Jules Verne Curriculum and teaching Schooling at the

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Jules Verne Curriculum and teaching

Jules Verne Curriculum and teaching

Schooling at the French School Jules Verne … And after ? Cycle I: PS-MS-GS

Schooling at the French School Jules Verne … And after ? Cycle I: PS-MS-GS Without test s nk Cycle II: CP-CE 1 -CE 2 Without test to ha t est nt ools t ut me sch o th gree he i W a nt e e th twe be Cycle III: CM 1 -CM 2 Test *Currently, partnership project under discussion European Schooling Helsinki (ESH) Other schools: French-Finnish School* (HRSK), SYK …

Age 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9

Age 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years French schooling system Maternelle Kindergarten Elémentaire Elementary Collège Lower Secondary Lycée Upper Secondary European School PS - MS - GS N 2 CP CE 1 CE 2 CM 1 CM 2 6ème 5ème P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 S 1 S 2 4ème S 3 3ème S 4 2 nde Finnish system Age 3 years 4 years Päiväkoti 5 years 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 7 13 years 8 14 years S 5 9 15 years 1ère S 6 10 16 years Terminale S 7 11 17 years 12 18 years Ala-aste Yläaste Lukio

What do pupils do in maternelle ? Language in all its aspects Oral language:

What do pupils do in maternelle ? Language in all its aspects Oral language: Act, express themselves, understand through arts Act, express themselves through physical activity Start communicating Interact with others Start thinking about language and work on sounds Written language: Alphabet letters Start writing by themselves Adapt balance and movements in various environments or constraints Communicate with others through expressive or artistic actions Collaborate, cooperate, oppose Build the first tools to construct their thinking Discover numbers and their use Explore shapes, sizes, organizes suites Develop a taste for artistic practices Explore different forms of arts Live and express feelings, make choices Explore the world Identify themselves in time and space Explore the living world, objects and materials

What do pupils learn in CP, CE 1 and CE 2 ? French 10

What do pupils learn in CP, CE 1 and CE 2 ? French 10 hours / week Learning to read and write First introduction to grammar and spelling Knowledge of numbers Calculations (techniques and rules) Problem solving Mental arithmetics Enjoy movement Develop a sens of effort and perseverance Respect for rules, respect for others Mathematics 5 hours Sport 3 hours English 2 hours Arts and History of arts (incl. music) 2 h 15 Develop artistic sensibility and expression abilities of pupils First contact with art works (observe, listen) Discovery of the world (space, time, sciences) 2 h 15 Acquire references in time and space, knowledge of the world Pupils go beyond their initial knowledge by observing and manipulating First year: focus on oral language Second year: combination of written and oral langugage with focus on understanding and speech CP: Finnish method « Kisu Pikkukuun esikoulu » which follows the Finnish curriculum to start wrinting and reading 2 hours for Finnish-speaking pupils Finnish 45 minutes for non-Finnish-speaking pupils CE 1: « Salainen Aapinen » follows the same program Say hello, introduce yourself. . . Cultural items

What do pupils learn in CM 1 and CM 2 ? French 8 hours

What do pupils learn in CM 1 and CM 2 ? French 8 hours / week Mathematics 5 hours Sport 3 hours English 2 h 30 (+ 2 h 15) Master the French language: grammar, spelling, vocaburary Precise and clear expression in spoken and written language Study literature Develop a taste for research and reasoning, abstraction, rigor and precision. In mathematics, learning of new mechanisms is always associated with understanding. Develop motor skills Health education (know their body better) Learn to be responsible; respect for rules, respect for themselves and others Specific project Develop artistic sensitibility and abilities of pupils Use a specific vocabulary to express feelings, emotions, preferences, tastes. Study art works to give some art culture Arts and history of arts 2 h 15 Sciences and technology 2 h Understand describe the world and nature Observation, questioning, experimenting, argumentation 2 h Learn about time references (Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Age. . ) and spatial references (World, Europe, France) Develop curiosity, observation skills and critical thinking History and Geography Finnish 2 h for Finnish-speaking pupils 45 minutes for non-Finnishspeaking pupils Same Finnish method which follows the Finnish Education curriculum Everyday life Cultural items

More subjects and more hours taught in English CE 2, CM 1 & CM

More subjects and more hours taught in English CE 2, CM 1 & CM 2 levels q English language, 3 times a week (2 x 45 min + 60 min) • Group levels • Oral (incl. debating) and writing skills development q Arts in English : 1 h 15 (Consistent with ESH teaching) q Sport in English : 1 h (Consistent with ESH teaching) Goal: achieve the A 2 level at the end of CM 2 (aligned on ESH objective)

Our teaching in Finnish • CP : Reading and writing from 6 years old

Our teaching in Finnish • CP : Reading and writing from 6 years old with the « Pikkumetsän esiopetus » , method, used in the Finnish schools (sounds, construction of words, meaning…) • In CE 1 (2 nd grade ), « Pikkumetsän Aapista» : strengthening of reading and writing skills in all their forms. Systematical study of the Finnish grammar. • In CE 2 (3 rd grade ) , « Pikkumetsän lukukirja » : Reading fluently and with meaning. Follow up on the language understanding and writing correctly. • In CM 1 and CM 2 (4 th and 5 th grades) : developping oral skills, conversations. Producing written texts. Focus on the interest for the language and litterature.

The school fees for 2017 - 2018 Fee 2017 -2018 (per month) Additional fees:

The school fees for 2017 - 2018 Fee 2017 -2018 (per month) Additional fees: 1) Registration fee (one time): 370 € Frais de scolarité enfants moins de trois ans / less than 3 years old 945 € Frais de scolarité 3 ans-6 ans/ 3 to 6 years old 602 € Frais de scolarité CE 1 -CM 2 / 2 nd to 5 th grade 306 € 2) School supplies : 60 € per year 3) Lunch service (food & assistants): 6. 60 € per lunch 4) Garderie: 5 € per hour Example of annual cost (2017 -2018) Kindergarten until 1 st grade (inlcuded) : School fee: 6. 622 €, lunches: 1168, 20 € i. e. about 708 €/ month 2 nd to 5 th grade : 3. 366 €+ 1. 168, 20 € (177 days for 2017 -2018) i. e about 412, 20 €/ month 9

Why is Jules Verne a good choice ? • A rich, structured and quality

Why is Jules Verne a good choice ? • A rich, structured and quality teaching in all subjects : Quality of the education is on really high level Classes are taught by qualified French teachers who have worked in other French schools around the world and thus are open minded and use to children who are not French native speakers • Ambitious pedagogical and educational projects • Multicultural environment • A small school attentive to the needs of children and committed to the success of all students : Attentive teaching maintains high motivation among pupils Small group size helps in maintaining a peaceful working environment • Very good command of oral and written French Helps to learn other languages Kids from families with single language able to become fully bilingual • English language is taught from CP (6 years old) • Private school maintained by the parents : Parents interests are well respected Yet affordable • Central location in the heart of the city with good connections