Lesson 3 Dates and Time Prof LingLing Shih

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Lesson 3 Dates and Time 第三课 时间 施玲玲 老师 (Prof. Ling-Ling. Shih) Bard High School Early College 二〇一八年十月十日

Learning Objective for Lesson 3 Time § Tell and speak about time Invite and dates. Age § Invite someone to dinner. Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 2

我们学什么? class Please prepare the vocabulary card before the Voc Time 12 months Days of the week Ask about Birthday Ask about age Invitation Thank you! 吃 喜欢 Short phrases 怎么样 太Adj. 了 Good bye! Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 3

Cultural Comparison • How do you tell time? Year-Monthdate? Which one go first? • Is it appropriate to ask about people’s age and birthday in your culture? • What do people typically do to celebrate their birthday? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 4

Warm-up (5 min) 我们学 • “问好”Greetings • 问朋友的“家人” • Ask about friend’s family • Ask “what do they do? ” (问“他们做什么 作?”) Now我们学 • How to ask about people’s age and their birthday. • How to invite them to a dinner on their birthday. And how to tell time? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 5

Vocabulary 生字 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 6

月 yuè “moon; month” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 7

九月 jiǔyuè “September” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 8

号 hào “number, day of month” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 9

日 rì “day, sun” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 10

十二 shí‘èr “twelve” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 11

星期 xīngqī “week” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 12

星期四 xīngqīsì “Thursday” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 13

天 tiān “day” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 14

生 shēng “to give birth; to be born” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 15

生日 shēng rì “birthday” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 16

年 nián “year” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 17

今 年 jīn nián “this year” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 18

多 duō “how much/many” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 19

大 dà “big; old” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 20

多大 duō dà “how old” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 21

十八 shíbā “eighteen” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 22

岁 suì “year (of age) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 23

白 bái “white; a surname” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 24

小白 Xiǎo Bái “Little Bai” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 25

请 qǐng “to treat (sb. ); to invite” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 26

吃 chī “to eat” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 27

晚 wǎn “evening; night; late” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 28

饭 fàn “meal” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 29

晚饭 wǎnfàn “dinner; supper” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 30

吃饭 chī fàn “to eat (a meal)” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 31

怎么样 zěnmeyàng “How does it sound” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 32

太…了 tài…le “too; extremely” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 33

谢谢 xièxie “thank you” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 34

喜欢 xǐhuan “to like Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 35

还是 háishi “or” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 36

可是 kěshì “but” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 37

好 hǎo “O. K. ” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 38

我� wǒmen “we” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 39

点 diǎn “o’clock” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 40

� zhōng “clock” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 41

点� diǎnzhōng “o’clock” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 42

半 bàn “half; half an hour” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 43

晚上 wǎnshàng “evening, night” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 44

再 zài “again” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 45

� jiàn “to see” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 46

再� zàijiàn “good-bye” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 47
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