Job analysis Method Questionnaire Interviews Observation Log/diaries Sources of data Employees Supervisors Managers Job analyst Conducted by Job analyst Outside consultant Supervisor/manager ������������� ������� )job description) )job specification( Use information for Job design HR planning Recruitment Selection Trainning Compensation Health safety performance management
JOB ANALYSIS PROCESS Planning - Identified objective of analysis - Obtain top management support Preparing for job analysis - Identified jobs and methodology - Review existing job documents - Communicate process to manager/ employee Conducting the job analysis - Gather data - Review and compile data Develop job description and job specification maintain job description and job specificatio n - Draft - Review draft - Identify recommendati on - Finalize job description -Update and periodically review (Flynn, Mathis, Jackson, Langan, 2004)
WHICH METHOD TO USE Interview should not be relied on as the sole data collection method Various methods may not be interchangeable Certained methods seem to be better suited to a given situation than others (Ivancervich, 2001)
การออกแบบงาน (JOB DESIGN ( The process of organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work (Flynn, Mathis, Jackson, Langan, 2004) Job design specifies the job content, job methods, and the relationship between the organizational, social, and personal needs of worker. It involves observation, recording, and analysis of current jobs to make work more efficient and to provide incentives for worker)improve satisfaction). (Tomey, 2000)
WHEN TO DO JOB DESIGN Work overload/ underload Repetitive work/ boring work Limited control over work Delay Excessive working hours
COMPONENTS OF JOB DESIGN job scope/range – number of tasks a person is expected to perform while doing jobs , various tasks to be performed and responsibilities to be taken on job depth – degree of influence or discretion that individual possesses to choose how job will be performed, the autonomy that the employee enjoys in taking ownership and responsibility of their work Task: a basic element of work that is a necessary step in performing a job
JOB ANALYSIS VS JOB DESIGN Job analysis • analysis of the current jobs Purpose Job design can be done after doing the job analysis • evaluate and analysis of a job, in • arrange work tasks to arrive at the terms of the tasks, maximum efficiency and optimal responsibilities, skills, tools, outcomes, by taking into consideration knowledge and expertise the goals of the organization and skills • determine the demands of the and capabilities needed to fulfill those specific job and the skills and goals abilities that the employee must possess in order to complete the job successfully • used for many different purposes such as recruitment, training need analysis, and job evaluation
JOB ANALYSIS VS JOB DESIGN Job analysis outcomes Job design • can help to compare • result in many savings in the jobs of employees FTEs and costs and to bring a new • bring the elimination of systematic approach many process steps and it to restructure the can help the organization to hierarchy of jobs in the bring in customer delight organization
การปรบปรงงาน REDESIGN( (WORK/JOB Restructuring the elements including tasks, duties and responsibilities of a specific job in order to make it more encouraging and inspiring for the employees or workers.
JOB REDESIGN การเพมปรมาณงาน (job enlargement) horizontal approach- expand a job’s duties, assign extra duties (Gomez. Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2001) การเพมคณคาของงาน (job enrichment) a vertical approach- use a fuller range of abilities and skills of the personnel(Toomy, 2001) Functional nursing to primary nursing care
JOB REDESIGN การทำใหงายขน (job/work simplification) remove more difficult part of job so that the worker can do more of what remain (Toomy, 2001) Broken down work into simple, repetitive task (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2001) Hire nurse to start Ivs, treatment nurse can give other medications
JOB REDESIGN การหมนเวยนงาน (job rotation ( employees are moved between two or more jobs in a planned manner. The objective is to expose the employees to different experiences and wider variety of skills to enhance job satisfaction and to cross-train them
JOB REDESIGN Focus on job depth Job enrichment job enrichment + job enlargement Routine job enlargement Focus on job scope/range
DIFFERENCES Job enlargement • Quantity : add more duties, and an increased workload, expansion of jobs Job enrichment • Quality: improvement, upgrading and development, • Objective: reduce monotony • Objective: design more in performing certain repetitive job challenge job/ less repetitive job • Employee has variety of skills and earn capacity • Employee satisfies in respect to their position and personal growth potential; get achievement, self actualization; reduce absenteeism
REFERENCES Flynn, W. J, Mathis, R. L. , Jackson, J. H. , & Langan, P. J. (2004). Healthcare human resource management. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Ivancevich, J. M. (2001). Human resource management. New York: Mc. Graw Hill. Gomez-Mejia, L. R. , Balkin, D. B. , & Cardy, R. L. (2001). Managing human resource. New Jersey: Prental Hall. Tomey, A. M. (2000). Guide to nursing management and leadership. St. Louise: Mosby. สภาพร พศาลบตร. (2550). การวเคราะหงาน. กรงเทพฯ : วรตน เอดดเคชน. สำนกงาน คณะกรรมการขาราชการพลเรอน. (2553). คมอวเคราะหงาน ประชม ชาง. . นนทบร :
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