I Introduction Apostrophe To The Ocean George Gordon

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I. Introduction • • • Apostrophe To The Ocean George Gordon/ Lord Byron (He was born in London in 1788) During the romantic period many of the poet focused more on nature’s beauty rather than God’s, written in the summer of 1816. Born with a clubbed foot, which led to later insecurity later in life. He blamed his mother for his clubbed foot of the tight corset she wore while she was pregnant. 1798 - at 10 years of age his great uncle Lord Williams Byron died. So Byron gained his title and wealth. He moved to Newstead Abby. The Byron family estate in England. The title, "Apostrophe to the Ocean" has no connection to the grammar mark, rather it relates to the literary device when the writer speaks to an absent, or dead a person as if they were present or personifies an inanimate object as a person not present. Following the namesake, Lord Byron focuses the story around exclaiming wild emotions to the ocean, as if it were the woman he sorely loved and desired.

II. Theme and Tone • Some special about going where there aren’t any people; being in nature; ocean make music with the waves. • He experience something with himself it becomes simpler helps finds his self in the universe. Lord Byron can’t explain the feeling of the love for the ocean, but he can always feel it.

III. Figurative Language and Poetic Devices • • • Rhyme scheme- ababbcbcc (Spenserian) Each of the stanza have nine lines in total: (the ninth line has 12 syllables). Lord Byron uses hyperboles, similes and paradox’s to express his love towards the beauty of the ocean. Each stanza has 8 lines and 9 lines (12 syllables) Lord Byron uses hyperboles, similes, and paradoxes to express his love for the ocean This poem is an apostrophe because of Byron is referring to the ocean s if it’s a woman with emotions The theme is something special about going where there aren’t any people; solitude, being in nature; ocean makes music with its waves. When he is experiencing this, he discovers something about himself it becomes simpler, and in doing so, becomes part of something larger something he can never express but can’t help to show his feelings for it.

IV. Poem Interpretation • Apostrophe means to address something than cannot reply back. Byron was born with a clubbed foot so he was naturally a good swimmer and loved the ocean. The poem is about his love for the ocean and how "man marks the earth with ruin" but his control stops with the ocean shore, He cannot control the ocean. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron as many knew him, was a patriot of the Romantic era, and a member of a strong noble bloodline. Well known for his poetry prowess, Lord Byron was admired for his talents in using the "apostrophe" method of poetry. The apostrophe technique involves speaking to an imaginary person, or a person dead or absent. •

V. Conclusion Apostrophe to the Ocean–George Gordon, by Lord Byron Something special about going where there aren’t any people; solitude, being in nature; ocean makes music with its waves. When he is experiencing this, he discovers something about himself. Becomes simpler, becomes part of something larger finds his place in this universe. Something he can never express but can’t help to show his feelings for it. Man can take over the earth, but they can’t take over the sea. By taking over the earth, it becomes ruined. Sea is very powerful, many ships have sunk to the bottom. Gives the sea credit for its power on the open ocean, is powerful and unpredictable. The ocean can destroy everything we value cities, rulers, are subject to its power. Compares ocean and shores to different empires. This had a negative effect on the world. The ocean is pretty don’t change much over time. Apostrophe to the Ocean talks about different kinds of weather and how the ocean is a mirror a glorious one– mirrors storms & the Almighty: can be calm or convulsed, cold or hot. Ocean obeys God (the Almighty). When a child–he played in the ocean. When it was stormy, he still loved it (enjoyed being afraid of it). A big delight to him then & now. Like a parent.

VI. Work Cited • www. poemofquotes. comlordbyron/lordbyron. jpg • http: //www. poetryfoundation. org/harriet/wpcontent/uploads/2012/ • http: //www. accunet. org/images/rome • http: //www. images. nation. Lgeographic. com/w pf/media