K1 Afterschool Math PD Freckle and Small Group

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K-1 Afterschool Math PD Freckle and Small Group Instruction March 19, 2019

K-1 Afterschool Math PD Freckle and Small Group Instruction March 19, 2019

 How many of you are using Freckle? How are you using Freckle?

How many of you are using Freckle? How are you using Freckle?

Freckle – Students will have complete access to all forms of independent practice on

Freckle – Students will have complete access to all forms of independent practice on the student dashboard. Student-led adaptive practice, targeted practice, fact practice, number facts/basics, etc. are all free for students to use as frequently as they'd like (apart from Fact Practice which is limited to 2 x per day for all users, paid and free). Kindergarten - Free Version Usage and Performance data reports for 3 students only 1 st Grade – Paid Version All usage and performance data reports for all students, customizable and with past data available Unlimited assignments of all types Full access to the inquiry-based lesson library Note that some data reports (Report Cards, etc. ) are available for all students Most usage/performance reports will only include data for today and the current week One assignment (of each product type) at a time 4 inquiry-based lessons in each grade level Unlimited benchmark assessments 30 total student benchmark assessments (1 assessment for 30 students, 2 assessments for 15 students, etc. ) Unlimited printable worksheets Unlimited constructed response prompts 4 printable worksheets per month Standards page and relevant resources (videos, sample questions, etc. ) Unlimited access to standards page and relevant resources (videos, sample questions, etc. )

Freckle Adaptive Targeted Need to Give Students the Pre. Tests in the Domain to

Freckle Adaptive Targeted Need to Give Students the Pre. Tests in the Domain to work here (Not Kindergarten) Allows students to work at their own levels 3, 5 or 10 question assignment Reports to see where they are at Can use this for progress monitoring Pre-test, Class Grouping, Fact Practice, Report Card, Standards Report Can generate a printable for this Teacher specifically assigns what they want students to work on Reports- Assessment Report(Benchmark) or under Assignments Can generate a printable for this

Freckle – Student view https: //student. freckle. com/#login

Freckle – Student view https: //student. freckle. com/#login

Small Group Ideas & Resources Example: Rotation of Groups during math block LOW MEDIUM

Small Group Ideas & Resources Example: Rotation of Groups during math block LOW MEDIUM HIGH Computer Reteach/Zearn Teacher Problem Set Teacher- Problem Set Computer/Freckle Problem Set Computer/ Freckle Teacher – Go over Problem Set & Enrichment Resources: Freckle Math Centers- Share. Point Mastering the Basic Facts Mine the Gap Manipulatives

Questions? ? Exit Ticket

Questions? ? Exit Ticket