Intensive and Extensive Properties The PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of

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Intensive and Extensive Properties

The PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of a substance are the characteristics of a substance that can be used to describe it. There are two types of physical properties: Extensive Properties Intensive Properties Extensive properties are directly related to the size/amount of a sample. Intensive properties are NOT related to the size or amount of a sample.

There are 3 primary extensive properties that are related to the size of a sample. Mass is related to the amount of matter in a substance. A larger sample has more matter, so mass is an extensive property.

Volume is the amount of space a sample occupies. A smaller sample would take up less space, so volume is an extensive property.

Length is simply how long a sample is. (Width and height are also just lengths. ) Length measures the size of a sample, so it is also an extensive property.

There also three secondary extensive properties that are directly related to the mass of a sample. 28. 1 grams of silicon Approximately 1 mole of Si The number of moles of a sample is also a measurement of the amount of matter. We will learn to convert between grams and moles a little later in the year.

Kine ti c En ergy Gravitational Potential Energy The amount of energy in a sample is directly related to its size. The amount of potential and kinetic energy of an object is directly related to the size and mass of that object.

Silicon Water Sodium Chloride Atom Molecules Ions The number of particles is also directly related to grams and moles of a sample. A larger sample has more mass which means more atoms, molecules or ions.

Remembering this group of Super Heroes can help you remember the extensive properties! M ass V olume Length M oles E nergy Number of particles MVL MEN The Extender XXL Captain Extreme Fighting crime one extensive property at a time!

There are MANY intensive properties that are NOT related to the size of a sample. Because this list is much larger, you should focus on remembering the shorter extensive list. Color State of Matter Density

It may seem like density should be related to the size of a sample because of its equation, but it is NOT AT ALL! Mass = 17. 50 g Mass = 8. 75 g Mass = 35. 0 g Volume = 13. 0 cm 3 Volume = 6. 50 cm 3 Volume = 26. 0 cm 3 Density = 1. 35 g/cm 3 Because it is the relationship between mass and volume, it is independent of both. That makes density an intensive property.

Temperature is also an intensive property. This is because the temperature of a sample depends on its surroundings, NOT its size.

Some elements, like copper and aluminum can appear in a number of different shapes. A substance that can be drawn out, especially into wires is ductile called ____. A substance that can be bent and flattened, especially into a thin sheet is called malleable _____.

Some elements are attracted to magnets, and they can be made into magnets themselves. It does not matter what size pieces these magnetic metals are in; they will always be drawn to the magnet.

Iron, Cobalt and Nickel are ferromagnetic. Not only are they attracted to magnets, but they can be turned into permanent magnets. Together, they are known as the Iron Triad. Iron Nickel

Decide if the following physical properties are intensive or extensive: Intensive Extensive (NOT related to size) color odor melting point mass boiling point volume density length specific heat temperature energy state of matter (Related to size)
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