DESKRIPSI • Pengembangan organisasi merupakan sebuah bidang ilmu manajemen terapan, yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu organisasi agar dapat meningkatkan pemenuhan sumberdaya manusia, produktivitas dan respon terhadap lingkungannya. • Saat ini, organisasi dituntut untuk selalu memberikan kepuasan kepada pemangku kepentingan sehingga tidak terelakkan lagi untuk harus selalu menyesuaikan diri dengan tuntutan lingkungan melalui intervensi pengembangan organisasi baik dari segi proses manajemen sumberdaya manusia, proses manusianya, teknostruktural dan intervensi strategis. MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER | 0. 5/1 Reinventing Organisasi: Pengantar OD (Ch 1) Perencanaan Perubahan Organisasi (Ch 2) Pelaku Pengembangan Organisasi (Ch 3) Proses Awal Pengembangan Organisasi (Ch 4, 5, 6) Proses Diagnosa Informasi (Ch 7, 8) Proses Perancangan Intervensi (Ch 9, 10, 11) Intervensi Individu dan Organisasi (Ch 12, 13) UTS MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER | 0. 5/2 Intervensi Melalui Restrukturisasi Organisasi (Ch 14) Perubahan Transorganisasio nal (Ch 22) MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA Intervensi Teknostruktural (Ch 15, 16) Intervensi Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia (Ch 17, 18, 19) Perubahan Transformasional dan Berkelanjutan (Ch 20, 21) Aplikasi Pengembangan Organisasi (Ch 23, 24) Masa Depan Pengembangan Organisasi (Ch 25) UAS
REFERENSI Cummings, T. G. , Worley, C. G. (2008). Organization Development: and Change (9 th Ed). Mason, OA: South-Western Cengage Learning Siagian, S. P. (2007). Teori Pengembangan Organisasi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Gallos, J. V. (2006). Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader (1 st Ed). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
SKIM EVALUASI MATERI #0 15% Partisipasi Kelas 15% Kuis 20% Penugasan Terstruktur 25% Ujian Tengah Semester 25% Ujian Akhir Semester KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
TENTANG PRESENTASI DAN SKIM KUIS Kode Present asi Disarankan semi formal bagi semua mahasiswa Skim Kuis Berbentuk soal terstruktur, pertanyaan kelas, atau penugasan tidak terstruktur MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA Kemeja formal berdasi, sepatu formal bagi kelompok pemateri. Diadakan setelah 2 atau 3 pertemuan
TENTANG PENUGASAN TERSTRUKTUR File Presenta si Min 15, maks. 20 hlm (termasuk sampul dan bibliografi) Makalah Mencantumkan sumber-sumber sebagaimana referensi dalam kontrak perkuliahan Sistematika : Sampul, Abstrak, Pendahuluan, Pembahasan, Simpulan, Bibliografi, Lampiran (jika ada) MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
TATACARA SITASI Buku Gallos, J. V. (2011). Organization Development. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, hlm. 25 Internet Hughes, & Curphy (2012). (Online). OD: Cases and System (http: //www. leadership. com/index. html) Diakses 11 Februari 2015 Jurnal Ginnett R. C. (2011). “How to Develop Strategic Intervention” International Journal of OD, Vol. 5 No. 1. (hlm. 1 -5) MATERI #0 KELAS | ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT | BA
MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI MISBAHUDDIN AZZUHRI SE. MM. CPHR®. CSRS®. 081 555 80 8899 081 233 72 8899 misbah@ub. ac. id misbachazzuhri@gmail. com
CHALLENGES FOR ORGANIZATIONS Change avalanching down on us Tomorrow’s world different from today’s Organizations need to adapt to change Organizations in continuous interaction with external forces MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
THE ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Competitors Customers Governments An Organization Stcokholders Suppliers Society Employee and Unions MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
WHAT IS OD? Long-range efforts and programs. OD is a planned process of change in an organization’s culture through the utilization of behavioral science technology, research, and theory. |Burke’s Definition of OD Aimed at improving organization’s ability to survive. OD changes problemsolving and renewal processes. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
OD IS: Planned. Organization wide. Managed from top. Increases organization effectiveness. Planned interventions. Uses behavioral science knowledge. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
THE CHARACTERISTICS OF OD Planned change Collaborative approach Improve performance Humanistic values Systems approach Scientific approaches MATERI #1 Chapter 1 REINVENTING PENGANTAR OD Slide. ORGANISASI: 16
WHY OD? Most cited reasons for beginning change program The level of competition MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD Survival Improved performance
PRIMARY GOALS OF CHANGE PROGRAMS Change the corporate culture. MATERI #1 Chapter 1 REINVENTING PENGANTAR OD Slide. ORGANISASI: 19 Become more adaptive. Increase competitiveness.
FACTORS LEADING TO EMERGENCE OF OD Need for new organizational forms Focus on cultural change Increase in social awareness MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
THE ONLY CONSTANT IS CHANGE • • • Change is a moving target. Today's managers need new mind-set. Flexibility. Speed. Innovation. Constantly changing conditions. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
SUCCESSFUL FIRMS SHARE THESE TRAITS Faster. Quality conscious. Employee involvement. Customer oriented. Smaller. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
WHO DOES OD? (PART 1 OF 3) • OD practitioners consist of: • Specialists. • Those applying OD in daily work. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
WHO DOES OD? (PART 2 OF 3) OD specialists are: • Internal practitioners – from within the organization. • External practitioners – from outside the organization. Managers apply OD principles and concepts. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
WHO DOES OD? (PART 3 OF 3) Activities include: • Team leaders developing teams. • Building learning organizations. • Implementing total quality management. • Creating boundary less organizations. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
ORGANIZATION CULTURE A system Language. of shared Dress. meanings Patterns of behavior. including Value system. Feelings. Attitudes. Interactions. Group norms. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
NORMS Organized and shared ideas. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD What members should do and feel. How behavior is regulated.
TYPES OF NORMS • Pivotal norms. • Essential to accomplishing organization’s objectives. • Peripheral norms. • Support and contribute to pivotal norms. • Not essential to organization’s objectives. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
SOCIALIZATION PROCESS • • Process that adapts employees to culture. New employees become aware of norms. Employees encounter culture. Individuals understand power, status, rewards, sanctions. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
THE SOCIALIZATION PROCESS Expectations Encounters Culture Adjusts to Culture and Norms Receives Feedback
PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT • Unwritten agreement between individuals and organization. • Open-ended so issues may be renegotiated. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
A MODEL FOR CHANGE System consists of interacting and interrelated elements. OD is continuing process. Emphasis on viewing organization as total system. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
OD’S FIVE STAGES Anticipate Need for Change MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD Develop the Practitioner. Client Relationship The Diagnostic Phase Self-Renewal, Monitor, and Stabilize Action Plans, Strategies, and Techniques
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Part I: Overview of the Subject (Reinventing Organization) The Nature of Planned Change (Chapter 2) The OD Practitioner (Chapter 3) Part II: The Process of Organization Development Entering & Contracting (Chapter 4) Diagnosing Organizations (Chapter 5) Diagnosing Groups & Jobs (Chapter 6) Collecting Diagnostic Information (Chapter 7) Feeding Back Diagnostic Data (Chapter 8) Designing OD Interventions (Chapter 9) Leading and Managing Change (Chapter 10) Evaluating & Institutionalizing Change (Chapter 11) MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Part III: Human Process Interventions Individual, Interpersonal, & Group Process Approaches (Chapter 12) Organization Process Approaches (Chapter 13) Part IV: Techno-structural Interventions Restructuring Organizations (Chapter 14) Employee Involvement (Chapter 15) Work Design (Chapter 16) Part V: Human Resources Management Interventions Performance Management (Chapter 17) Developing and Assisting Members (Chapter 18) Part VII: Special Topics in Organization Development OD in Nonindustrial in Global Settings (Chapter 21) (Chapter 22) MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD Part VI: Strategic Interventions Competitive and Collaborative Strategies (Chapter 19) Organization Transformation (Chapter 20) Future Directions in OD (Chapter 23)
KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS | 1 Action research model • Collecting and feeding back information. • Implementing action programs. Change agent • Person attempting to bring change. Client System • Person or organization that is being assisted. MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS | 2 Creative individualism MATERI #1 • Questioning of peripheral norms. • Accepting of pivotal norms. External practitioner • Person from outside who is resource for change. Internal practitioner • Internal resource for change. • Could be manager. REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS | 3 Norms MATERI #1 • Organized and shared ideas. • What members should do and feel. • How behavior should be regulated. Organization culture • System of shared meanings. • Includes language, dress, values, norms. Organization development (OD) • Planned strategy to bring about change. REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS | 4 OD practitioner • People using and assisting others to implement OD. OD specialist • Professional specialized and trained in OD. Peripheral norms Pivotal norms MATERI #1 REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD • Support and contribute to pivotal norms. • Not essential to organization's objectives. • Essential to organization's objectives.
KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS | 4 MATERI #1 Psychological contract • Expectations between individual and organization. Socialization • Process of individual adjusting to organization's culture. REINVENTING ORGANISASI: PENGANTAR OD
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