Les adjectifs possessifs Possessive Adjectives Les adjectifs possessifs

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Les adjectifs possessifs Possessive Adjectives

Les adjectifs possessifs l There are two ways to express possession. We have already been using one. l That’s David’s sister = Ça c’est la soeur de David l These are David’s cousins. = Ça ce sont les cousins de David l The other way to express possession is to use possessive adjectives (my, his, ours etc. ) l In French the possessive adjective takes the place of the le or the la.

Les adjectifs possessifs l. Here l are three possessive adjectives in French MY l masculine = Mon l Feminine = Ma l Plural = mes Masculine: Notre l Feminine: Notre l Plural : Nos l l Your (tu) l l Masculine = Ton l Feminine = Ta l Plural = tes His or Her Masculine = Son l Feminine = Sa l Plural =Ses l Your (vous) Masculine: Votre l Feminine: Votre l Plural: Vos l l Our l l Their Masculine: leur l Feminine: leur l Plural : Leurs l

Possessive Adjectives l In French, just like regular adjectives, the possessive adjective must agree with what it is possessing. l If the noun is feminine, the possessive adjective is feminine. l If the noun is plural, the possessive adjective is plural! l Example l Ma soeur = my sister l Ses cousins = his/her cousins l Ton grand-père = your grandfather

SON and SA l Son, Sa, and Ses can mean either his or her. l The agreement is with the noun possessed, NOT the owner l Example: Le chien de Claire = Son chien (because dog is masculine even though it belongs to Claire) l Example: His girl cousin l Sa cousine

BEFORE A VOWEL l Before a masculine or feminine singular noun that beings with a vowel or silent h, you use the masculine form of the possessive adjective l Mon ami = masculine vowel l Mon amie = feminine vowel = my friend l Son amie = feminine vowel =his/her friend l Notre enfant = our child

Possessive Adjectives Another way to indicate possession is with the preposition de. l De/d’ plus a person’s name is used the same way ‘s is used in English l l EXAMPLE: J’aime bien le frère d’André = I really like André’s brother. l Example: I like Mike’s sister l J’aime la soeur de Mike.

CLASS WORK l Write the following into French l Our mother l His aunt l My friend (who is a girl) l Their daughter l Your (formal) teachers l He likes the cousin of Yves (girl). l We like the uncle of Noelle.