If you talk to a man in a

![A POLISH TONGUE TWISTER W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie. In [the town of] A POLISH TONGUE TWISTER W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie. In [the town of]](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/fe6a271f1b68196353cede23a0cc1012/image-14.jpg)
- Slides: 14

❝If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ❞ ‒Nelson Mandela

TURKISH: Hello- Merhaba. Hello- (informal) Selam. Please- Lütfen. Thank you- Teşekkür ederim.

I'm sorry- Özür dilerim. What is your name? - Adın ne? My name is ______. - Adım _______. - Benim adım ______. Nice to meet you. - Memnun oldum.

Please. - Lütfen. Thank you. - Teşekkür ederim. You're welcome. - Bir şey değil. Yes. - Evet. No. - Hayır. Excuse me. - Afedersiniz. I'm sorry. - Özür dilerim.

A TURKISH TONGUE TWISTER Su köşe yaz köşesi, su köşe kiş köşesi, ortada su şişesi. This side is the summer side, that side is the winter side, the water bottle is in the middle.

SLOVAK Hello- Dobrý deň. How are you? (formal) - Ako sa máte? How are you? (informal) - Ako sa máš? Well, thanks. - Ďakujem, dobre. What is your name? - Ako sa voláte? My name is ______. - Volám sa______. Pleased to meet you. - Teší ma.

Please. - Prosím. Thank you. - Ďakujem. You're welcome. - Prosím. Nie je za čo. Yes. - Áno. No. - Nie. Excuse me. - Prepáčte. Sorry. - Prepáčte.

A SLOVAK TONGUE TWISTER Strč prst skrz krk. Stick a finger through your throat.

HUNGARIAN Hello- Szervusz. How are you? - Hogy vagy? Fine, thank you. - Köszönöm, jól. What is your name? - Hogy hívják? My name is ______. - ______ vagyok. Nice to meet you. - Örvendek.

Please. - Kérem. Thank you. - Köszönöm. You're welcome. - Szívesen. Yes. - Igen. No. - Nem.

A HUNGARIAN TONGUE TWISTER Két pék két szép kék képet kér Two bakers are asking for two nice blue pictures.

POLISH Hello (formal) -Dzień dobry Hello (informal)- Cześć How are you? - Jak się masz? Fine, thank you- Dziękuję, dobrze. What is your name? - Jak masz na imię? My name is ______. - Nazywam się ______.

Please. - Proszę Thank you. - Dziękuję You're welcome- Nie ma za co Yes. - Tak No. - Nie
![A POLISH TONGUE TWISTER W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie In the town of A POLISH TONGUE TWISTER W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie. In [the town of]](https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/fe6a271f1b68196353cede23a0cc1012/image-14.jpg)
A POLISH TONGUE TWISTER W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie. In [the town of] Szczebrzeszyn a beetle buzzes in the reed.
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