Light waves interact with materials Light can be

Light waves interact with materials Light can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

TRANSMISSION l Transmission is the passage of an EM wave through a medium l If light reflected by objects did not pass through air, windows, or most of the eye, we would not be able to see objects Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Absorption l Absorption is the disappearance of an EM wave into the medium l Absorption affects the way things look Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Watch this clip to learn about transparent, translucent, and opaque objects. Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

How materials transmit light l Transparent materials allow most of the light that strikes them to pass through l It is possible to see objects through a transparent material l Air, water, clear glass Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

CAN YOU NAME SOME TRANSPARENT OBJECTS? Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Translucent l Translucent materials transmit some light but cause it to spread in all directions l You can see light through these materials but no clearly l Lampshades, frosted glass, sheer fabrics, notebook paper Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

CAN YOU NAME SOME TRANSLUCENT OBJECTS? Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

OPAQUE l Opaque materials do not allow any light to pass through them l Heavy fabrics, construction paper, ceramic mugs Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

CAN YOU NAME SOME OPAQUE OBJECTS? Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

LET’S REVIEW l TRANSPARENT l TRANSLUCENT l OPAQUE Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Let’s Play a Game!! Rules: If the ball is tossed to you, answer the question that appears on the slide. *If you get the question right, toss the ball to a friend. *If you get the question wrong, toss the ball to your teacher. GOOD LUCK! Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This flask is …. l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This lamp shade is… l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This vase is …. l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Aluminum Foil is… l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This greenhouse is …. l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This wall is …. l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

This rock is…. l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

A magnifying glass is …. . l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Tissues are… l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010

Notebook Paper is… l Transparent l Translucent l Opaque Created by KBuckner for Fried or Slide PBL 2010
- Slides: 22