Lecture 1 Materials Engineering Introduction Shokoofeh Asadi MSc

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Lecture 1 Materials Engineering Introduction Shokoofeh Asadi (MSc, BEng Architectur Engineering) ENG-1020: Introduction to

Lecture 1 Materials Engineering Introduction Shokoofeh Asadi (MSc, BEng Architectur Engineering) ENG-1020: Introduction to Materials Engineering

About this Course Assessment Types Value Date Class Participation & Quizzes * 10% 08/10/2018~26/10/2018

About this Course Assessment Types Value Date Class Participation & Quizzes * 10% 08/10/2018~26/10/2018 Attendance 5% 08/10/2018~26/10/2018 Mid-course exam ** 10% 17/10/2018 Group project *** 25% Final Exam 50% 15/10/2018~24/10/2018 26/10/2018

Contents Material Engineering Ø How to make useful things Ø Ø Materials Material properties

Contents Material Engineering Ø How to make useful things Ø Ø Materials Material properties Ø Processes How to shape / join materials Ø Ø Ø Design What choices of materials & processes to produce a thing of value.

History of Materials have been used to advance / change society Ø Ø Functional

History of Materials have been used to advance / change society Ø Ø Functional reasons: do new things, Do old things better or more efficiently Human reasons: psychological, societal, Power, status We talk of the “Stone Age”, the “Bronze Age” and the “Iron Age” These refer to the dominant materials that defined these societies Today we might be in the “Silicon Age” - but things are changing so quickly that Ages are becoming Decades Most of the materials we use today have been developed in the past 100 years!

History of Materials Ø Ø Ø Next slide shows the development of materials over

History of Materials Ø Ø Ø Next slide shows the development of materials over time. Materials of pre-history are on the left and occur naturally The development of chemistry and polymers enabled man-made materials shown in the coloured zones on the right.

Timeline of Materials

Timeline of Materials

History of Materials Ø Ø Ø Ø 10000 years ago most of the materials

History of Materials Ø Ø Ø Ø 10000 years ago most of the materials were naturally occurring Some processes were developed such as Weaving, brickmaking, cloth making, tool making. As each Age came, new processes allowed the development of new materials. A few hundreds more materials perhaps In the past 100 years this small number has grown enormously – we now have 160, 000 different materials that we have developed and “know” Light alloys (new to this century – 1000's) High performance composites (new to this century – 100's) Synthetic Polymers and elastomers gels and foams (new to this century – 45000) This wealth of choice is a key problem. We need to know: Ø Broad categories of materials , categorized by useful properties Ø How to select the “best” material for a purpose

History of Materials e. g. , airplane design Over one generation of airplanes, engineering

History of Materials e. g. , airplane design Over one generation of airplanes, engineering has changed dramatically: Boeing 777 Boeing 787 Aluminum 75% 20% Steel 9% 10% Titanium 5% 15% Composite 10% 50% Other 1% 5%

History of Materials The forces for change are many Ø Ø Power, political, military,

History of Materials The forces for change are many Ø Ø Power, political, military, economic Human / social, recreational Need Food Clothing Shelter Ø Protection from elements, disease, enemies Ø Curiosity

Materials, Process and Design Ø Ø Making useful things is a three-part process The

Materials, Process and Design Ø Ø Making useful things is a three-part process The parts are not independent Ultimately, you need to make something that will be economically viable Ø i. e. , it makes money as a regular commercial item Ø or. . . governments (who have lots of money) are willing to buy it The broad flow of the design process might be as follows:

The Design Process & Its Inputs

The Design Process & Its Inputs

People and the Market In developed countries there are many technically good products Ø

People and the Market In developed countries there are many technically good products Ø It is often desire (not need) which drives markets Ø Greater functionality, or cross functionality “Mash-Ups” Ø Novel behaviour get valued – they have a “Cool factor” Ø Designers sometimes respond to market needs Ø Customer surveys, etc. Ø Exploration of human behaviour to understand what people want, need, and can become entrenched in their normal life Ø “Design Research” / “Human Factors Design”

People and Markets But some products are truly revolutionary and take everyone by surprise.

People and Markets But some products are truly revolutionary and take everyone by surprise. Ø Ø Designer identifies an unknown “need” or “desire” Creates a product that meets the need Then with the right marketing, the need is felt through the society and a new market is born Watches, i. Phones, i. Pod's, Walkman's etc.

Other Design Drivers Science and Technology Ø Continue to expose new opportunities by advances

Other Design Drivers Science and Technology Ø Continue to expose new opportunities by advances in material and processes Ø Being able to maintain a set of ideal properties over a wide range of environmental conditions is the ultimate goal. e. g. , Tires that don't melt in driving across lava. Ø Miniaturization Ø Efficiency

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Ø Sustainability and the Environment Human activity has an

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Ø Sustainability and the Environment Human activity has an impact on all life Some of this can be absorbed without upsetting the balance of nature Ø This has become untrue more frequently in the past 100 years Legislation is becoming a hard condition which must be met and so can have impact on any design Environmental friendliness however can be a goal of “eco” companies and can become a driver of design in its own right

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Economics and Investment Climate The time needs to be

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Economics and Investment Climate The time needs to be right for certain investments Ø Investment in a new product requires confidence in the product and the general economic and political climate Ø Patent issues are also important – is development protected for some time? Products are economically viable if their value in the marketplace is greater than the cost by a significant margin Ø This is the cost of “risk” How much can you sell, and for what price? Some products have value to some of the market, but different value to other parts of the market Ø Titanium bicycle: valuable to cycling enthusiasts, but not to grandma who goes shopping at low speed

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Ø Aesthetics, Behaviour and Overall Design Aesthetics inspire, excite.

Other Design Drivers Ø Ø Ø Aesthetics, Behaviour and Overall Design Aesthetics inspire, excite. Aesthetically pleasing products want to be touched and used. They feel good, smell good. They stimulate your senses - so that you want them, so that you get memories, feelings: Ø Touch – Warm / Cold / Soft / Hard/ Flexible/ Stiff Ø Sight – Clear / transparent / translucent / opaque / reflective / glossy / matte / textured Ø Sound – Muffled / Dull / Sharp / Resonant / Ringing / Low Pitch / High Pitch Ø Taste / Smell – bitter / sweet / natural / industrial

Other Design Drivers Ø “Form follows function”. i. e. , you need to have

Other Design Drivers Ø “Form follows function”. i. e. , you need to have a product that functions properly. Then you give it a form. But the form can actually be quite important: Ø Product differentiation Ø Simple interfaces / ease of use (“It just works”) Ø Corporate or brand identity Ø Product life: “iconic” designs last well beyond their design life (classic cars, etc)

Gold, Sand String Ø Ø Ø Gold sand string are just some of the

Gold, Sand String Ø Ø Ø Gold sand string are just some of the materials around us They are dissimilar and so deserve special stories They represent the metallic, the inorganic and the organic resources of the world Ø Gold → bronze → iron → modern metals Ø Sand → stone → clay → silicon Ø String → rope → cloth → rubbers and elastomers

Gold Ø Ø Pure gold coins stamped with a lion and a bull were

Gold Ø Ø Pure gold coins stamped with a lion and a bull were made in Anatolia in the 6 th century BCE under the rule of King Croesus Ø “rich as Croesus” Each weighs about 8 gm Like a jelly bean, with 25 billion x trillion atoms of gold (Au) Gold has only one stable isotope, so the atoms are all the same

Gold Ø Ø The coins were made by melting gold and then stamping them

Gold Ø Ø The coins were made by melting gold and then stamping them with the images When the gold cooled the gold settled into an arrangement which is called “crystalline” Ø Atoms are regularly arranged in a crystal pattern Ø X-ray diffraction shows this clearly Ø Gold is a “cubic” pattern (face-centred cubic, fcc) Ø From the X-ray analysis we know that the edge of each face is 0. 41 nm

Gold Ø Ø Ø But it's not just one big crystal! Crystallization starts at

Gold Ø Ø Ø But it's not just one big crystal! Crystallization starts at the same time at many places in the liquid gold Lots of little crystals form, and they meet up at crystal boundaries Ø Each little crystal has a random orientation and usually doesn't match its neighbours Ø Get crystal boundaries

Gold Ø Ø Naturally occurring gold is usually not pure. King Croesus' gold was

Gold Ø Ø Naturally occurring gold is usually not pure. King Croesus' gold was about 25% silver He was able to make pure gold by refining: Ø Beat the gold into thin sheets Ø Place in layers with salt and other materials Ø Heat to just below melting point of gold about 1000 C – the salt combines with the silver and leaves behind the gold Ø The remaining gold has lots of little tunnels but is made pure and solid by beating it

Gold Ø Ø Other atoms might be in gold too: Ø Copper (found in

Gold Ø Ø Other atoms might be in gold too: Ø Copper (found in Egyptian rose gold – 10% Cu) and iron (Fe) will dissolve in gold Ø The Cu, Fe are about the same size as a gold atom and so can be substituted into the crystal matrix Ø Platinum, osmium, iridium – can be found mixed in but do not dissolve – they are usually separate particles The overall composition of a metal can identify where it is from – most places have a unique signature for the amount of additional trace elements that they contain Ø e. g, 8 th century gold coins in Spain had a markedly lower tin content (Sn) than previously – indicative of the Arab conquest because the gold came from West Africa

Bronze Bells Ø Ø Ø Copper is abundant but soft Melts at a fairly

Bronze Bells Ø Ø Ø Copper is abundant but soft Melts at a fairly low temperature (1100 C) which can be achieved with primitive furnaces Discovered that bronze could be made: an alloy of copper and tin Ø Much harder, useful for weapons and tools Ø 4 parts Cu, 1 part Sn Bells made of bronze don't crack when struck, and retain an audible ring for up to a minute after being struck Ø Has to do with the speed of sound in the alloy Now have many other Cu alloys: Ø Zinc-Cu (“brass”), Nickel bronze, Aluminum bronze, silicon bronze, phosphor bronze etc. Ø All are used in mechanical engineering

Copper Ø Ø Huge increase in Cu production in 19 th century Copper is

Copper Ø Ø Huge increase in Cu production in 19 th century Copper is an excellent conductor People found uses for electricity including telephone cables Ø Transatlantic cable laid but it was unreliable Ø Didn't understand the resistivity of the copper was strongly affected by impurities – higher purity, higher conductivity (lower resistance) Developed methods for making 99. 999% pure copper – dissolve in acid bath, and redeposit the Cu ions on the cathode of a battery

Steel Ø Ø Ø Small scale steelmaking by blacksmiths has been done for a

Steel Ø Ø Ø Small scale steelmaking by blacksmiths has been done for a long time – knowledge of forging, annealing, quenching, tempering was well known Iron melts at 1500 C which is much hotter than primitive furnaces can be “Big Steel” started in the 1850's when blast furnaces were built to perform molten steelmaking. Steel is Iron with embedded carbon. Ø There are many, many kinds of steel But it is very complicated and exactly how you make it will control what you get

Steel Ø Ø Other iron alloys were also made Ø Iron + Manganese (Mn)

Steel Ø Ø Other iron alloys were also made Ø Iron + Manganese (Mn) – strong and tough Ø Iron + Chromium (Cr) – resists rust Ø Iron + Tungsten (W) – extremely hard even at high temperatures Big picture eventually followed: Ø Steel is made by reducing carbon content from 4% to lower value Ø Steel properties depend on exactly how much carbon (or other elements) there is, plus how it is made in terms of temperature and process

Sand Ø Ø Silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) are the most common elements on

Sand Ø Ø Silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) are the most common elements on earth, and together form quartz crystals, sand (Si-O-Si) Quartz is a crystal – but is difficult to make! Ø Requires very slow cooling of quartz – geological time. Ø Too rapid cooling – and a glass is formed. Glasses are not crystalline – but “nearly” They are actually extremely thick, viscous liquid: glass “flows” Ø Cathedral windows which are 500 years old are turned upside down to get the glass to flow the other way: the glass was getting noticeably thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom

Sand Ø Ø Ø Calcite / sand are used in the making of cement

Sand Ø Ø Ø Calcite / sand are used in the making of cement and concrete Clay is another natural material that is actually made of nano-particles – little crystalline plates Ø Under right heat conditions, these can be made to form new materials like ceramics Clay is combined with limestone to make Portland cement- the key ingredient in making concrete (together with sand water) Ø Under right heat conditions – about 1400 C – the calcium silicates produced are the key ingredients in cement.

Strings Ø Ø Ø Long “macromolecules” were first discovered about 100 years ago –

Strings Ø Ø Ø Long “macromolecules” were first discovered about 100 years ago – cellulose It is the main component of all green plants. Cellulose is very long – in cotton it can be 10, 000 units long. Ø It is not branched Ø Contains O and H – and so when cellulose molecules lie side-by-side they get linked by relatively strong chemical forces Ø Parallel chains will pack tightly in a crystalline way

Strings Ø Ø Ø Rubber is also a long stringy molecule It is a

Strings Ø Ø Ø Rubber is also a long stringy molecule It is a hydrocarbon, with no oxygen and so the chemical forces between the chains is very small (van der Waals forces) Rubber molecules are like chains of spaghetti, all mixed up and tangled

Strings Ø Ø Cellulose goes to making wood and paper Other fibrous materials like

Strings Ø Ø Cellulose goes to making wood and paper Other fibrous materials like cotton, wool, silk – have similar properties and great importance Strong in tension, not so good in compression Side-bonding between chains makes a lot of difference in the material behaviour

Others Materials? Ø Ø Ø Not everything is a metal, polymer or ceramic. Ø

Others Materials? Ø Ø Ø Not everything is a metal, polymer or ceramic. Ø Water Ø Diamond? Ø Semiconductors In general the periodic table has metals in the left side, toward the right are the non-metals and the far right column is the noble gases. Any new materials we make will depend on the proportion and arrangement of specific atoms, as well as how we “cook” the final product.