IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute EMEP Assessment Report

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IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute EMEP Assessment Report Conclusions for part I Gun Lövblad

The EMEP Assessment report • Part I The Europe-wide assessment Chapter 1 Sulphur, Nittrogen and base cations Chapter 2 Ozone Chapter 3 Heavy metals and POPs • Part II All the national assessments

Time schedule Today End of data checking? To be approved by Steering Body

Work plan up to Feb 2003 • The lead authors will produce a first draft to January. • The editorial committee will decide on gaps where contributing authors can add info • A first check-up point in February at the EMEP centres´ meeting in Moscow

The content of the report • Part I The Europe-wide assessment will be summary of achieved results. No research report, but references to original work Aiming at 50 pages, but is likely to end up with 100. Executive summary of 5 pages

The content of the report • Part II The national contributions will be in shorter versions, max 10 pages per country 20 -25 contributions means 200 - 250 pages

Finishing of the report • The report should be printed in August 2004 and sent to the EMEP Steering Body in September. • There should be a final draft around 1 March 2004 to be sent to the TFMM for review to be discussed at the meeting in April 2004.

National reports • The results from the national reports will also be summarised into the overall European report (Part I) • What is desirable for the national reports from Part I point of view ? • Rely on your very best results, those considered as valid and qualified and clearly state the quality of data and trends • Try to make the most of your results. Analyse and explain!

National reports What are the changes in air concentration and deposition? Why have the changes been; • Local sources, long range sources? Are the changes in line with emission changes? • Atmospheric chemistry changes? • Atmospheric climatic changes? What is not possible to explain? Gaps of knowledge?
Ivl swedish environmental research institute
Swedish national road and transport research institute
Environmental systems research institute inc
Environmental systems research institute
Research report vs research proposal
Environmental training institute (eti)
Caribbean environmental health institute
Health and environmental sciences institute
"data aggregator"
Swedish ob gyn first hill