Interdependence Foldable Interdependence Foldable Outsidedefinition Insideexamples Autotrophic vs
Interdependence Foldable
Interdependence Foldable ● Outside=definition ● Inside=examples
Autotrophic vs. Heterotrophic
Autotrophic Definition ● Organism that produces its own food ● Capable of photosynthesis ● All plants are autotrophs
Autotrophic Examples
Heterotroph Definition: ● Organism that must use other organisms for food ● All animals are heterotrophs
Heterotroph Examples:
Producer vs Consumer
Producer Definition ● Gains energy from making its own food ● Capable of photosynthesis
Producer Example: Plants
Consumer Definition ● Organism that must consume (EAT) other organisms for nutrients and energy ● CANNOT make its own food ● Three levels (Trophic Levels) 1 st: Primary Consumer: Eats the producer 2 nd: Secondary Consumer: Eats the primary consumer 3 rd: Tertiary Consumer: Eats the secondary consumer
Consumer Examples
Predator vs. Prey
Predator Definition ● Organism that hunts for its food ● Will always be a consumer ● Carnivore or omnivores
Predator Examples
Prey Definition ● Organism that is hunted by other organisms for food ● Carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores
Prey Examples
Parasite vs. Host
Parasite Definition ● Organism that survives on or in a host organism ● Causes harm to host
Parasite Examples
Host Definition ● Organism used by another organism for nutrients, shelter, or transport ● It is harmed by the relationship
Host Examples
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