Introduction to the Middle Ages 1066 1485 A

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Introduction to the Middle Ages (1066 -1485) A. k. a. The Dark Ages or

Introduction to the Middle Ages (1066 -1485) A. k. a. The Dark Ages or the Medieval Period

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • Battle of Hastings was said to

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • Battle of Hastings was said to change the course of human history. – It began the Norman Conquest • This radically affected English history, character, & language

Who is William the Conqueror? • William was the illegitimate son of the previous

Who is William the Conqueror? • William was the illegitimate son of the previous Duke of Normandy – The Duke was a cousin to the current king-King Edward the Confessor – Edward died childless & Harold, earl of Wessex was crowned the next day – William said the old king had promised the throne to him.

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William the Conqueror was determined to

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William the Conqueror was determined to seize throne –seized the English Channel in 1066 which began the Battle of Hastings.

William the Conqueror • William’s other names: – William, Duke of Normandy – William

William the Conqueror • William’s other names: – William, Duke of Normandy – William the Bastard – William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William created a book that went

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William created a book that went down in history as the first time in European history that people were taxed on what they owned – Domesday Book • Just as Christians must account for the sins they committed in life on Earth, the European people had to account for what they owned and pay taxes on it. – Domesday or Last Judgment

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William brought the new social system

William the Conqueror & the Norman Influence • William brought the new social system of feudalism to England.

Feudalism: From the Top Down • Feudalism is a new social system based on

Feudalism: From the Top Down • Feudalism is a new social system based on putting people into certain levels or a hierarchy. – Based on the religious concept of hierarchy • The Great Chain of Being

Great Chain of Being • Definition: It was an order given to the universe

Great Chain of Being • Definition: It was an order given to the universe from God to the soil and rocks. – Every link represented every aspect of earthly life and heavenly life – “a place for everything and everything in its place. ” – Macrocosm (big world) – Universe – Microcosm (smaller worlds) – Individual communities

Great Chain of Being: Order of the Universe God Angels Spiritual Temporal Man_______Man Pope

Great Chain of Being: Order of the Universe God Angels Spiritual Temporal Man_______Man Pope King Cardinals Nobles Bishops Merchant/Craftsmen Priests Peasants/Serfs Faithful Animals Plants Inanimates

Feudal System • God was the supreme overlord – King was chosen by God

Feudal System • God was the supreme overlord – King was chosen by God – He had Divine Right – His laws were infallible because he spoke in the name of God. • Barrons were his vassals (people who served answered to the king) • The king gave them portions of land in return for military/economic allegiance – Barrons appoint vassals of their own – Landless Knights » Serfs (not free to leave the land they work)

Feudal System Pyramid God. King. Barons. Landless Knights. Serfs. Women. Children-

Feudal System Pyramid God. King. Barons. Landless Knights. Serfs. Women. Children-

Knighthood • Primary duty of serf males – military service – Trained at an

Knighthood • Primary duty of serf males – military service – Trained at an early age to be warriors • “Dubbed” – ceremonially tapped on the shoulder with a sword by the king (who is the agent of God on Earth). Originally they received a hard blow to the face to test their strength and bravery • Title of “Sir” was given to them – Now he has full rights of the warrior caste

Knighthood • Oaths of Fealty – Solemn & unbreakable vow sworn by a vassal

Knighthood • Oaths of Fealty – Solemn & unbreakable vow sworn by a vassal to a chosen lord – usually the higher classes participated in the actual ceremony – Lord promises expected faithfulness & service without deception – Vassals made pledges over religious relics • Sealed with a kiss

Holy Relics • These are physical proof of religious faith in the everyday world

Holy Relics • These are physical proof of religious faith in the everyday world – “Souvenirs” of holy people thought to have religious significance & the power of God to heal

Three Types of Relics • 1 st Degree: Actual body part of a saint

Three Types of Relics • 1 st Degree: Actual body part of a saint or holy person – Ex. : finger, skull, hair, entire skeleton, etc. • 2 nd Degree: Item that was touched by and belonged to the saint or holy person – Ex. : clothing, shoes, jewelry • 3 rd Degree: Item that came in contact with the saint or holy person – Ex. : piece of his/her home, book, crucifix or rosary

Economics of Feudalism • Basic economic unit, property system – Manor – Lord of

Economics of Feudalism • Basic economic unit, property system – Manor – Lord of manor owns a piece of property with a manor house and smaller plots reserved for serfs to live on and farm. The entire property was usually protected by a castle &/or defensive wall. • Serfs give a large percentage of what they produce to the lord and he offers them a place to live and protection from invaders.

Economics of Feudalism Continued • Serfs could not leave the land they worked –

Economics of Feudalism Continued • Serfs could not leave the land they worked – Indentured servants • Serfs could not be sold like slaves.

The Role of Women • They were subservient to men – Husband, father, brother,

The Role of Women • They were subservient to men – Husband, father, brother, uncle – His class determined how she was treated Ø Higher class women – responsible for childbearing, supervising housework Ø Lower class women – responsible for childbearing, executing the household chores, and may even work in the fields. • Without a man who was responsible for their well -being, women would die of starvation, alone.

Chivalry • Definition: System of ideals and social codes governing the behavior of knights

Chivalry • Definition: System of ideals and social codes governing the behavior of knights and gentlewomen. – • It was a complete code of conduct Knight’s Obligations: 1. Defend his lord, king, & Christian faith 2. Treat women with respect & modesty 3. Defend the helpless (women, children, the poor) from bandits and scoundrels

Knight’s Obligations • Rules of warfare: – Never attack an unarmed man – Resist

Knight’s Obligations • Rules of warfare: – Never attack an unarmed man – Resist the urge to run away if captured

Definition: Platonic (nonsexual) love for a particular lady • Definition: Platonic (nonsexual) love for

Definition: Platonic (nonsexual) love for a particular lady • Definition: Platonic (nonsexual) love for a particular lady – Would wear her colors in battle – Would glorify her in words – Would fight to win her favor • He would adore a lady as a means of achieving self-improvement. • Lady must remain pure and “out of reach. ”

Cult of the Virgin • Stems from the Cult of the Virgin – Cult

Cult of the Virgin • Stems from the Cult of the Virgin – Cult of knights or warriors who considered the Virgin Mary as the perfect woman; therefore, they would fight in her name and try to improve themselves in her name • She was often depicted in statues on pedestals; therefore, we get the idea of “putting a woman on a pedestal” or raising her above other women.

Courtly Love Continued… • The only time we know that the “line was crossed”

Courtly Love Continued… • The only time we know that the “line was crossed” between the knight and the woman he adored was Sir Lancelot and Guinevere (wife of King Arthur) – He adores her, goes to far, they have an intimate relationship and are “caught in the act” • As a result, the marriage dissolves, the friendship is destroyed, and the Arthur’s Round Table crumbles. • Chivalry idealizes women; however, her value was placed on the lands she brought into the marriage. (dowry)

Boom of Cities • Population grows – people move into towns and cities –

Boom of Cities • Population grows – people move into towns and cities – Feudalism becomes obsolete. – City classes develop (lower, middle, uppermiddle) based on feudalism • Seen in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales – Emerging merchant class

Drama • Began in the Church – most of the population was illiterate and

Drama • Began in the Church – most of the population was illiterate and plays taught stories of the Bible – Miracle Plays – Based on the legends of saints – Mystery Plays – Based on Biblical stories • Passion Plays- reenacted the last week and crucifixion of Christ’s life –Morality Plays – personified virtues and vices

Drama • Performances of the plays was taken over by the trade guilds –

Drama • Performances of the plays was taken over by the trade guilds – Groups of men of the same trade – Pageant wagons or carts were movable stages on wagons that depicted different scenes of a skit and processed through the town • Modern-day parades are modeled after this

Thomas a’ Becket • Chaucer’s pilgrims are on a pilgrimage to the shrine of

Thomas a’ Becket • Chaucer’s pilgrims are on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas a’ Becket • Thomas was the Prime Minister under King Henry II (1118 -1170) – King Henry was a vassal to the Pope • At this point all Christians are Catholic • Pope was powerful and controlled most of the crowned heads of Europe.

Thomas a’ Becket • Thomas was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury – Head of the

Thomas a’ Becket • Thomas was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury – Head of the Catholic Church in England – Thomas takes the side of the Pope a lot • Makes King Henry angry – Henry shouts, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? ” – Henry’s knights take him seriously and murder Thomas in his own cathedral

Thomas a’ Becket • Public outrage made Thomas a martyr – Backlash against King

Thomas a’ Becket • Public outrage made Thomas a martyr – Backlash against King Henry – Monarchy as a constant struggle with the Catholic Church – Corruption in the Church ensues

Good Things About the Church at the Time • Fosters cultural unity • Continues

Good Things About the Church at the Time • Fosters cultural unity • Continues to be a center for learning – Monasteries- libraries and publishers – Latin – international language of educated Europeans – Pope- “King of Kings” – his kingdom had no boundaries

Magna Carta- “Great Charter” • King John was backed by the Pope but English

Magna Carta- “Great Charter” • King John was backed by the Pope but English barrons forced him to sign the document to curb the Church’s power – Later it becomes the basis for English constitutional law • Trial by Jury • Legislative taxation

Hundred Years’ War 1337 -1453 • 1 st national war between England & France

Hundred Years’ War 1337 -1453 • 1 st national war between England & France • 2 British kings (Edward III & Henry V) claimed the throne of France – English lost – English yeoman- small landowners form nucleus of the army – replace knights • Yeoman class, modern democratic England is born

Joan of Arc 1412 -1431 • Young French girl who had visions of Christ

Joan of Arc 1412 -1431 • Young French girl who had visions of Christ as a child • Persuaded King of France to allow her to lead the French army into battle – was told by God she would be victorious – Captured in Burgundy and sold to the English – English turned her over to the Catholic Church for trial – tried for heresy (speaking out against the Catholic Church and her beliefs), witchcraft, and wearing men’s clothes • Burned to death and canonized as a saint

Black Death: Bubonic Plague or “Bring out your dead!” • 1348 -1349 • Spread

Black Death: Bubonic Plague or “Bring out your dead!” • 1348 -1349 • Spread by fleas and rats • Reduced England’s population by a 1/3 – Caused labor shortage – Feudalism dies – serfs are freed

End of the Middle Ages • King Henry VII’s marriage reconciles warring houses of

End of the Middle Ages • King Henry VII’s marriage reconciles warring houses of York and Lancaster – War of the Roses-over which house would rule England • York – red rose • Lancaster-white rose • Lancaster won – strong king started the Tudor line – King Henry VIII’s family – England’s Renaissance begins