Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Squared Big Data and
Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Squared: Big Data and Capacity Development as Drivers of Future Innovation Professor Bill Charman Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
Pioneered best-in-class discovery & development Rigorous projectselection processes Network of world-leading scientists and clinicians Inclusive, scientifically generous, best-in-class means to discover and develop new, field-shifting drugs Project progression and funding underpinned by robust, outcome-focused selection framework Unprecedented network of like -minded experts, driving towards a common goal Collaborative, multi-disciplinary model – highly valuable, intangible asset on the MMV Balance Sheet (i. e. the external partners, their infrastructure, their human and knowledge networks) No more than one degree of separation from an answer or solution Advocacy within universities/institutes to recognize the importance of team-based research, collaboration and team development
Drug delivery technologies and formulations NEW delivery technologies • Material sciences • Bio- and time-responsive • Nano “everything” Time to re-visit opportunities Enhance/optimize Duration of Pharmacological Exposure ORALLY administered medicines to the smallest children Size, form and palatability Has to be a better way forward: Shared endeavour, shared learning, shared progress Build on advances in delivery technology, modelling and simulation, and Big Data INJECTABLE medicines Resurgence of interest for – – – Drugs Antibodies Vaccines An important enabler for the broader eradication agenda Macintyre F, et al. Malar J 2018; 17: 402.
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