Joins Joins In order to maintain normalization in

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Joins In order to maintain normalization in the database design it is necessary to

Joins In order to maintain normalization in the database design it is necessary to break up data into separate tables. The data can then be re-associated through the use of a join.

What to join? • Key columns are the best since these were created for

What to join? • Key columns are the best since these were created for the purpose of existing as a reference. • Should have similar data • Should be the same datatype • nulls will not join since their value is not known.

Syntax • Usually best to put the join conditions first in the WHERE clause

Syntax • Usually best to put the join conditions first in the WHERE clause • Use of aliases greatly simplifies the statement. • Any logical operator can be used. • A self-join can be performed on the same table by qualifying it twice.

Self Join Which authors in Oakland have the same zip code? Select distinct au

Self Join Which authors in Oakland have the same zip code? Select distinct au 1. au_fname , au 1. au_lname, au 1. zip from authors au 1, authors au 2 where au 1. city = “Oakland” and au 1. zip = au 2. zip and au 1. au_id != au 2. au_id

Outer Joins • Allow you to look at the results of a SELECT in

Outer Joins • Allow you to look at the results of a SELECT in the context of what rows did not qualify. Select fname, lname, pubname from author, pub where author. city *= pub. city • This will return all the rows of the first table in the statement and with a NULL value in the column of anything that did not qualify from the second. • Putting the * on the other side of the = will have the same effect on the second table.

Results _au_fname_ _au_lname_ pub_name Johnson White NULL Marjorie Green NULL Cheryl Carson Algodata Michael

Results _au_fname_ _au_lname_ pub_name Johnson White NULL Marjorie Green NULL Cheryl Carson Algodata Michael O’Leary NULL

How a Join is Processed • First the system obtains the Cartesian Product of

How a Join is Processed • First the system obtains the Cartesian Product of all tables in join Cartesian Product - the matrix of all possible combinations that could satisfy the join • The select list is used to restrict the columns returned • The WHERE clause is then used to restrict the rows return that satisfy the query

Union clause • Way of combining data from multiple queries • Uses the column

Union clause • Way of combining data from multiple queries • Uses the column names from the first SELECT statement select fname First. Name, lname Last. Name, city City from authors where city=‘Oakland’ UNION select fname, lname, city from authors where city=‘New York’

Union cont. • Removes all duplicates by default. Using the ALL keyword prevents this.

Union cont. • Removes all duplicates by default. Using the ALL keyword prevents this. UNION ALL • Can use an ORDER BY only in the last SELECT statement which applies to all the output • Can eliminate the need to write numerous SELECT statements.