主耶穌的愛真是奇妙 Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful
[ 1. 1 ] n 再沒有比這更甜美信息 There will never be a sweeter story, n 就是救主大愛與慈仁 Story of the Saviour's love divine; n 這愛使主離開天上榮華 Love that bro't Him from the realms of Glory, n 為拯救像我這樣罪人 Just to save a sinful soul like mine. Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful 主耶穌的 愛真是奇妙
[ 2. 1 ] n 神愛廣闊如宇宙環繞我 Boundless as the universe around me, n 遠近所有人類都包括 Reaching to the farthest soul away, n 神慈愛尋找拯救保守我 Saving, keeping love it was that found me, n 故我心實在能如此說 That is why my heart can truly say; Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful 主耶穌的 愛真是奇妙
[ 3. 1 ] n 神的慈愛非人所能明瞭 Love beyond our human comprehending, n 神的慈愛顯在基督內 Love of God in Christ - how can it be! n 這成為我永遠歌唱信息 This will be my theme and never ending, n 加略山偉大救贖的愛 Great redeeming love of Calvary. Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful 主耶穌的 愛真是奇妙
[ C. 1 ] n 主耶穌的愛真是奇妙,真奇妙 Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, n 真奇妙,真奇妙 wonderful, wonderful; n 哦,主耶穌的愛真是奇妙,真奇妙 O isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful! n 主對我真是奇妙 Wonderful it is to me. Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful 主耶穌的 愛真是奇妙