Introduction Matrices A matrix say MAYtrix is a

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Introduction Matrices A matrix (say MAY-trix) is a rectangular array of objects (usually numbers).

Introduction Matrices A matrix (say MAY-trix) is a rectangular array of objects (usually numbers). (행렬은 수의 사각형 배열이다. ) An m n (“m by n”) matrix has exactly m horizontal rows, and n vertical columns. (m개의 행과 n개의 열을 갖는 행렬) Plural of matrix = matrices An n n matrix is called a square matrix, whose order is n. (행과 열의 개수가 같은 행렬을 정방행렬이라 한다. ) Tons of applications: • Models within Computational Science & Engineering • Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Network Modeling • Many, many more … Page 2 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Equality Matrices Two matrices A and B are equal iff they have the

Matrix Equality Matrices Two matrices A and B are equal iff they have the same number of rows, the same number of columns, and all corresponding elements are equal. (두 행렬이 같은 수의 행과 열을 가지며 각 위치의 해당 원소의 값이 같으 면 “두 행렬은 같다”고 정의한다. ) Example Page 3 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Row and Column Order (1/2) Matrices The rows in a matrix are usually indexed

Row and Column Order (1/2) Matrices The rows in a matrix are usually indexed 1 to m from top to bottom. (행은 위에서 아래로 1~m의 색인 값을 갖는다. ) The columns are usually indexed 1 to n from left to right. (열은 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 1~n의 색인 값을 갖는다. ) Elements are indexed by row, then column. (각 원소는 행 색인, 열 색인의 순으로 표현한다. ) Page 4 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Row and Column Order (2/2) Matrices Let A be m n matrix [ai, j],

Row and Column Order (2/2) Matrices Let A be m n matrix [ai, j], ith row = 1 1 n matrix [ai, 1 ai, 2 … ai, n], jth column = m 1 matrix Page 5 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Sums Matrices The sum A+B of two m n matrices A, B is

Matrix Sums Matrices The sum A+B of two m n matrices A, B is the m n matrix given by adding corresponding elements. (A+B는 (i, j)번째 원소로서 ai, j+bi, j를 갖는 행렬이다. ) A+B = C = [ci, j] = [ai, j+bi, j] where A = [ai, j] and B = [bi, j] Example Page 6 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Products (1/2) Matrices For an m k matrix A and a k n

Matrix Products (1/2) Matrices For an m k matrix A and a k n matrix B, the product AB is the m n matrix: I. e. , element (i, j) of AB is given by the vector dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B (considered as vectors). (AB의 원소 (i, j)는 A의 i번째 열과 B의 j번째 행의 곱이다. ) Page 7 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Products (2/2) Matrices Example Matrix multiplication is not commutative! • A = m

Matrix Products (2/2) Matrices Example Matrix multiplication is not commutative! • A = m n matrix, B = r s matrix • AB can be defined when n = r • BA can be defined when s = m • Both AB and BA can be defined when m = n = r = s Page 8 (교환법칙 성립 안 함) Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Multiplication Algorithm Matrices procedure matmul(matrices A: m k, B: k n) for i

Matrix Multiplication Algorithm Matrices procedure matmul(matrices A: m k, B: k n) for i : = 1 to m for j : = 1 to n begin ci, j : = 0 (m)· (n)· ( What’s the of its time complexity? (1)+ for q : = 1 to k ci, j : = ci, j + ai, qbq, j (k) · Answer: (mnk) (1)) end {C=[ci, j] is the product of A and B} Page 9 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Identity Matrices (항등 행렬) Matrices The identity matrix of order n, In, is the

Identity Matrices (항등 행렬) Matrices The identity matrix of order n, In, is the order-n matrix with 1’s along the upper-left to lower-right diagonal and 0’s everywhere else. ((i, i)번째 원소가 1이고, 나머지는 모두 0인 행렬) AIn = In. A = A Page 10 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Inverses (역행렬) Matrices For some (but not all) square matrices A, there exists

Matrix Inverses (역행렬) Matrices For some (but not all) square matrices A, there exists a unique multiplicative inverse A-1 of A, a matrix such that A -1 A = I. (정방 행렬 A에 대해서 하나의 유일한 역행렬 A-1이 존재한다. ) n If the inverse exists, it is unique, and A-1 A = AA-1. A -1 A Page 11 I 3 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Matrix Transposition (전치 행렬) Matrices If A=[ai, j] is an m n matrix, the

Matrix Transposition (전치 행렬) Matrices If A=[ai, j] is an m n matrix, the transpose of A (often written At or AT) is the n m matrix given by At = B = [bi, j] = [aj, i] (1 i n, 1 j m) Flip across diagonal Page 12 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Symmetric Matrices (대칭 행렬) Matrices A square matrix A is symmetric iff A=At. I.

Symmetric Matrices (대칭 행렬) Matrices A square matrix A is symmetric iff A=At. I. e. , i, j n: aij = aji. Which is symmetric? Page 13 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Powers of Matrices (멱행렬) Matrices If A is an n n square matrix and

Powers of Matrices (멱행렬) Matrices If A is an n n square matrix and p 0, then: Ap AAA···A (A 0 In) p times Example: Page 14 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Zero-One Matrices (0 -1 행렬) Matrices Useful for representing other structures. • E. g.

Zero-One Matrices (0 -1 행렬) Matrices Useful for representing other structures. • E. g. , relations, directed graphs (later in course) All elements of a zero-one matrix are 0 or 1 • Representing False & True respectively. The meet of A, B (both m n zero-one matrices): A B : [aij bij] (= [aij bij]) The join of A, B: A B : [aij bij] Page 15 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Boolean Products (부울 곱) (1/2) Matrices Let A=[aij] be an m k zero-one matrix,

Boolean Products (부울 곱) (1/2) Matrices Let A=[aij] be an m k zero-one matrix, & let B=[bij] be a k n zero-one matrix, The Boolean product of A and B is like normal matrix multiplication, but • using “ ” instead “+” • using “ ” instead of “∙” A⊙B Page 16 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Boolean Products (부울 곱) (2/2) Matrices Example: ⊙ Algorithm of Boolean Product procedure Boolean

Boolean Products (부울 곱) (2/2) Matrices Example: ⊙ Algorithm of Boolean Product procedure Boolean product(A, B: zero-one matrices) for i : = 1 to m for j : = 1 to n begin cij : = 0 for q : = 1 to k cij : = cij (aiq bqj) end {C = [cij] is the Boolean product of A and B. } Page 17 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Boolean Powers (부울 거듭제곱) Matrices For a square zero-one matrix A, and any k

Boolean Powers (부울 거듭제곱) Matrices For a square zero-one matrix A, and any k 0, the kth Boolean power of A is simply the Boolean product of k copies of A. (A의 k 부울린 거듭제곱) A[k] A⊙A⊙…⊙A, A[0] In k times Example: ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ Page 18 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Homework #4 Matrices Page 19 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon

Homework #4 Matrices Page 19 Discrete Mathematics by Yang-Sae Moon