ICT in Education ICT in Education l 2

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ICT in Education

ICT in Education

ICT in Education l 2 key points you need to learn/understand/revise • • Use

ICT in Education l 2 key points you need to learn/understand/revise • • Use of computers for teaching and learning Use of computers for school/college administration

Use of Computers for Teaching and Learning l There are many ways that computers

Use of Computers for Teaching and Learning l There are many ways that computers are used for teaching and learning • • • Computer-assisted learning (CAL) Computer-based training (CBT) Distance learning Video Conferencing On-line Learning Discussion/chat rooms Revision Programs Authoring software Interactive Whiteboards (IWB)

Computer Assisted Learning (1) • This covers a wide range of computer based packages

Computer Assisted Learning (1) • This covers a wide range of computer based packages which aim to provide interactive instruction in a particular area or on a certain subject. There a variety of ways that CAL can be run on a computer • From CD/DVD • Installed and run off a network or VLE • Via the internet

Computer Assisted Learning (2) • Typically CAL would contain some or all of the

Computer Assisted Learning (2) • Typically CAL would contain some or all of the following features: • Tutorials – to instruct students in the subject • Simulations – to help students understand complex situations • Animations – to see how things work • Drill and Practice – to help students consolidate learning • Tests • Games – an often more enjoyable way of learning

Computer Based Training (CBT) l l Uses ICT systems for training in the workplace

Computer Based Training (CBT) l l Uses ICT systems for training in the workplace usually using PCs or portable devices Is not confined just to the training in the use of ICT but also in different tasks

Advantages of CAL/CBT l l l l Students work at own pace Students respond

Advantages of CAL/CBT l l l l Students work at own pace Students respond better to automated feedback Gauge their own progress/instant feedback Students have flexibility as to where and when they learn e. g. in the car, on the move, in class Materials are provided in different formats, text, voive, games, videos, animations, tests etc. Can use a variety of different hardware/software Keeps people motivated and interested

Disadvantages of CAL/CBT l l l Software is often complex and therefore expensive/cost of

Disadvantages of CAL/CBT l l l Software is often complex and therefore expensive/cost of specialist hardware Lack of personal support/ no interaction with peers No collaborative learning

Distance Learning/on-line Learning l l Takes place away from the confines of a classroom

Distance Learning/on-line Learning l l Takes place away from the confines of a classroom Allows teachers to teach students in many locations often from all over the world Typical learning environments are Blackboard and moodle (VLE’s) Will usually allow communication using the following • • E-mail Chat rooms Video Conferencing Instant Messaging

Advantages of Distance /on-line Learning l l l Students can work at their own

Advantages of Distance /on-line Learning l l l Students can work at their own pace – taking breaks when they need them They don’t have to worry about getting things wrong as computers wont judge like a teacher Available anytime, lessons available 24 hrs a day, fitting around work or family commitments Wider range of subjects than what may be available locally Can access materials using different hardware e. g. laptop, tablet, smartphone etc

Disadvantages of Distance / on-line Learning l l l No social side – students

Disadvantages of Distance / on-line Learning l l l No social side – students often enjoy learning with others Lack of flexibility – teachers can explain in a number of different ways Expensive – On-line courses are often costly to enrol onto Isolation – often harder to work when by yourself Motivation – often need to be motivated by peers/teacher in particular situations Self Control – needed to be able to work on your own

Video Conferencing l l This enables two or more individuals in different locations to

Video Conferencing l l This enables two or more individuals in different locations to see and talk to each other and exchange audio, video or any other digital file. This enables users to share computer applications and work concurrently on the same file. Videoconferencing is used widely in schools for several of things such as virtual trips to places of interest. By doing this students are able to virtually visit museums, art galleries and talk with their staff using videoconferencing. Videoconferencing is also used for collaborative working. Students from different schools/ colleges who may be in different countries can work together on a project if they wanted to. It is also used for distance learning meaning, some schools use outside organisations to provide teaching, this is to provide a wider range of subjects in As and A-level.

Chat Rooms l The main educational uses of chat rooms are: • Can be

Chat Rooms l The main educational uses of chat rooms are: • Can be used to ask questions of an expert in a • • particular field Can be used to hold tutorials with course tutors/teachers Are ideal for students who are learning a foreign language

Revision Programs Revision programmes come in many different forms, from many sources and can

Revision Programs Revision programmes come in many different forms, from many sources and can be found in different places. What revision programmes do is display information for a student to study and then provide recap questions which will aid in the student remembering the information. This can be with the use of both sound and images. l Revision programmes can be found on a local intranet for an educational facility set up by teachers of the facility itself. l Revision programmes can also be found on the internet set up by companies which often specialise in them. More popular revision programmes are created by exam boards such a WJEC and AQA which specialise to their own specific syllabus, or by the channel BBC called ‘Bitesize’ which caters to a number of syllabus’ for a number of examining bodies

Authoring Software l Authoring is the process of creating a multimedia product such as

Authoring Software l Authoring is the process of creating a multimedia product such as a website, an interactive presentation, an interactive learning tool for CAL/CBT or instructional software for an IWB.

Advantages of Authoring Software l l l A novice can usually use the software

Advantages of Authoring Software l l l A novice can usually use the software as they require no specialist programming skills Faster to develop an e-learning product, speeds up the process from development to final product Automatically add in the background programming code to allow the course to communicate test results and other information back to the author

Disadvantages of Authoring Software l l Not flexible – have to adapt what you

Disadvantages of Authoring Software l l Not flexible – have to adapt what you want to create to what the software can create Not able to perform certain tasks automatically, you may require some programming knowledge to make certain features work as intended.

Interactive Whiteboards Interactive whiteboards are widely used in classrooms and lectures simply because they

Interactive Whiteboards Interactive whiteboards are widely used in classrooms and lectures simply because they allow lessons and lectures to be more engaging. Interactive whiteboards are also considered useful as they cater to different learning styles: l For visual learners, the whiteboard is able to project pictures and shapes whilst allowing a student to use skills such as drawing to aid in their learning. l For auditory learners, an interactive whiteboard is often linked to a sound system which can be used to project sound patterns, rhythms, tones and chants for these types of learners. l For kinaesthetic learners, the whiteboard can be involved in touching and object manipulation without use of a camera, and can use body movements and gestures with use of a camera to create provide these learners with information.