Languages for All Languages Cultures Societies Languages for

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Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Languages for Specific Purposes in HE Cambridge 9. 9. 16 Gabriele Zagel-Millmore: G. Zagel-Millmore@leeds. ac. uk Patrizia Lavizani: p. Lavizani@leeds. ac. uk Julia Palacios: llcjp@leeds. ac. uk

Languages for All • Acronyms Languages, Cultures & Societies • RESS Research, Evaluation and Special Studies • SWB Students without Borders • Lf. A Languages for All

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies RESS - Rationale • core unit • opportunity to acquire, develop and apply research and evaluation skills • allows students choice in studying areas of particular interest to them • opportunity to experience something different outside of the mainstream medical education– either in terms of content or in terms of the environment you learn in • offers a unique opportunity for students to work with peers in year 2 and 3 (from: choices booklet)

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies RESS - Background Offered to: • Year 2 and 3 students • Beginners • Spanish, Italian, French and German (Urdu, Punjabi if demand) Time scale: • • • End semester 1 2 weeks 3 hours per day: 3 days a week 3 hours for Role-Play assessment on final Friday 1 -2 -1 consultations

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Self study time Week 1 9. 00 to 12. 00 Monday TEACHING SESSION Tuesday TEACHING SESSION Wednesday Thursday Friday 13. 00 to 16. 00 SELF-STUDY SESSION TEACHING SESSION SELF-STUDY SESSION

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Assessment Reflective Log • 2000 +/- 10% words • not a list of events • Learning outcomes • 5 components assessed

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Progress . Skills Acquisition Degree of success in acquiring new skills or developing established skills Components Grading Criteria Organisation, time management, punctuality, willingness to learn new skills, initiative, enthusiasm in project, motivation Information Gathering / Interpretation Locating and extracting information, evaluating information/data, validity of conclusions Additional Work The role-play (clarity/correctness/standard) Reflective Log Self-reflections, evidence of critical thinking, innovative ideas, understands & makes explicit awareness of enterprise & entrepreneurial skill

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Enterprise: EE • having an idea and taking advantage of the opportunities to make things happen Entrepreneurship: • taking initiative, seizing opportunities, creativity, interest and enthusiasm http: //ncee. org. uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ISBE_Report. pdf

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Enterprise skills - why ? ‘Why is this important in my future career as a Doctor? ’ • If businesses are to grow they need people who have enterprising attributes and know how to use them. • People who will be innovative, inventive, think outside the box, are good at communicating ideas, enthusiastic, professional, ethical, persistent, committed and driven. • People who can see opportunities for enhancement and have the confidence to make change happen. (from: Choices Booklet)

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies 3 skills are developed on this project: Enterprise Skills Communication skills, Organisation, Adaptability. It is important to refer to Enterprise Skills in the reflective log, where appropriate. (From: Welcome letter for all RESS, 2015)

Languages for All Assessment Languages, Cultures & Societies Role Play • • • Doctor and patient consultation 2 min Filmed Doctor’s part is learnt + cue card Patient can use script Include: - basic instructions, symptoms, frequency of symptoms - ‘perform’ an examination - give a diagnosis - give prescription + indicate future plan

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Syllabus in a nutshell Topics Language functions & vocabulary 1. Introducing yourself & others Give personal details (name, age, occupation, marital status, family…) Spell out and understand spellings of names Give a description of oneself and others Use appropriate forms of greetings 2. Talking about daily routine Understand tell the time Understand use vocabulary related to a typical day in a surgery Talk about a typical day in a surgery Understand give simple instructions related to everyday situations Understand give simple instructions to a patient 4. Carrying out a simple examination Ask about and understand symptoms Ask about and understand the frequency of symptoms Ask about and understand events leading to the consultation Understand body parts 5. Making a diagnosis Understand common illnesses Explain common illnesses 6. Giving a prescription Understand explain common drugs Understand explain length of treatments and dosage 3. Giving and understanding simple instructions

Languages for All Languages, Cultures & Societies Who delivers the FL project? We offer: German - Gabriele Zagel-Millmore German beginners Italian - Patrizia Lavizani Italian beginners Spanish - Julia Palacios (Co-ordinator) Spanish beginners Beginners = no previous Categories of Assessment: knowledge of the language Process (e. g. time management, punctually, motivation, etc) Skills Acquisition Information Gathering Additional Work - (Role Play) Aims of the project: : Reflective Log * to develop foreign language acquisition skills in a medical context * to gain awareness of independent language learning *to develop communication skills in the target language * to develop transferable skills e. g. confidence, team-working, time management, adaptability * to encourage self-evaluation and critical reflection on your leaning and progress * to explore and develop enterprise and entrepreneurial skills Means of Assessment: 1 Reflective Log – 2000 words (comments on method/strategies used, reflection on what work/didn’t work) Role Play – in pairs, recorded in the last lesson
Tandem language
Spiritual organization
All cultures undergo
Name all the rays
Taste different cultures
Motivation in different cultures
Which cultures believe in reincarnation
Which cultures believe in reincarnation
Chapter 4 values, attitudes and job satisfaction
Cultures and organizations software of the mind
Indulgent societies
River valley civilizations religion
The human world lesson 1 global cultures