Informes en Espaol e Ingls Genrebased Pedagogy Mara
Informes en Español e Inglés: Genre-based Pedagogy María Estela Brisk Boston College maria. brisk@bc. edu María Estela Brisk, Boston College maria. brisk@bc. edu
Goals for the Workshop Steps in a genre unit what and how to teach Bilingual Report Genre
Theoretical Grounding Systemic Functional Linguistics La Sistémica Michael Haliday University of Sydney Australia
Text exists within Context Features of the For bilinguals, choice of language is another variable in all situations Context of Situation register Genre genres sanctioned by the Spanish speaking culture When mentor texts are translations, they will show features of the original culture
SFL genres and CCSS text types TELL STORIES Personal Recount Procedural Recount autobiographies, empathetic autobiographies, historical recounts PERSUADE Exposition One side of the argument Argument Narrative Fictional Narrative Scientific Argument Response to Literature Common Core Standards GIVE INFORMATION Discussion Both sides of the argument GIVE INSTRUCTIONS Reports Explanations Informational Explanatory Procedure
Language Choices Depend on Context of Situation REGISTER Purpose: Genre Field: Topic Tenor: audience writer; Voice, identity Mode: Oral/ written Multimodal Medium: Letter poem, Book Power point Poster L 1 or L 2
Planeamiento de Unidades
Wild Cats Content Report Genre of Writing Spanish Description Habitat English Diet Predators
WHAT and HOW to Teach Report Writing Teach students how to write reports: text structure and Development of language Content Knowledge Students do research Students write their reports
Propósito Purpose • Story Telling • Recount (personal, factual, imaginative) • Historical genres • Procedural recount (science, math) • Fictional Narrative • Giving Instructions • Procedure (Scientific Procedure) • Organizing Information • Report (scientific, social science, research report) • Explanation (scientific, historical) • Persuading • Arguments • Discussion • Historical, scientific argument experiential (chronological) logical
s o l p m e j e a t o l d a n z a o r v t s n o e m s r o l a o z d e n p ? e m o t E Ley i s ? ó a p r o u r P ruct st
Stages/Etapas del Texto Instrucciones Procedure Principio Medio Final Gol Biografía Biography Informe Report Orientación Introducci ón general Materiales/ Serie de Subtemas ingredientes eventos Pasos Conclusíon Conclusión (opcional) Argumento Argument tesis Razones y evidencia Refuerzo de la tesis
Text Deconstruction GO for planning Stages or Text Structure of a Report Classification/social organization Descrip ción Dieta Habitat habitat Animal de rapiña Predator
Diet • • • Females hunt Primary hunters of the group Hunt at night Eat big mammals: wildebeest, zebras, rhinos Pecking order: Male eats first, females second, cubs last
Scaffolded Reports 3 rd grade Collaborative Research Students work in groups (# of students = # of subtopics) Group writes on Coyotes 1. Research all subtopics: description, diet, habitat, predators 2. EACH student in the group researches ONE source, take notes on post-its about ALL subtopics in that source 3. Lay out sheets with subtopic titles (one sheet per subtopic) diet Descriptio n ENGLISH Habitat Predators Animal de rapiña SPANISH
Scaffolded Reports 3 rd grade 1. Students distribute their notes on the appropriate subtopic sheet diet Description Habitat Predators 2. EACH student writes about ONE subtopic based on ALL notes Description diet Habitat Predators
Scaffolded Reports 3 rd grade Collaborative Research Students work in groups (# of students = # of subtopics) Group writes on Coyotes 1. Research all subtopics: description, diet, habitat, predators 2. EACH student in the group researches ONE source, take notes on post-its about ALL subtopics in that source 3. Each pair (one native, one non-native) writes about a subtopic in the English class and one subtopic in the Spanish class diet Description ENGLISH Habitat Predators Animal de rapiña SPANISH
of gimmicks
Teach language all the time Key elements of language for reports: • Noun groups • Clause complexes
Can you find the noun groups? Los leones son los únicos felinos que viven en manada. Las unidades familiares pueden incluir hasta tres machos, una docena de hembras y sus crías. Todas leonas de una manada están emparentadas y usualmente las pequeñas hembras en su seno se quedan con el grupo a medida que envejecen. Los varones jóvenes sin embargo tarde o temprano abandonan el grupo o son expulsados y establecen su propia manada.
Los leones son los únicos felinos que viven en manada. Las unidades familiares pueden incluir hasta tres machos, una docena de hembras y sus crías. Todas leonas de una manada están emparentadas y usualmente las pequeñas hembras en su seno se quedan con el grupo a medida que envejecen. Los varones jóvenes sin embargo tarde o temprano abandonan el grupo o son expulsados y establecen su propia manada. 42 /69 (61%) When can we start teaching noun groups?
L 2 Learners • Lions have a fast-working digestive system • English piles adjectives before nouns • Los leones tienen un sistema digestivo que funciona rápidamente. • Spanish uses relative or embedded clauses instead • Spanish uses the article in front of generalized participants.
s o a tropical desert l p tall cacti m e j e a t o l d a n z a o r v t s n o e m s r o l a o z d e n p ? e m o t E Ley i s ? ó a p r o u r P ruct st
Stages or Text Structure of a Report Classification/social organization los únicos felinos que viven en manada Descriptio n abundante y frondosa melena Diet grandes mamíferos Habitat las sabanas africanas
Keep reinforcing language • During individual and group construction of pieces
SFL vs. Writers Workshop Focus on genre units: Students become experts in writing in various genres 6 -week units SFL/TLC What: genres How: development Individual Writing Publishing of content knowledge, deconstruction, joint construction Mini Lesson Joint Revision & Individual Writing Revisions Conference Editing Focus on the process: pre-writing, drafting, revising/editing, publishing Short term activities
Units of Genre connected to Discipline • Choose one or two Develop ü Purpose aspects of language content ü Stages or essential for the before and Structure genre during of the text • Teach a little at a writing ü Teach time in connection instruction through to all lessons the TLC
1. Build students language resources 2. Teach a variety of genres 3. Used published texts as models 4. Teach students to write, don’t just tell them to write 5. Encourage collaboration for writing. 6. Coordinate writing with content area instruction
BC webpage: Professional Continuing Education LSOE Course 1 Three 1 -credit 4 weeks courses TELL STORIES SFL and CCSS Personal Recount Procedural Recount Historical genres: autobiographies, empathetic autobiographies, historical recounts Argument Narrativ e Fictional Narrative GIVE INFORMATION Course 3 PERSUADE Exposition One side of the argument Scientific Argument Response to Literature Common Core Standards Course 2 Discussion Both sides of the argument GIVE INSTRUCTIONS Reports Explanations General, Scientific Informational Explanatory Procedure http: //www. bc. edu/bc-web/schools/lsoe/academics/professional-continuing-education/ online-courses. html#par-bc_tabbed_content-tab-0
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