IlPressjoni Golja Hypertension Pressjoni golja flarterji IlQattiela siekta

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Il-Pressjoni Għolja Hypertension =Pressjoni għolja fl-arterji Il-Qattiela siekta =High blood pressure The silent killer

Il-Pressjoni Għolja Hypertension =Pressjoni għolja fl-arterji Il-Qattiela siekta =High blood pressure The silent killer Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC 1

Il-Pressjoni Għolja Tista tikkaġuna puplesiji, mard tal-qalb u tal-kliewi jekk mhiex ikkontrollata 1 f’kull

Il-Pressjoni Għolja Tista tikkaġuna puplesiji, mard tal-qalb u tal-kliewi jekk mhiex ikkontrollata 1 f’kull 5 persuni jkollha pressjoni għolja…………… mingħajr ma taf għax m’hemmx sinjali! Hypertension Can result in stroke, heart disease and kidney failure if untreated 1 in 5 adults has hypertension………and doesn’t know it because there are no warning signs! Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC 2

What is blood X’inhi l-Pressjoni? The heart pumps blood around the circulation The maximum

What is blood X’inhi l-Pressjoni? The heart pumps blood around the circulation The maximum number (systolic blood pressure) is the maximum pumping pressure (130) The lower number (diastolic blood pressure) is the resting pressure in the arteries between Both numbers are important Normal blood pressure is 130/80 Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC pressure? Il-qalb tippompja id-demm madwar iċ-ċirkulazzjoni L-ogħla numru tal-pressjoni ngħidulha ‘systole’ u tirrifletti meta l-qalb tippompja (130) L-inqas numru huwa l-inqas pressjoni fis-sistema taċċirkolazzjoni meta l-qalb tistrieħ (diastole) (80) Iż-żewġ numri huma importanti 130/80 hija pressjoni normali 3

X’jaffetwa l-pressjoni? What affects blood pressure? Ħafna affarijiet jistgħu jaffetwaw l-pressjoni inkluż l-istress, l-anzjeta’,

X’jaffetwa l-pressjoni? What affects blood pressure? Ħafna affarijiet jistgħu jaffetwaw l-pressjoni inkluż l-istress, l-anzjeta’, l-ikel, leżerċizzju u l-irqad Huwa normali li l-pressjoni titla w tinżel Meta tibqa għolja għal tul ta’ żmien, tista’ tistieden ilproblemi Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Many things can affect blood pressure including stress, anxiety, diet, exercise, and sleep It is normal for blood pressure to vary If blood pressure remains high for prolonged periods this can result in problems 4

Ghaliex titla il-Pressjoni? Why does blood pressure rise? Ħafna drabi ma nafux għaliex Tista’

Ghaliex titla il-Pressjoni? Why does blood pressure rise? Ħafna drabi ma nafux għaliex Tista’ tintiret fil-familja Tista’ tkun ikkaġunata mill-mard tal-kliewi jew tal-glandoli Titla bl-eta. . imma xorta waħda rridu nikkontrollawha biex nevitaw l-konsegwenzi tagħha Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Most times we don’t know why It can run in families It can be due to kidney or glandular diseases It rises with age…………but we still need to treat it to avoid complications 5

Għaliex għandek tikkontrolla l-pressjoni? Why should you control your blood pressure? High blood pressure

Għaliex għandek tikkontrolla l-pressjoni? Why should you control your blood pressure? High blood pressure Meta l-pressjoni titla’, ilmeans the heart has to qalb trid taħdem iktar. work harder for normal Jekk il-pressjoni ma tkunx function kkontrollata jiżdied ir If uncontrolled there is riskju ta’: an increased risk of Mard kardjovaskulari li Cardiovascular disease jinkludi including mard tal-qalb u heart disease and puplesiji stroke. Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC 6

X’ tista’ tagħmel? What can you do? Ħu l-pressjoni tiegħek ta’ spiss Żomm nota

X’ tista’ tagħmel? What can you do? Ħu l-pressjoni tiegħek ta’ spiss Żomm nota tal-valuri tagħha Tgħallem kif taqraha bil-’monitor’ inti stess Importanti li l-magna tkun ikkalibrata regolarment (biex tkun ċert li qed taqraha sewwa). Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Check your blood pressure regularly Keep a record Learn how to take your own blood pressure Your machine should be regularly calibrated 7

Jekk dejjem issibha għolja: IF confirmed: Tgħallem tikkontrollaha kif tista Tkellem mat-tabib biex tkun

Jekk dejjem issibha għolja: IF confirmed: Tgħallem tikkontrollaha kif tista Tkellem mat-tabib biex tkun taf kemm suppost tkun Imxi fuq il-passi meħtieġa Ħu l-pilloli kif suppost Jekk tinqala’ xi problema tkellem mat-tabib Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Understand how it can be lowered Identify the right blood pressure for you after discussion with your doctor Focus on lowering it Take your regularly medication If any difficulties arise, do not hesitate to raise them 8

Tkellem mat-tabib fuq: Discuss with your doctor about: Id-dieta: il-melħ, ix-xaħam, u x-xorb Naqqas

Tkellem mat-tabib fuq: Discuss with your doctor about: Id-dieta: il-melħ, ix-xaħam, u x-xorb Naqqas l-melħ (l-iktar li tista’ tieħu hu 6 gm kuljum) Kul ħafna frott u ħaxix frisk Kul 5 porzjonijiet kuljum! Agħżel l-ikel bl-inqas xaħam li jkun ta’ tip mhux saturat Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Diet: salt, fat and alcohol Reduce sodium intake (max 6 gm sodium chloride daily) Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables eat 5 portions daily! Low fat dairy products with reduced content of saturated and total fats 9

Il-Piż tiegħek Your weight X’inhu l-Body Mass Index? What is your Body Mass Index?

Il-Piż tiegħek Your weight X’inhu l-Body Mass Index? What is your Body Mass Index? In-normal huwa bejn 18. 5 -24. 9 kg/m 2 62% ta’ adulti f’Malta iġorru piż żejjed! X’inhi ċ-ċirkonferenza ta’ qaddek? Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Aim to keep a normal BMI of 18. 5 -24. 9 kg/m 2 62% of adults are overweight in Malta What is your waist measurement? 10

L-Eżerċizzju. . ix-xejra normali hi l-irġiel jagħmlu iktar sports minn nisa………iż-żgħar iktar mix-xjuħ u

L-Eżerċizzju. . ix-xejra normali hi l-irġiel jagħmlu iktar sports minn nisa………iż-żgħar iktar mix-xjuħ u dawk li għandhom edukazzjoni għolja iktar min dawk li ghandhom edukazzjoni baxxa………. Il –ħin li jsir eżerċizzju moderat matul ilġimgha huwa ta’ 23. 4 minuta f’Malta ……. . (Kontra l- 168 minuta fil -ġimgħa fis-Slovakkja……) miġbur min Eurobarometer 2005 Trid taghmel…minn ta’ l-inqas mixja mgħaġġla ta’ nofs siegħa kważi kuljum biex tieħu ħsieb qalbek Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Exercise ………. . the main pattern is that men do more sport than women……. . younger v. older people and those with higher education compared to those with lower education……. Time spent on moderate physical activity/week =23. 4 mins in Malta (vs 169 mins in Slovakia) source: Eurobarometer 2005 You should do ……. At least a brisk walk of 30 mins daily on most days of the week to protect your heart 11

Ix-Xorb Alcohol Moderate consumption Men: no more than three units daily Women and lighter

Ix-Xorb Alcohol Moderate consumption Men: no more than three units daily Women and lighter men: maximum 2 units daily 1 Unit = 250 ml of beer/lager/cider one small (125 ml) glass of wine a 25 ml pub measure of spirit Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Tixrobx ħafna L-irġiel: mhux iktar minn tlett ‘units’ kuljum Nisa w rġiel ta’ piż ħafif: Mhux iktar min 2 ‘units’ kuljum Unit= 250 ml birra/lager/cider Tazza żgħira(125 ml) ta’ nbid 25 ml ta’ spirtu (grokk). 12

L-istress Stress and relaxation Stress and anxiety raise blood pressure Relaxation lowers blood pressure

L-istress Stress and relaxation Stress and anxiety raise blood pressure Relaxation lowers blood pressure It is important to sleep at least 7. 5 hours sleep daily Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC L-istress u l-anzjeta itellgħu l-pressjoni Meta tkun qed tistrieħ, ilpressjoni tinżel Importanti li torqod mill inqas 7. 5 sigħat kuljum 13

It-Tipjip Smoking Will double any risks of cardiovascular disease Stopping smoking will half your

It-Tipjip Smoking Will double any risks of cardiovascular disease Stopping smoking will half your risk of developing cardiovascular disease Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Jirdoppja riskju li hemm għal mard kardjovaskulari Meta taqta’ it-tipjip, tnaqqas ir-riskju talmard kardjovaskulari bin -nofs 14

Il-vista Review Regular review with your doctor is required Most people who need treatment

Il-vista Review Regular review with your doctor is required Most people who need treatment will need it all their lives Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC Importanti li tagħmel viżta regolari Il-biċċa l-kbira ta’ dawk li ikollhom bżonn ilkura iridu ikompluha tul ħajjithom kollha 15

Il-Kura-x’għandek issaqsi? Medication-Important questions to ask! What are your medicines’ names? (Record!) How/when should

Il-Kura-x’għandek issaqsi? Medication-Important questions to ask! What are your medicines’ names? (Record!) How/when should I take them? Should I take them with food? Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC X’ mediċini qed tieħu? Żomm nota Kif u meta għandi neħodhom? Nista neħodhom ma’ l-ikel? 16

What if I forget them? Steps to take to avoid forgetting them Always take

What if I forget them? Steps to take to avoid forgetting them Always take them at the same time Discuss with your doctor if you could take them at one go How long should I take them? Is there anything I should avoid with my medication? What are the side effects? Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC U jekk ninsihom? Kif tista’ tinsihomx? tiżgura li ma Dejjem ħudhom fl-istess ħin Staqsi lit-tabib jekk tistax teħodhom kollha flimkien Għal kemm żmien għandi neħodhom? Hemm xi affarijiet li għandi nevita meta nieħu l-mediċini? X-inhuma l-effetti mhux mixtieqa tal-mediċini? 17

Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC 18

Il-Pressjoni/Hypertension ©MKT_MCC 18