Knowledge and Technology Transfer INFN Speranza Falciano INFN

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Knowledge and Technology Transfer @ INFN Speranza Falciano INFN Executive Board X seminar on

Knowledge and Technology Transfer @ INFN Speranza Falciano INFN Executive Board X seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclera and Applied Physics 2 -8 June 2013, Porto Conte, Alghero

 • The selected material aims to give you an idea of how INFN

• The selected material aims to give you an idea of how INFN has handled the Knowledge and Technology Transfer over the years (last 10 years), its impact on the national Industry, where we are today and how we intend to be organized in future. • A few highlights of KTT based on software development.

Introduction (1) • The Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research

Introduction (1) • The Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). It makes theoretical and experimental research in the fields of subnuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics. • All of the INFN’s research activities are undertaken within a framework of international competition, in close collaboration with Italian universities on the basis of solid academic partnerships spanning decades. Key point : fundamental research in Particle Physics requires the use of cutting-edge technology and instruments, mainly developed by INFN at its own laboratories and in collaboration with industries.

INFN places for Research & Developement INFN units : Sezioni (20) Gruppi collegati (11)

INFN places for Research & Developement INFN units : Sezioni (20) Gruppi collegati (11) Laboratori Nazionali (4) Centro Nazionale per Ricerca e Sviluppo nelle Tecnologie Informatiche e Telematiche EGO

INFN Scientific and Technological activity Our research is supervised by the 5 National Committees

INFN Scientific and Technological activity Our research is supervised by the 5 National Committees which take care of experimental and theoretical aspects and the correlated technologies : Sub-nuclear Physics (CSN 1) Astroparticle Physics (CSN 2) Special Projects Strategic Projects Nuclear Physics (CSN 3) Theoretical Physics (CSN 4) European Projects Interdisciplinary and Technological Research (CSN 5) Regional Projects

Introduction (2) While doing research activity, INFN also : • Collaborates with national and

Introduction (2) While doing research activity, INFN also : • Collaborates with national and international research Institutions, contributing to reinforce the European Research area. • Promotes the training of young physicists in the field of fundamental and applied research. • Takes care of the dissemination of the scientific culture, mainly among young people. • Applies nuclear and subnuclear technologies to health, cultural heritage and environment. • Aims to scientific excellence by developing innovative instrumentation, possibly with the involvement of the national industry. • Deepens the interaction of the research activities with those of knowledge transfer to make the italian industries more competitive at an international level.

The collaboration with Industry (1) • Fundamental research requires advanced technologies that often are

The collaboration with Industry (1) • Fundamental research requires advanced technologies that often are not part of the industrial know-how and which ask for innovative solutions. The searching of such solutions supplies continuosly occasions of knowledge and technology transfer to the social and industrial environment. • The collaboration of highly qualified partners allows INFN to be competitive in the international projects by developing complex instrumentation, at the same time this process allows to transfer to our industries competences which make them more competitive on the world market.

The collaboration with Industry (2) • The INFN technological research, oriented to the realization

The collaboration with Industry (2) • The INFN technological research, oriented to the realization of advanced experiments, is motivated by the needs to develop new methods for particle acceleration and detection, new methods for data taking and data analysis. They represent a unique source of innovative technology in the fields of superconductivity, electronics, high precision mechanics, high performance network, imaging, etc. and therefore it is physiological for INFN to transmit to Industry the acquired knowledge during the research actvity.

Size and characteristics of the collaboration with national Industry • Investigation on interactions (supplies,

Size and characteristics of the collaboration with national Industry • Investigation on interactions (supplies, tech-edge orders, common developments) with companies organized per geographical area (North, Center, South and islands). • Evaluation of the social and economic impact of these interaction with national Industry. • Careful study of the reasearch and collaboration agreements. • Investigation on the future of our graduated and Ph. D students, in particular their engagement by the national Industry.

Interaction model (1) Depending on the type of product to be acquired, there are

Interaction model (1) Depending on the type of product to be acquired, there are two types of offer : 1. Product or service found on the catalog, selected on the basis of the best price : • Low-tech supply • High-tech supply

Interaction model (2) 2. Request of an innovative product : • The product specifications

Interaction model (2) 2. Request of an innovative product : • The product specifications can be dealth with the technical capabilities of the Company which will be responsible for design and production. The product is an innovative application of the company know-how : tech-edge order. • The product specifications cannot be dealth only with the technical capabilities of the Company and the R&D phase is carried on in collaboration with INFN, the Company being responsible for the production process : development.

Phases to develop an innovative product : • Definition of user requirements • Solution

Phases to develop an innovative product : • Definition of user requirements • Solution searching • Design • Executive design • Prototyping test and update of the executive design • Series production • Production test • Installation Interaction Model Involvement of INFN Researchers and Technicians (design and test) • New product Company • Tranfer of advanced scientific and technical information • Introduction of new design methodologies • Use of advanced INFN instrumentation Technology Transfer to the Company

Modello di Interazione Maggiore Competitivita’ Ampliamento del Mercato Nuove Assunzioni Industria Alto livello di

Modello di Interazione Maggiore Competitivita’ Ampliamento del Mercato Nuove Assunzioni Industria Alto livello di Servizio Ricerca di base Servizi R&D Miglioramento della Qualita’ Produttiva Trasferimento di Know How e Formazione Prototipi Fornitura Commessa Sviluppo Prototipi Applicativi Spin-Off Nuovi Prodotti G. Salina, INFN Roma 2

Macro-economic analysis, based on the so called Input/Output Model, giving information on the impact

Macro-economic analysis, based on the so called Input/Output Model, giving information on the impact of INFN activities on Industry in terms of increment of internal production and employment. Semi-quantitative analysis of the impact of INFN on the design capability of the Companies, their competitiveness on the market. Knowledge Transfer.

Numero di ditte: Distribuzione Percentuale Importo: Distribuzione Percentuale Tipo di Rapporto

Numero di ditte: Distribuzione Percentuale Importo: Distribuzione Percentuale Tipo di Rapporto

Ordini: Distribuzione Percentuale Importo: Distribuzione Percentuale

Ordini: Distribuzione Percentuale Importo: Distribuzione Percentuale

Macro-Regione Aziende Sedi INFN Numero % Nord 296 53 10 42 Centro 177 32

Macro-Regione Aziende Sedi INFN Numero % Nord 296 53 10 42 Centro 177 32 8 32 Sud 35 6 3 13 Isole 49 9 3 13 TOTALE 557 100 24 100 Tabella 1. Distribuzione territoriale delle ditte e delle stritture INFN. Macro-Regione Fornitura Forn. High Tech Figura 1. Distribuzione territoriale del fatturato delle Aziende dovuto all’ INFN. Commessa Sviluppo # % # % Nord 72 41 127 63 70 54 27 55 Centro 77 44 47 23 36 28 17 35 Sud 7 4 15 7 11 9 2 4 Isole 20 11 14 7 12 9 3 6 TOTALE 176 100 203 100 129 100 49 100 Tabella 2. Distribuzione territoriale delle Aziende in base alla tipologia di rapporto. Distribuzione Geografica delle Ditte

Distribuzione Geografica: Flussi centro sud nord isole Tot 105. 957 0. 508 4. 401

Distribuzione Geografica: Flussi centro sud nord isole Tot 105. 957 0. 508 4. 401 0. 021 74. 011 0. 355 24. 240 0. 116 208. 609 sud 6. 148 0. 187 13. 475 0. 410 13. 250 0. 403 0. 024 0. 001 32. 897 nord 19. 857 0. 138 0. 286 0. 002 122. 651 0. 853 0. 992 0. 007 143. 786 isole 6. 013 0. 104 1. 357 0. 023 17. 915 0. 310 32. 492 0. 562 57. 777 137. 976 1. 000 19. 519 1. 000 227. 827 1. 000 57. 748 1. 000 443. 070 Tabella 3. Flussi geografici di spesa per macro-regioni. Valori in Meuro. Leggere la tabella per riga: 106 Me (pari al 51% del totale) investiti dalle sedi infn del centro sono destinati a ditte del centro, 4. 4 Me (2. 1%) sono destinati a ditte del sud, 74 (36%) a ditte del nord ed 24 (12%) a ditte nelle isole. Il 62% della spesa delle sede ricade nella stessa macroregione delle sedi (il 40% ricade nella stessa regione)

Distribuzione Geografica: Flussi Frazione degli investimenti della sede nella stessa macro-regione di appartenenza. Investimenti

Distribuzione Geografica: Flussi Frazione degli investimenti della sede nella stessa macro-regione di appartenenza. Investimenti INFN fortemente localizzati, anche nel caso di sviluppo. Si Investe e si interagisce con ditte “vicine”. Predominanza del nord.

Distribuzione della percentuale di risposte positive della ricaduta sulle capacita’di penetrazione del mercato in

Distribuzione della percentuale di risposte positive della ricaduta sulle capacita’di penetrazione del mercato in base alla tipologia di rapporto. Distribuzione della percentuale di risposte positive sulla penetrazione in nuovi mercati in base alla tipologia di rapporto. Distribuzione percentuale delle risposte sulle Capacità di Progetto e di Produzione per le imprese nella categoria Sviluppo. Si vede come il 73% dell’Imprese con cui l’INFN ha un rapporto stretto di collaborazione per la produzione di apparecchiature innovative dichiarano una ricaduta sulle capacità di progetto e di produzione positiva. Tale percentuale per la categoria Commessa è del 56%, soprattutto per le capacità di produzione.

Recruitment versus type of interaction Si noti come il 68% delle assunzioni riguardi personale

Recruitment versus type of interaction Si noti come il 68% delle assunzioni riguardi personale qualificato e che il 41% delle nuove assunzioni riguarda imprese che hanno uno stretto rapporto di collaborazione con l’INFN (Sviluppo) pur essendo queste 11 % 68% of the recruited people del campione. Is professionally highly qualified, of thiscirca sample is per with. Meuro companies Si 40% sono creati 3 posti which per hadil campione) a close collaboration (37 Meuro with INFN (developments) even if these are the 11% of the sample. Distribuzione delle nuove assunzioni high tech in base alla tipologia di rapporto.

To summarize : • Strong regional impact. • Deep and incisive interaction with small

To summarize : • Strong regional impact. • Deep and incisive interaction with small and medium size Companies. • The impact has been evaluated in terms of : growing up of the Company, units of high-tech personnel, ability to widen the offer, increased ability to make new projects and new productions. • Some companies were born on the basis of continuative collaboration with INFN (spin-off). • Some macro-economic impact with an investment in innovation.

Before 2011 …. • Definition on paper of a National Committee for Technology Transfer

Before 2011 …. • Definition on paper of a National Committee for Technology Transfer : CNTT • In parallel, a light organization mainly devoted to “knowledge transfer” and research agreements, even some patenting. • Working hard to define a legal framework for KTT.

…. in 2011 -2012 …. A lot of work…. • Definition of the legal

…. in 2011 -2012 …. A lot of work…. • Definition of the legal framework under which INFN personnel can perform work on behalf of third parties, management of intellectual properties, ways to reward personnel for participation to joint projects, creation and participation of INFN and its staff to spin-offs. Regulations exist now for : – – Technology Transfer Third-party activity Spin-off (Company) Patenting and licencing. • Scouting activity in each structure (labs or Unit) to organize and structure a collaborative offer of technologies and instruments to the external world and to promote the transfer of technology and know-how. Being a good scientist does not per se guarantees that the researchers fully understand the need of TT. Therefore we programmed to use specific courses aimed to train people using the Formazione Interna (Internal Training) projects. • Participation to European as well as national and regional programs supporting innovation and synergy with activities of the International HEP community, so far coordinate by the Technology Transfer Network of CERN members.

Third-party activities • Regulations to define how to split the revenues coming from activities

Third-party activities • Regulations to define how to split the revenues coming from activities on behalf of third parties was approved in 2006. Although the legislative framework was set so early, the start of third-party activities at INFN had to wait the change of the internal Regulations to integrate this item. • Starting summer 2011 the legal frame under which personnel can dedicate a fraction of his time to third-party activities was set and, indeed, since then the TT Office received from several INFN units the first requests indicating a real possibility to develop this area.

Patents A certain activity is visible, faster procedures and clear strategy. • Portfolio reorganized,

Patents A certain activity is visible, faster procedures and clear strategy. • Portfolio reorganized, – at present 12 patents of which • 6 of them were born in 2012 • 5 in progress • 8 old abandoned • Strategy: – If CNTT board and external experts agree • 1 year patent (publications possible) • After one year the valorization should be verified & discussed: – Either the patent is dismissed (no perspectives) – Or renewal and internationalization are proposed

Spin-off • Spin-offs are a key component of TT of Research Organizations. In September

Spin-off • Spin-offs are a key component of TT of Research Organizations. In September 2010 INFN approved the regulations for spin-offs and in January 2011 it was approved by the appropriate Ministries. Therefore both staff and associated personnel, now have the legal frame under which start a new business aimed to produce goods or services deriving (partially or totally) from researches performed within INFN Laboratories and units. • Following the approval of this Regulation, 2011 saw the first spin-off (Di. Xi. T). Later on, in 2012 two more were activated (PIXRAD and I-SEE) while a third one is underway.

Web-based Image and Diagnosis Exchange Network • DIXIT, P. G. Cerello & post-doc Univ.

Web-based Image and Diagnosis Exchange Network • DIXIT, P. G. Cerello & post-doc Univ. Torino and INFN • Derived from the MAGIC 5 experiment (CSN 5), build medical applications taking advantage of the latest web technologies • DIXIT may use INFN racks and cpu’s, switch and routers to access the GARR network • Presentation at the recent INFODAY-May-15 : http: //agenda. infn. it/material. Display. py? contribid=8&materialid=slides&confid=5115

Spin-Off INFN : I-SEE Faiza Bourhaleb (post-doc Univ. Torino & INFN) INFN Resp. :

Spin-Off INFN : I-SEE Faiza Bourhaleb (post-doc Univ. Torino & INFN) INFN Resp. : F. Marchetto (INFN TO) Service of Monte Carlo simulations “customer-oriented” in a distributed computing environment (“cloud”) concerning radiobiology, hadrontherapy, … Born in the TPS experiment (CSN 5) INFN partecipation allows : • • • to use facilities at the computing center the knowledge of people in radiotherapy and hadrontherapy Use of INFN logo (INFN “spin-off”) http: //www. i-seecomputing. com/

Mapping of the INFN infrastructures : work in progress, more than 260 entries •

Mapping of the INFN infrastructures : work in progress, more than 260 entries • Mapping and ordering of the information has been performed, next step is to make the information available and determine ways to interact with external entities like institutions and companies for technology innovation projects. • A lot of different infrastructures and services, some excellences. • Create national specialized networks see next slide.

Electronics Mechanics Computing Technological Networks

Electronics Mechanics Computing Technological Networks

260 entries of various types of facilities

260 entries of various types of facilities

Research and Collaboration Agreements • Consortia – Città Ricerche : they include Universities, publich

Research and Collaboration Agreements • Consortia – Città Ricerche : they include Universities, publich Research Institutes and local Companies, they are stable and long term collaborations. They can be considered as stack-holders. – Others… • Associazioni Temporanee di Scopo (A. T. S. ) They are containers where to start TT, often funded by the Regions and with a short duration. • Industries

CONSORTIA Consorzio Catania Ricerche Consorzio Milano Ricerche Consorzio Roma Ricerche Società Consortile Pisa Ricerche

CONSORTIA Consorzio Catania Ricerche Consorzio Milano Ricerche Consorzio Roma Ricerche Società Consortile Pisa Ricerche Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche CRDC nuove tecnologie per le attività produttive S. C. ar. l. TICASS – Tecnologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile S. C. a R. L. (in via di definizione) • Polo di Innovazione per l’Efficienza Energetica e le Fonti Rinnovabili S. C. a R. L. • • A. T. S. • Polo Energia Sostenibile A. T. S; (Liguria)

Example: Consorzio Milano Ricerche is a no-profit organisation (in the form of "Consorzio") established

Example: Consorzio Milano Ricerche is a no-profit organisation (in the form of "Consorzio") established in 1986 to promote and manage research and innovation through cooperative projects linking universities, research centres, industrial companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While manufacturing and innovation cycles are shorter, research and development entail growing costs for SMEs. This matter, along with the demand to close the informative and managerial gap about public funding for R&D and professional training, defined Milano Ricerche mission, that is: • • • to establish a permanent link between the academic world and industrial research; to promote technology transfer towards SMEs to encourage and manage R&D projects to endorse the creation of new enterprises in high-tech fields to encourage research and development of new technologies to promote vocational training.

INSTITUTIONS • C. N. R. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche • Fondazione Museo Nazionale della

INSTITUTIONS • C. N. R. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche • Fondazione Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica "Leonardo da Vinci" • I. N. F. N. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano • Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca INDUSTRIES • Alenia Aermacchi S. p. A. • BV Tech S. p. A. • Flame Spray S. p. A. • IBM Italia S. p. A. • Italdata S. p. A. • Italtel S. p. A. • Pirelli & C. S. p. A. • Present S. p. A. • Project Automation S. p. A. • Sprinx Technologies S. r. l. • TXT e-Solutions S. p. A.

INDUSTRIES • • • Carpenterie Pagotto (LNL) Bracco Imaging Ansaldo ISED Ingegneria dei Sistemi

INDUSTRIES • • • Carpenterie Pagotto (LNL) Bracco Imaging Ansaldo ISED Ingegneria dei Sistemi Elaborazione Dati S. p. A. (Roma) IMT S. r. l. ENEL Ingegneria e Innovazione S. p. A. (LNF) C. E. I. Compagnia Elettronica Italiana S. r. l. (BO) Ion Beam Applications S. A. Best Medical International, Inc (LNL)

CNR external funds

CNR external funds

The future of young researchers • Placement : as we mostly live in Physics

The future of young researchers • Placement : as we mostly live in Physics Departments, usually University takes care of it (graduate and Ph. D students). • Special training on innovative technologies : INFN co-funds with Universities and other public research Institutes the training of young people on high-tech topics (Masters; two-year fellowships in Informatics, Mechanics, Electronics, System Engineering, Material Science, Security; fellowships on innovative topics for Better Society and Competitive Industry within specific agreements with local institutions, consortia and so on). • Fellowship (Assegni di ricerca) for Industry : partially funded by INFN and Companies, they are the direct link between INFN and the national industry.



Fellowships for Industry • In 2010 -2011 the TT Committee activated a Fellowship Program

Fellowships for Industry • In 2010 -2011 the TT Committee activated a Fellowship Program partially funded by Industry and devoted to highlight in the production environment the knowledge, the methodologies and the technologies linked to the INFN research activity in the fields of Information Technology (ICT), Sensors, Electronics, Mechanics and System Engeneering, Analysis and qualification of materials. • The initiative, which combines TT and placement, has found a lot of interest in the industrial world. Indeed 116 Companies (in different Regions and from different production sectors) replied to the INFN call, among them we can see real national excellences (Ferrari, Ducati Corse, IBA, Ansaldo Nucleare, Telespazio, Alenia Areounatica, Centro Ricerche FIAT, OCEM, Magneti Marelli, Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali, etc. ), which highlights the ability of thecnological innovation and trainig of our Institute.

Industries selected for the fellowships • MAROTTA A. T. S. R. L. Production of

Industries selected for the fellowships • MAROTTA A. T. S. R. L. Production of high precision mechanic devices. • ANGELANTONI INDUSTRIE S. P. A. Cooling systems for industrial applications. • WISERPOWER S. R. L. Microgenerators of electrical power for mobile devices. • LOGITAL DIGITAL MEDIA S. R. L. Information Technology advices (Internet Services). • ESTECO S. R. L. Technologies and software systems applied to industrial design.

…. the future landscape • It is now (2012 -2013) necessary to reiforce the

…. the future landscape • It is now (2012 -2013) necessary to reiforce the internal organization in order to exploit completely : – the consolidated rules – the technological infrastructure almost uniformely distributed in the italian Regions (a detailed mapping exists and will be available soon on the WEB) – the huge number of innovative devices and methodologies built for the experiments or already born with an interdisciplinary flavour. • Short term actions : we are improving our TT Office, proposing a more effective CNTT (less members, some at full time, giving guidelines), get a better link to the research activities in the INFN units via the local TT Reference persons, perform regular training programs during the year, pursue a couple of strategic projects.

Two fellowships to strengthen the TTO Profile : Junior Business –Portfolio Analyst INFN, the

Two fellowships to strengthen the TTO Profile : Junior Business –Portfolio Analyst INFN, the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, is searching for a Junior Business – Portfolio Analyst to support the management of the intellectual property emerging from the world-class research done by the Institute. Tasks of the incumbent include: • • Help in identifying intellectual property with commercial potential that might result from basic research. Collaboration in assessing the patentability and commercial potential of that IP, and making key patenting and marketing decisions related to that IP. Assist in the marketing process to identify industry licensees or partners for joint developments. Assist in networking and building enduring relationships with industry. Qualifications: a BA or MA degree in physics, engineering or other technology focused faculties; working experience in Business Analysis/Portfolio Analysis in a Public Research Organisation is considered a valuable asset as well as knowledge of CMS systems like JOOMLA or TYPO 3 and of languages HTML and PHP.

 • Some key points : – Organized network of 24 TT local Reference

• Some key points : – Organized network of 24 TT local Reference Persons well interfaced to the CNTT + Training on TT – Good link to other important INFN services such as : • Legal Office • External Funds Office (recently renewed) • Press Office – A useful and actractive WEB site. – A dedicated budget. • Some new points : – Perform a better scouting activity (for instance : identify very early – e. g. during the approval process - research activity which has potential commercial interest, find possible partners/competitors, in a few words and if appropriate, help the activity to be even more TT oriented and exploit peculiarities of the project). – Support a permanent working group to study the size and the characteristics of the collaboration with national Industry --> provide a working tool for data analysis.

KTT Organization KTT Office in the Central Administration Press Office External Funds Office CNTT

KTT Organization KTT Office in the Central Administration Press Office External Funds Office CNTT Reasearch CSN Responsible Working group Secretariat + GE 2 -3 units of personnel (Fellows) EU TT Local Reference Persons PON POR … Legal Office WEB Site

An important tool : TT Web Site • Tool to be used to exchange

An important tool : TT Web Site • Tool to be used to exchange information between Research and external world. • It must contain : - free and integrated info to public and companies about the available technologies, infrastructures and labs. - electronic catalog to ease the collaboration and communication with companies. - a complete database with the TT activities, in particular: • • • inventory of INFN projects with a potential commercial exploitation; tools to hanlde the Patent program; tools to handle the Spin-off burocracy. • For the time being a repository of rules, templates and various informations already useful, but we are working hard on it.

Summary on relations with Industries • The relationship between INFN and Industry shows how

Summary on relations with Industries • The relationship between INFN and Industry shows how important is the collaboration between the research world and the Companies to produce innovation. • Up to now INFN induced motivation and development (also occupational) mainly towards small and medium sized Companies, but fostering the birth and consolidation of important ones. • Its impact on big companies (e. g. Ansaldo, Alenia, etc. ) has certainly been marginal from the financial point of view, but it has promoted and activated new production lines that contributed to a technological enrichment. • A good program of technological training, expecially for young people, exists. • In general, INFN has the capacity and the tools to make Technology Transfer mainly as “valorization of knowledge” because this is more suited for its mission, but it is now very much available and in favour to collaborate with Industry and the local environment.

A comparison with CNR : another model for TT CNR Model : A hub

A comparison with CNR : another model for TT CNR Model : A hub for research and innovation

Knowledge and Technology Transfer at CERN Enrico Chesta Head of CERN Technology Transfer and

Knowledge and Technology Transfer at CERN Enrico Chesta Head of CERN Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Section Knowledge Transfer Group – FP Department Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

CERN FP/KT Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Organization Chart Visit of VIP Delegation from

CERN FP/KT Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Organization Chart Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

CERN Core Competences Superconductivity (13 k. A, 7 MJoules) Vacuum (10 -12 Torr) Cryogenics

CERN Core Competences Superconductivity (13 k. A, 7 MJoules) Vacuum (10 -12 Torr) Cryogenics (1. 9 K) Very high performance detectors and electronics Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Magnets (10 T) Data processing (15 PB/year) Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

Example: Medical Applications Particle accelerators for hadron therapy Photons Protons Particle detectors for medical

Example: Medical Applications Particle accelerators for hadron therapy Photons Protons Particle detectors for medical imaging Grid computing for medical data management and analysis Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

Example: TERA and CNAO • CNAO started treating patients with proton beams in Sept

Example: TERA and CNAO • CNAO started treating patients with proton beams in Sept 2011, with Carbon ions in Nov 2012 • Ion Beam Therapy and Research Center • Protons (1 H+) and Carbon Ions (12 C 6+) The construction of the CNAO facility by the TERA foundation and INFN, is based on the optimized medical synchrotron designed in the framework of the design study PIMMS - Proton-Ion Medical Machine Study, carried out at CERN from 1996 to 2000. Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

Technology Portfolio Some approximate numbers: • 200 TT cases (30% open) • 20 invention

Technology Portfolio Some approximate numbers: • 200 TT cases (30% open) • 20 invention disclosures per year • 40 patent families (50% exploited) Technology Simplified Definition Readiness Levels 1 Technology application formulated and basic concept demonstrated 2 Functional validation in laboratory environment 3 Representative prototype fully qualified (technology ready to transfer) Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Technology Readiness and “Exploitation” Levels Visit of VIP Delegation from Politecnico di Torino, 29/05/2013

MCloud: infrastructure for “l’Agenda Digitale Marche” (ADM) Regione Marche

MCloud: infrastructure for “l’Agenda Digitale Marche” (ADM) Regione Marche

MCLOUD: STRATEGIC PROJECT FOR THE COMMUNITY Creation of an infrastructure of Cloud computing and

MCLOUD: STRATEGIC PROJECT FOR THE COMMUNITY Creation of an infrastructure of Cloud computing and the development of relevant application domains with innovative services can be used by citizens, households, businesses and institutions of the regional community. Presentation of the strategic project INFN-CERN-Marche Region in Ancona (4 Apr. 2012) Agreement INFN-Marche Region signed on 4 Apr. 2012 Pilot project MCLOUD carried out in collaboration with INFN, Univ Camerino, UNIVPM (Università Politecnica delle Marche) launched in July 2012. Future large-scale project implementation plans in collaboration with experts from the 4 Universities of the Marche Region, National and International Research Institutions such as INFN and CERN. Regione Marche 65

AIMS OF THE MCLOUD PROJECT A strategic and innovative project for the Marche Region

AIMS OF THE MCLOUD PROJECT A strategic and innovative project for the Marche Region that, using the new brands and the most advanced Cloud computing Information Technologies, aims to enhance and develop modern infrastructure and innovative digital services allowing citizens, enterprises, institutions: • • • increase the efficiency and innovation develop knowledge and new products increase productivity growth develop and disseminate advanced skills in the use of ICT facilitate the exchange of information and social gathering and: • improving the quality of life of citizens • savings and more efficient use of public and private resources • attraction and skills training in a strategic sector such as ICT Regione Marche 66



MCLOUD FOR STAKEHOLDERS Public Administrations: develop and deliver Cloud technologies to simplify the procedures

MCLOUD FOR STAKEHOLDERS Public Administrations: develop and deliver Cloud technologies to simplify the procedures of the offices of the Public and Health Care Administration making them more efficient, less costly, more accessible to citizen. Citizens: provide opportunities and services to citizens to improve urban mobility, energy management and saving, the general conditions of safety, the ability of home care for the elderly and weak perople and effective communication with the public administration. Businesses: develop and offer innovative services; implement ICT solutions aimed at optimizing production processes / administration. Regione Marche 68



RELEASE OF SERVICES IN THE MCLOUD PILOT PROJECT Pilot Cloud Infrastructure developed in the

RELEASE OF SERVICES IN THE MCLOUD PILOT PROJECT Pilot Cloud Infrastructure developed in the period July - December 2012 Developed at the Regional Data Center, it is an opensource Infrastructure for evaluation and testing, which delivers the available cloud-based services. MCLOUD Online Service for medical reports released in December 2012 (https: //referti. sanita. marche. it/) • It allows the online consultation of the results of clinical chemical analyzes carried out in laboratories of the Marche Region. • Access to medical reports not only by PC or Tablet but also through Smart Phone and Smart TV • Released for now on an experimental basis by a Hospital and three zones, and used by over 1000 users. Being extended to other areas of the territory. Service for Energy Performance Certificates (http: //ace. regione. marche. it) ACE Service released in Apr. 2013 • It allows the online submission to the protocol of the Regional energy performance certificates of buildings • Transmitted in a month more than 1, 200 practices Regione Marche 70

I SERVIZI DI PROSSIMO RILASCIO IN MCLOUD Service for “Visura Catastale” and calculation of

I SERVIZI DI PROSSIMO RILASCIO IN MCLOUD Service for “Visura Catastale” and calculation of the IMU tax (http: //visuraimu. regione. marche. it) Services under test, accessible via the strong authentication system for identifying regional FEDCohesion (available for all owners of the Raffaello card). #Destinazione. Marche, Turism A system of mobile apps, social media channels, marketing and web services declined in accordance with the offer of regional Turism (Sea, Taste, Culture, Spirituality, Nature, Villages, Shopping, etc. . ), Designed to make the planning of a trip, the feeling of discovery and the stay of tourists in the Marche a better experience. At the moment the released app is Marche in Blu on the Google Play marketplace. J. A. NET (Job. Agecny. NETwork): Online Employment Agency (statement of willingness to unemployment, consultation of card with personal and professional data, certification request, booking appointments). Regione Marche 71

MCLOUD 2013: I PASSI http: //www. ecommunity. marche. it/marchecloud (Agenda. Digitale MCloud) 10/12/2012 Rilascio

MCLOUD 2013: I PASSI http: //www. ecommunity. marche. it/marchecloud (Agenda. Digitale MCloud) 10/12/2012 Rilascio infrastruttura Pilota e servizio Mcloud Referti Regione Marche 15/07/2013 01/04/2013 Rilascio servizio ACE (Attestato Certificazione Energetica) Consolidamento e potenziamento infrastruttura tecnologica 15/09/2013 Progetto esecutivo avvio formazione imprese e attori smart communities 14/02/2013 30/06/2013 31/07/2013 10/12/2013 Rilascio servizio Marche in Blu (Turismi #Destinazione Marche) Rilascio servizi progetto MARIUS (Visure catastali, Porte Di Dominio comunali ICAR Marche - SPC) J. A. NET: Job. Agecny. NETwor k: Agenzia per l’Impiego online Rilascio servizio TEO (Tender Opportunities – Small Business Act) 31/12/2013 Implementazione piattaforma MARCHE Go. OD PA (Government Open Data) 72

AT A GLACE MCLOUD is an ambitious project and of great vision for the

AT A GLACE MCLOUD is an ambitious project and of great vision for the future. Appreciates the great opportunity offered by cloud computing and modern technologies. It aims at: • Modernising the Region, in synergy with Italian and European Digital Agenda by providing innovative services to citizens, businesses and governments. • Improving and simplifying the quality of life of citizens and businesses. • Encourage the creation of new companies (innovative start-ups) and enable traditional companies to deliver and take advantage of new digital services to enhance their competitiveness and internationalization. • Save and use a more efficient public and private resources. Regione Marche 73

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Regione Marche

Thanks for your attention! Credits for MCLOUD: Regione Marche (S. Carota et al. )

Thanks for your attention! Credits for MCLOUD: Regione Marche (S. Carota et al. ) CNAF (M. Morandin, D. Salomoni, ) INFN PG (G. M. Bilei, P. Lubrano, et al. ) With the support of Prof Fernando Ferroni, INFN President and Gian Mario Spacca, President of Regione Marche Software developers