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KEMAMPUAN AKHIR YANG DIHARAPKAN • Memahami istilah medis dan tindakan pada sistem reproduksi pria

KEMAMPUAN AKHIR YANG DIHARAPKAN • Memahami istilah medis dan tindakan pada sistem reproduksi pria

CIRCUMCISION Removal of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision is most often performed on

CIRCUMCISION Removal of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision is most often performed on newborn male babies, usually for religiuos reasons. It may also be carried out on adults. Why it is done: Circumcision is a religious ritual practiced for thousands of years by both Jews and Muslims. In some countries it is also routinely carried out for reasons of hygiene (because circumcision prevents the accumulation of secretions under the foreskin).

Medical reasons for performing circumcision include a tight foreskin that ballons on urination, or

Medical reasons for performing circumcision include a tight foreskin that ballons on urination, or recurrent attacks of balanitis (infection under the foreskin due to retained secretions). In adult, the foreskin may be removed because it is tight and painful during intercourse, or because of attacks of paraphimosis (painful compression of the shaft of the penis by a retracted foreskin)

How it is done: In newborn babies, the operation takes only a few minutes.

How it is done: In newborn babies, the operation takes only a few minutes. The foreskin is pulled forward over the tip of the penis and cut. The outer layer of the remaining foreskin retracts, leaving the glans covered by the thinner, inner layer. This is cut and pulled back. The two layers of the foreskin are then stitched and waterproof dressing is applied.

In adolescents and adults, circumcision is usually Performed using a general anesthetic. The foreskin

In adolescents and adults, circumcision is usually Performed using a general anesthetic. The foreskin is pulled back as far as it will go. It is slit along its upper surface and then all around so that it can be removed. The raw edges of the inner and outer layers are stitched, and a dressing is applied. The patient usually goes home in the same day.

ISTILAH PENYAKIT & GANGGUAN SISTEM REPRODUKTIF PRIA Istilah Anorchism Aspermia Balanitis BPH Cryptorchism Epididymitis

ISTILAH PENYAKIT & GANGGUAN SISTEM REPRODUKTIF PRIA Istilah Anorchism Aspermia Balanitis BPH Cryptorchism Epididymitis Erectile dysfunction Epispadia Hydrocele Hypospadia Definisi absennya satu atau kedua testes kekurangan sperma radang pada glans penis pembesaran prostate yang benign undescented testiculorum (testicle) (testes tidak masuk ke skrotum) radang epididymis =. . =… =… =

Istilah Impotence Definisi = tidak bisa ereksi atau tidak bisa mempertahan Kan ereksi penis

Istilah Impotence Definisi = tidak bisa ereksi atau tidak bisa mempertahan Kan ereksi penis Indirect inguinal hernia = hernia intestine melalui pintu hernia inguinalis internal yang kemudian turun masuk skrotum Oligosperma =… Orchitis = radang testes Phimosis = kakunya prepucium sehingga kulit tidak dapat ditarik ke belakang dari glans penis Premature ejaculation = pengeluaran semen sebelum ereksi komplit Terjadi atau sesaat mulai mempenetrasi vagina. Priapism = rasa sakit abnormal dan ereksi penis berkepan jangan yang tidak berkaitan dengan birahi seksual Prostate cancer = kanker prostate

Istilah Definisi Prostatitis spermatolysis testicular carcinoma varicocele =. . =… = tumor malignant satu

Istilah Definisi Prostatitis spermatolysis testicular carcinoma varicocele =. . =… = tumor malignant satu atau kedua testes = varices vena (membesar, melilit-lilit, membengkak) pada spermatic cord.

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (PMS) Istilah chancre chlamydia herpes genital warts gonorrhea (GO) Definisi =

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (PMS) Istilah chancre chlamydia herpes genital warts gonorrhea (GO) Definisi = penyakit infeksi sangat menular disertai timbulnya pus dan lesi pada penis, tanda stadium dini sifilis = PMS akibat infeksi chlamydia trachomatis = PMS akibat infeksi herpes simplex type virus veneral = PMS dengan tanda tumbuhnya benjolan seperti bunga kol sepanjang penis. = PMS akibat infeksi bakteri neisseria gonococcen yang menyerang selaput lendir saluran genital

Istilah STD (PMS) syphilis Definisi = setiap penyakit yang disebarluaskan dari orang ke orang

Istilah STD (PMS) syphilis Definisi = setiap penyakit yang disebarluaskan dari orang ke orang lain saat kontak seksual = PMS yang memiliki tiga stadium yang berbeda dan setiap stadium akan lebih berat trichomoniasis TORCH dari stadium sebelumnya, lesi bisa melibatkan organ dan jaringan lain. = PMS akibat infestasi parasit yang menyerang tractus genitourinaria. =…

ISTILAH MEDIS DIAGNOSTIK & TERAPI SISTEM REPRODUKTIF PRIA Istilah Definisi circumcision = sunat (mengangkat

ISTILAH MEDIS DIAGNOSTIK & TERAPI SISTEM REPRODUKTIF PRIA Istilah Definisi circumcision = sunat (mengangkat prepucium) epididymectomy = operasi mengangkat epididymis orchiectomy =… orchiopexy =… orchidoplasty/orchioplasty =… prosratectomy =…

Istilah Definisi PAP (prostatic acid phosphatase) = test laboratoris mengukur kadar asam fosfatase yang

Istilah Definisi PAP (prostatic acid phosphatase) = test laboratoris mengukur kadar asam fosfatase yang merupakan satu ensim yang ada di sel prostate, peningkatan kadar di dalam darah ada hubungan dengan kanker prostate. Semen analisis = analisis laboratoris, komponen fisik & kimiawi semen. PSA (prostate specific antigen)= test laboratoris mengukur kadar protein yang dihasilkan sel prostate, peningkatan kadar di dalam darah ada indikasi prostatic hypertrophy atau kanker prostat ; perlu screening test.

Istilah Definisi suprapubic prostatectomy = pengangkatan sebagian atau total kelenjar prostate melalui insisi tepat

Istilah Definisi suprapubic prostatectomy = pengangkatan sebagian atau total kelenjar prostate melalui insisi tepat di atas os pubic Sterilization =. . . transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)= pengangkatan sebagian atau total kelenjar prostate dengan alat yang dimasukan lewat saluran urethral varicolectomy = pengangkatan varices dengan insisi bagian skrotum dan pengikatan (ligasi) vena yang varices. vasectomy = pengangkatan semua bagian vas deferens

SEXUAL REPRODUCTION The process of producing a new generation to continue the existence of

SEXUAL REPRODUCTION The process of producing a new generation to continue the existence of the species by the fusion of two cells from different individuals; this is achieved in human by fusion of one sperm and one ovum. The fusion, called fertilization, is achieved by sexual intercourse or artificial insemination.

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION The introduction of semen into the cervix by means of an instrument

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION The introduction of semen into the cervix by means of an instrument instead of through sexual intercourse, with the aim of inducting conception and pregnancy. Artificial insemination was first carried out in the US in 1866. About 10. 000 babies are born in US annually as a result of the procedure.

Types: 1. AIH: artificial insemination using the husband’s semen. 2. AID: artificial insemination using

Types: 1. AIH: artificial insemination using the husband’s semen. 2. AID: artificial insemination using a donor semen. Insemination is carried out by injecting semen into the cervix with a small syringe. Two or three inseminations are carried out during the two to four optimum days for conception in the woman’s menstrual cycles and, unless pregnancy occurs, they are repeated for up to five more cycles.

Results When fresh semen is used, the success rate of artificial insemination in bringing

Results When fresh semen is used, the success rate of artificial insemination in bringing about pregnancy over a sixmonth period is 60 -70%. With frozen semen, the success rate is 55 percent.

LATIHAN 1 Cocokkan Istilah di lajur kiri dengan definisi di kanan: 1. BPH (a)

LATIHAN 1 Cocokkan Istilah di lajur kiri dengan definisi di kanan: 1. BPH (a) ereksi penis yang sakit dan lama 2. Epispadias (b) akumulasi cairan di skrotum 3. Impotence (c) penghancuran sperma 4. Hypospadias (d) pembesaran vena pada spermatic cord 5. Hydrocele (e) pembesaran prostate benign 6. Priapism (f) pintu keluar urethra di atas penis 7. Phimosis (g) disfungsi ereksi 8. Kanker prostate (h) gangguan kongenital urethra di bagian bawah penis 9. Varicocele (i) preputium keras dan kaku 10. Spermatolysis (j) pembesaran prostate malignant.

LATIHAN 2 Pilih jawaban yang tepat: 1. Istilah sebutan pembentukan sperma: a. Spermatolysis c.

LATIHAN 2 Pilih jawaban yang tepat: 1. Istilah sebutan pembentukan sperma: a. Spermatolysis c. Spermatogenesis b. Spermatosis d. Spermatopoeisis 2. Istilah berarti: absennya satu atau kedua buah pelir: a. aspermia c. anaorchidism b. anorchidism d. oligospermia 3. Lobang urethra di ujung penis a. Hipospadia c. Perispadias c. Hyperspadias d. epispadias

4. Pembesaran pembuluh vena spermatic cord: a. Varicocele c. Hydrocele b. Spermatocele d. Inguinocele

4. Pembesaran pembuluh vena spermatic cord: a. Varicocele c. Hydrocele b. Spermatocele d. Inguinocele 5. Operasi fiksasi testes disebut: … a. Orchidoplasty c. orchidorrhaphy b. Orchidopexy d. orchidodesis 6. Sterilisai pria bisa dilakukan dengan cara … a. Epididymectomy c. Prostatectmy b. Orhidectomy d. Vasectomy

7. Singkatan kata untuk test skrining kanker prostate: … a. PSA b. PAP c.

7. Singkatan kata untuk test skrining kanker prostate: … a. PSA b. PAP c. TURP d. SPC 8. Jumlah sperma sedikit disebut … a. Spermatolysis c. oligispermia b. Aspermia d. hypospemia 9. Tindakan menempatkan testes masuk ke scrotum: a. orchidopexy c. orchidotomy b. orchidoplasty d. orchidectomy