- Slides: 17


Constant Work Constant work is a Watts based program. Pedal resistance is automatically adjusted to compensate for any change in pedal speed (RPM’s), therefore the workload (Watts) will remain constant at any given setting. Simply put: Higher the workload (watts) = Lower RPM’s Lower the workload (watts) = Higher RPM’s

Intelli-Fit™ Buttons used in the Constant Work program Constant Work Fit-Key Pause/Clear Enter Up and Down Arrows The Pause/Clear button can be used any time during exercise to pause the program or to end it.

Constant Work To Start: 1. Press the Constant Work Button 2. Press Enter There are instructions at the top of the console to guide you through the steps of establishing a program.

Constant Work 3. Select the time using the up and down arrows. • Time is adjustable in 15 second increments. • Lowest time is 2 minutes and goes up to 99 minutes. • The default time is 15. 00 minutes. 4. Press Enter

Constant Work 5. Adjust your watts using the up and down arrows. • Watt ranges between 10999 watts. • If you press and hold the up and down arrows it will adjust your watts in 10 watt increments. • Default watts is at 20. 6. Press Enter

Constant Work 7. Select user weight using the up and down arrows. • The weight ranges from 20 lbs – 550 lbs. • If you press and hold the arrow button, the weight will adjust in 10 lb increments. • Default weight is 150 lbs. 8. Press Enter. 9. Press Start

Change view screen options #1 #2

View 1 Read-outs include: • Time • Miles • RPM • Watts • METs • Heart Rate • Calories • Progress Bar At any time during your workout, press ‘Change View’ button to move to 2 nd view.

View 2 Read-outs include: • Time • Heart Rate • RPM’s • Watts • Progress Bar Press ‘Change View’ button to move back to view 1.

Power Burst The Intelli-Fit™ console gives you a Power Burst of Iso-Strength. It can be used any time and as often as you want during your work-out. Press the ‘Power Burst’ button to get started. • It will count down 5 seconds before it will begin. • the burst will last approximately 8 seconds. The Power Burst will automatically turn off after the 8 seconds is over and return to used view screen.

Fan There is a fan built in to the console allowing 3 speeds at low – medium – high. Press ‘Fan’ button on your far right. • Press fan button 1, 2 or 3 times to select your desired speed. • On the 4 th press, it turns the fan off.

Pause/Stop At any time during your work-out, you can press the pause/clear button below to pause the work out. Press the pause/clear button again and your work out will be cleared or stopped.

Cool Down After your Constant Work program is completed, the console automatically goes into cool down mode. • Default time starts at 5: 00. • Heart rate is still readable. • Fan options are still available. During the cool down period, results from the workout are given. Results presented are: Peak Watts Average Watts Peak Heart Rate Average Heart Rate Total Calories

Save Results The Intelli-Fit console allows you to save your results on to a USB Fit-Key. Simply plug the key into the Fit-Key slot and press ‘Save Results’ and then remove key. The results are then saved in a text file to upload onto your computer for saving and printing.

Plug the key into your computer and the results are shown as below

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