I KNOW that You know deep down you

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I KNOW that You know deep down you have more to give… Perhaps you

I KNOW that You know deep down you have more to give… Perhaps you have distant dreams of what your life could be like, IF ONLY…? It is often easier to see other peoples greatness with more clarity and conviction than we can for ourselves. It can often be too easy to feel that whatever we do, it will never be enough, and to harbour secret doubts about ourselves and our abilities. We have a mask, striving to keep everything together, living in fear of showing our vulnerability. And this lack of authenticity can be EXHAUSTING! It’s not easy – but it is entirely possible – to completely transform how it feels to be you. To be successful in a way that celebrates your uniqueness and authenticity. To feel energised, productive, courageous, strong and giving. I celebrate you for choosing to read this, for choosing to change. I know from the results of the people I have coached that Practicing these small 7 steps every day will bring you Remarkable Results. Good Luck and Enjoy the Journey! 1 2 3 4 Align yourself with your core values! My 3 words are…. Be Authentic Who are you? What do you stand for? What would be 3 words that captured everything you would want other people to say that you are? Think of these 3 words, and then apply them to every thing you do, every person you speak to. Ask yourself am I being…. . Transmit Energy Which 3 of the following will you commit to every day? • Walk outside 30 mins What 3 habits are you currently not consistently doing that you KNOW will have a positive impact on your health and energy levels? I choose to……. . Sleep for at least 7 hrs Meditate for 10 mins Drink 3 litres of water Get up & move every 45 mins Stand more often eg on the phone • Keep a gratitude journal • • • To step into your Have Courage greatness, and truly live your life takes Bold Action. Maybe it is saying No more often to all the demands asked for you, maybe it is asking for help or delegating more. Maybe it is saying Yes to something you really want to do. Maybe it is having that conversation you have been avoiding…. Bold, is a leadership trait to be mastered. "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, BEGIN IT. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!“ There is a difference Be Productive between being busy, and being productive. Productivity mastery requires planning, focus and intent. Decide on one thing you must accomplish each day to move your life forward then Block off enough time to do it, making sure you are 100% dedicated and focused to that one task in that time. The One task I must complete today is. . I can improve my life by taking these 3 bold actions today! The reason it is important is…. The Block of time when I am going to do it is….

5 6 7 Know your Strengths My to 3 Strengths are…. Thoughts alone are

5 6 7 Know your Strengths My to 3 Strengths are…. Thoughts alone are not the cause of our suffering and unhappiness. It is when we identify and attach ourselves to them we stumble…. . If you were to spend as much time focussing on and living to your strengths as worrying about what you can’t do, what more would you be able to achieve? On a scale of 1 to 10, right now, what level Be Present of physical energy and presence do you have? What simple thing could you do to raise that number so that you are even more focused, present and grounded in your life? Ask yourself this question every day as often as possible, focus on the Power of Now…. Truly Live your Life, Enjoy each moment The past has happened, I have learned from it and moved on. Givers enjoy contributing Give, Give more to other people than they receive in return. They share knowledge and help with no strings attached. Yet they are able to set boundaries on when, how and whom, they keep their own interests in the rear view mirror, they empathise whilst looking for win outcomes. We are all a mix of giver, and taker depending on how we treat most people most of the time and how others judge our actions. But where is your balance? Every interaction with another person involves a choice. “When you’re a good giver, you’re a good getter. ” ~ Russell Simmons The future could be anything. . I have prepared what is within my control and will accept it as it comes. Now is the time I am in! I will make a difference in the world today by: Are you Ready? Do you Have your Reason? Are you Committed? Are you willing to take Imperfect Action ? The process is simple. Start with implementing the first practice on day 1. Continue practicing it every day going forward. Each day add a new practice to what you are already doing. By the end of the week you will have incorporated 7 practices that are all part of the worlds most successful peoples daily routine. Keep in mind this is a journey, and consistency, not excellence is what will win the day…. . so be kind to yourself in the process. And remember that it is not the circumstances that you find yourself in that determines the path of your life, but all the choices you make along the way and in each moment. So make good ones, make the best you can, not necessarily the easiest choices…. . Make the choices that challenge you to grow and will move your life forward. Its your time. Enjoy the journey, and enjoy the results…. . You deserve this! Be Strong. Be Bold. Be Alive and Be Present. For a deeper level of support and more resources get in touch through : www. thebreakthroughpro. com