Instituting Ethics Integrity Leadership for Africa Course ILAC

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Instituting Ethics Integrity Leadership for Africa Course (ILAC) Strathmore University, Nairobi, 29 April –

Instituting Ethics Integrity Leadership for Africa Course (ILAC) Strathmore University, Nairobi, 29 April – 4 May 2013 London / Amman / Bishkek / Jakarta / East Jerusalem / Nairobi / Ramallah / Yerevan

Definition: A Business A business is an organisation that seeks to maximise profits within

Definition: A Business A business is an organisation that seeks to maximise profits within the limits of the law and ethics. © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: Business Integrity Business integrity is the management practice of doing business ethically in

Definition: Business Integrity Business integrity is the management practice of doing business ethically in sectors with weak governance and competitors with lower ethical standards than ones own. © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: Integrity is the set of features of an organisation that justify trustworthiness and

Definition: Integrity is the set of features of an organisation that justify trustworthiness and that generate trust among its stakeholders. © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: The Fix-Rate Percentage of resolved problems. • Can become a routine practice of

Definition: The Fix-Rate Percentage of resolved problems. • Can become a routine practice of state-society relations • Can address a range of problems • Is measurable as a percentage • Always empowers © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: Closing the Loop A feedback mechanism that generates an intelligent response. © Integrity

Definition: Closing the Loop A feedback mechanism that generates an intelligent response. © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: An Integrity Builder A virtuous leader who brings together key stakeholders to resolve

Definition: An Integrity Builder A virtuous leader who brings together key stakeholders to resolve integrity problems. • Incidentally • Systematically © Integrity Action 2013

Trust and values Trust and Values: Why do they matter? © Integrity Action 2013

Trust and values Trust and Values: Why do they matter? © Integrity Action 2013

Definition: An Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure is a governance framework that promotes and

Definition: An Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure is a governance framework that promotes and ensures adherence to an organisation’s mission and values. © Integrity Action 2013

Components of an Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 54 components: 1. Mission, Code,

Components of an Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 54 components: 1. Mission, Code, Values Statement 2. Leadership 3. Grievance Mechanism 4. Ethical Competence 5. Independent oversight, monitoring © Integrity Action 2013

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3.

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission, Code, Values Statement Leadership Grievance Mechanism Ethical Competence Independent oversight, monitoring © Integrity Action 2013

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3.

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission, Code, Values Statement Leadership Grievance Mechanism Ethical Competence Independent oversight, monitoring © Integrity Action 2013

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3.

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission, Code, Values Statement Leadership Grievance Mechanism Ethical Competence Independent oversight, monitoring © Integrity Action 2013

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3.

Review of the Ethics Infrastructure An ethics infrastructure has 5 components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission, Code, Values Statement Leadership Grievance Mechanism Ethical Competence Independent oversight, monitoring © Integrity Action 2013

Ethical Competence: 3 Elements Ability to: 1. Identify and name an integrity problem. 2.

Ethical Competence: 3 Elements Ability to: 1. Identify and name an integrity problem. 2. Match the problems to the legislation, codes, and standards. 3. Identify viable solutions. © Integrity Action 2013

1. Let’s test our ethical competence! © Integrity Action 2013

1. Let’s test our ethical competence! © Integrity Action 2013

2. Football as integrity! © Integrity Action 2013

2. Football as integrity! © Integrity Action 2013

Proactive From Compliance to Integrity Building Compliance training Integrity testing Code of Conduct Business

Proactive From Compliance to Integrity Building Compliance training Integrity testing Code of Conduct Business Collective Action initiatives • Supplier “white lists” • Integrity Pact • • Reactive Medium return, Medium risk • • Whistle-blower hotline Rewards to whistle-blowers Supplier “black lists” Compliance based Low return, Low risk Compliance • Community Integrity Building • Multi-stakeholder initiatives • Integrity as competitive differentiator • Holistic/ step change High return, High risk • • Ethics advice center Ethics officer Code of Ethics Compliance-plus ethics Low return, Low risk Integrity © Integrity Action 2013

Thank you. © Integrity Action 2013

Thank you. © Integrity Action 2013