June 2020 Happy children are successful children Welcome
- Slides: 22
June 2020 Happy children are successful children
Welcome to our Values assembly A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. It helps us to be the best person we can be.
How did exploring the value of Self-belief guide your thinking and behaviour?
In June, we will be exploring the Value of … HONESTY
WHAT IS HONESTY? Telling the truth to others and yourself Being genuine to others and yourself Voicing your opinion in a kind and thoughtful way
WHAT IS HONESTY? Telling the truth despite the consequences Showing and sharing your feelings without anger
WHAT IS HONESTY? Admitting when you have made a mistake Accepting responsibility for your own actions and not blaming others
WHAT IS HONESTY? Telling the truth even when you have done something wrong and could be in trouble. You do not need to be afraid of owning up to wrongdoing. We always respect honesty and thank people for being honest.
HONESTY • Philippe Quint is a famous violinist • He left his violin in the back of a taxi in New York. - It was worth 2 million pounds. - He was loaned it by some vey rich people as he was the best violinist in the world.
HONESTY • He rang the police, taxi firms and everybody he knew. • The violin was in Mohammed Khalil’s taxi and he hadn’t realised. He left it in the taxi over night. • When Mohammed got to the airport his friends told him about the missing violin. • When he looked in the back of his taxi, it was there!
HONESTY • Mohammed handed the violin back to Phillipe Quint who was delighted. • Phillipe gave Mohammed all the money he had on him and gave all the taxi drivers a concert. • The mayor of New York heard what had happened and gave a speech about Mohammed's honesty and gave him a special medal from the city.
HONESTY • What would have happened if Phillipe hadn’t told people the violin was lost? • What would have happened if Mohammed had kept the violin?
HONESTY • We never keep something we have found because we think of how the person who has lost it would feel. • If we make a mistake or lose something precious, we tell someone so they can help us.
Why should I be honest? What could happen if I am not honest?
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=g. KWktwe. AZb 0
HONESTY • How did the shepherd boy's dishonesty hurt him? How did it endanger his sheep? • How can the shepherd boy gain back the trust of the townspeople?
A quiet moment of prayer or reflection. . .
As we reflect, think about how HONESTY makes the world a better place to be.
A prayer for all of us Here in our school Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other. Let love and honesty be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together.
- Mikael ferm
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