Latinos Native Americans Women Latinos Seek Equality What

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Latinos Native Americans Women

Latinos Native Americans Women

Latinos Seek Equality What did Latinos campaign for? How did groups and individuals go

Latinos Seek Equality What did Latinos campaign for? How did groups and individuals go about getting it? Improved working conditions and better treatment for farm workers • Cesar Chavez – UFW • 3 week fast and national grape boycott Educational programs for Spanish-speaking students More political power • Groups fought for classes taught in Spanish, smaller classes, more Chicano teachers, etc • Students held strikes • MAPA sponsored candidates • La Raza Unida • Alianza Federal de Mercedes Federal laws passed to address these needs? None Bilingual Education Act None

Movement What did Native Americans campaign for? How did some Native American individuals and

Movement What did Native Americans campaign for? How did some Native American individuals and groups go about getting what they wanted? Federal laws passed? Healthier, more secure lives of their own choosing • 61 Native Organizations drafted Declaration of Indian Education Act Indian Purpose • Self determination and Indian Selfend to termination policy Determination and • Programs to create Education Assistance Act economic opportunity on reservations Restoration of Indian lands, burial grounds, fishing and timber rights • Military Actions to confront US gov’t • Indians of all tribes seized Alcatraz • AIM (Russell Means) seized BIA bldg in Washington & Wounded Knee – took land claims to federal court Alaska Native Lands Claim Settlement Act

Women Fight for Equality Workplace Widespread wage and job discrimination awakened women to inferior

Women Fight for Equality Workplace Widespread wage and job discrimination awakened women to inferior status Social Activism Discrimination faced w/in civil rights and anti-war movements awakened them to unequal treatment “Consciousness raising” Helped women discover their personal experiences were part of larger pattern Feminism Provided theory for the movement Betty Friedan “The Feminine Mystique” Encouraged women to organize and take action Civil Rights Act of 1964 Gave women legal tools to fight discrimination National Organization for Women Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine (NOW) Informed women about women’s Actively pursued the movement’s social movement and political goals Congress Banned gender discrimination in ed & activities supported by federal funds Expanded EEOC’s enforcement power Gave working parents tax breaks for child care Supreme Court Roe v. Wade recognized women’s right to have abortion during the first 3 months of pregnancy

Equal Rights Amendment WHO? Conservative political and religious groups Anti-feminists Phyllis Schlafly Stop ERA

Equal Rights Amendment WHO? Conservative political and religious groups Anti-feminists Phyllis Schlafly Stop ERA campaigns WHY? Anti-feminism Fears it would lead to draft of women, end laws protecting homemakers Impact on families End husbands responsibility to provide for the family

Culture and Counterculture Members or participants • Idealistic or disillusioned young people • White

Culture and Counterculture Members or participants • Idealistic or disillusioned young people • White middle class youth • Hippies • People experiencing w/drugs • Followers of Eastern religions Beliefs re: American Society • Had grown hollow, materialistic, cold and cruel • Best to “tune in, turn-on and drop out” Goals for Society & themselves • Idyllic setting of peace, love & harmony • Age of Aquarius • Greater self-awareness & inner peace • Living together in communes, renouncing private property Movement Center • San Francisco’s Haight. Ashbury District Attitudes and activities • Listening to & playing rock-n -roll • Wearing outrageous clothes • Using drugs • Living in communes • Attending concerts • Casualness & individuality • “do your own thing” Violent episodes • Urban communes become dangerous • Deaths of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix from drug overdoses Impact on art and fashion • Rebellious style of pop art and a more consumeroriented mass art Impact on music • Widespread popularity and growth of rock • Popularity of Beatles • Woodstock music festival Impact on mainstream America • More casual approach to sexual & social behavior • Sexual revolution • Conservative backlash • Nixon’s election