Konjunktionen Indirekte Fragen Conjunctions weil ob dass als
Konjunktionen & Indirekte Fragen {Conjunctions} weil ob dass als bevor bis damit nachdem wenn obwohl seit während wenn aber
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. Der Plan für Heute: 1. Anfangsarbeit 2. Power. Point – Conjunction Review 3. Self Reflection 4. Exit Slip
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. Anfangsarbeit – Write complete sentence and fill in the blank. 1. Sie kann singen, ____sie kann Klavier spielen. 2. Ich will Mathe nicht lernen, _____ es ist sooooo langweilig. 3. Heute ist nicht Montag, ______ Dienstag. 4. Ich will ins Kino gehen, _____ mein Freund kann nicht, _____ er muss für
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a conjunction? What are the two types of conjunctions? On a clean piece of notebook paper, define the word CONJUNCTION.
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. How is a conjunction used? Below your definition of CONJUNCTION, explain how to use a conjunction. How do the two types differ? Write 1 example in English.
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. Refine your definition of CONJUNCTION. After writing your examples, does your definition need to be refined (for each type)?
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a conjunction? CONJUNCTION – a part of speech, which connects two clauses or sentences together
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a COORDINATING conjunction? COORDINATING CONJUNCTION – joins two “independent” sentences. Both sentences could stand alone
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a COORDINATING conjunction? Examples: Ich habe für die Prüfung gelernt. Er ist ins Kino gegangen. Ich habe für die Prüfung gelernt, aber
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a SUBORDINATING conjunction? SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION – joins two “dependent” clauses, which could not stand alone. It also explain, how, when, why, or under what
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. What is a SUBORDINATING conjunction? Examples: -Ich habe für die Prüfung gelernt, weil ich eine gute Note bekommen möchte.
Kapitel 2 A: das Stadt Leben �Seite 75 �Jetzt sind Sie dran! – im Deutschheft �S. 76 #1 -2 �Hausaufgaben: complete 1 -2 Vergiss nicht die Konjunktionen! (Don’t forget to use conjunctions!)
Film Erwartungen (expectations) � Was ist der Titel vom Film? � Was erwartest du im Film? (erwarten=to expect) � Wer hat den Film gemacht/gedreht? (drehen=to film) � Was ist im Film passiert? � Warum lächelt die ältere Frau? (lächeln=to smile) � Was liest sie? � Wo sitzt sie? � Was sieht man in dem Film? Vergiss nicht die Konjunktionen! (Don’t forget to use conjunctions!)
Zusammenfassung (summary) �Was hast du gelesen? �Was kann man in Graz anschauen? �Was würdest du gern anschauen? �Was gefällt dir (nicht)? Vergiss nicht die Konjunktionen! (Don’t forget to use conjunctions!)
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. Der Plan für Heute: 1. Ein Buch holen, Los Geht’s mit einem Partner lesen (S. 218 -19) 2. Read im Buch S. 218 -219 a) Write 10 sentences about Video clip, using a conjunction in each sentence (at least 5 different conjunctions!). b) Seite 220 #2 -5 3. Conjunction Speed Dating
Learning Target: I can explain what a conjunction is and its usage. I can explain the difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and place the verb in the correct position. Der Plan für Heute: 1. Conjunction Speed Dating a) Answer Questions on your own. Prepare answers. b) Speed Dating in the class. 2. Einkaufen Gedanken Gewitter (Mind Map) a) With a partner (in your own Deutschheft),
- Slides: 16