K1 Afterschool Math PD Freckle and Small Group
- Slides: 7
K-1 Afterschool Math PD Freckle and Small Group Instruction March 19, 2019
How many of you are using Freckle? How are you using Freckle?
Freckle – Students will have complete access to all forms of independent practice on the student dashboard. Student-led adaptive practice, targeted practice, fact practice, number facts/basics, etc. are all free for students to use as frequently as they'd like (apart from Fact Practice which is limited to 2 x per day for all users, paid and free). Kindergarten - Free Version Usage and Performance data reports for 3 students only 1 st Grade – Paid Version All usage and performance data reports for all students, customizable and with past data available Unlimited assignments of all types Full access to the inquiry-based lesson library Note that some data reports (Report Cards, etc. ) are available for all students Most usage/performance reports will only include data for today and the current week One assignment (of each product type) at a time 4 inquiry-based lessons in each grade level Unlimited benchmark assessments 30 total student benchmark assessments (1 assessment for 30 students, 2 assessments for 15 students, etc. ) Unlimited printable worksheets Unlimited constructed response prompts 4 printable worksheets per month Standards page and relevant resources (videos, sample questions, etc. ) Unlimited access to standards page and relevant resources (videos, sample questions, etc. )
Freckle Adaptive Targeted Need to Give Students the Pre. Tests in the Domain to work here (Not Kindergarten) Allows students to work at their own levels 3, 5 or 10 question assignment Reports to see where they are at Can use this for progress monitoring Pre-test, Class Grouping, Fact Practice, Report Card, Standards Report Can generate a printable for this Teacher specifically assigns what they want students to work on Reports- Assessment Report(Benchmark) or under Assignments Can generate a printable for this
Freckle – Student view https: //student. freckle. com/#login
Small Group Ideas & Resources Example: Rotation of Groups during math block LOW MEDIUM HIGH Computer Reteach/Zearn Teacher Problem Set Teacher- Problem Set Computer/Freckle Problem Set Computer/ Freckle Teacher – Go over Problem Set & Enrichment Resources: Freckle Math Centers- Share. Point Mastering the Basic Facts Mine the Gap Manipulatives
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