrange a ride. Car pool services are now in effect! #Car. Pool #Lions 4 Life #Get. There Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life People ask “why do we do this? ”. The answer is simple: WE CARE! We want the youth to succeed and take life on at full force. This is one of the biggest driving factors of the whole campaign. #Lions 4 Life #Why. We. Do. It #Simple

Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life Lions For Life is all about the people! We are dedicated to bringing Penn State Abington together with surrounding community to promote a healthy, active lifestyle! Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life Hitting the craft store to make some supplies for Lions For Life! Tweet us your best motivational phrases and we’ll incorporate them into the program! #Lions 4 Life Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life PSU Athletes are an important part of this event. What teams do you want us to invite out to the event? Let us know in the mentions! #Lions 4 Life #Athletics #Who. Is. The. Best Lions For Life @Lions 4 Life An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but come check out what our doctors have to say at Lions For Life to find out the best diet advice! #Clean. Eats #Healthy. Eats #Lions 4 Life #Fruitsn. Veggies