Ledelsesinformasjonsystem Notar Ledelsesinformasjonsystem Notar Oppdragsgiver Ledelsesinformasjonsystem Notar Virksomhetsomrder

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Ledelsesinformasjonsystem Notar

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem Notar

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Oppdragsgiver:

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Oppdragsgiver:

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Virksomhetsområder Notar Eiendom Codex Advokat Conto Creno Inkasso u Næringseiendom •

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Virksomhetsområder Notar Eiendom Codex Advokat Conto Creno Inkasso u Næringseiendom • Arbeidsrett • Selskapsrett u Fritidseiendom • Fast eiendom u Utvikling/salg av • Forsikringsrett u Inkasso nye boligprosjekter • Erstatningsrett u Rettslig inkasso u Utleie av privat • Skatterett u Boligeiendom og næringseiendom • Styrearbeid • Avtalerett • Kontraktsrett • Markedsrett • Immaterialrett u. Boligfinansiering u Kreditt-opplysninger u Boligforsikringer u Kredittovervåking u Purreservice u Inkasso-overvåking

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Problem to solve: Notar AS needed a tool that would make

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Problem to solve: Notar AS needed a tool that would make it possible to get information out of two separate databases and present them to the user. The new tool should be able to generate the reports, that today are made manually, automatically. Today very much time is used in updating those reports and therefore the information is only update once a week or once a month depending on the report. With the new tool it should be possible to get the data on updated report every day.

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Reports to generate: Resultatrapport § § Oversikt over franchiseavgift Låneoversikt eksterne

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Reports to generate: Resultatrapport § § Oversikt over franchiseavgift Låneoversikt eksterne lån Inntektsføringsrapport Konsolidert regnskapsrapport Balanserapport § Mellomværende oversikt § Likviditetsrapport § Kontantstrømrapport - +/- 30 dager Aktivitetsrapport § Ukerapport Eiendom § Ti på topp rapport § Servicerapport Kontrollrapport § Avvik – og utleggsrapport

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Why did I choose this project: ü I work in the

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Why did I choose this project: ü I work in the IT division of Notar AS so it would be natural to choose a project there. ü I wanted to work with something different in my ”Hovedprosjekt” than what I do every day. ü Datawarehousing seemed to be a very interesting subject and it was a good chance to learn something about it.

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar How was the problem solved: The problem was solved using Microsoft

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar How was the problem solved: The problem was solved using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Excel for presenting the reports. A cube was generated for each of the reports that the new system should present. The user interface is Excel using Pivot tables and Pivot charts and the cubes as data sources.

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar How was the problem solved:

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar How was the problem solved:

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Results: ü Most of the reports are finished ü Procedures for

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Results: ü Most of the reports are finished ü Procedures for updating the data in the reports is finished ü The layout of the reports is ready ü Reports that are ready and tested are in production

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Next on the project: ü Develop two the reports that are

Ledelsesinformasjonsystem – Notar Next on the project: ü Develop two the reports that are not finished ü Check that the information in the new reports is correct ü Put the system in production ü Update the documentation