Human Resources Recruitment Internal/External Recruitment
Internal Recruitment n Filling a vacant position with somebody who already works for the company n Jobs may be advertised in staff newsletters, notice boards, internal e-mail etc
Internal Recruitment – Good or Bad? Advantages n n Existing staff know the business already The employer already knows the candidate It is sometimes quicker and less expensive Opportunity for promotion often motivates existing staff Disadvantages n n Better qualifies people may be available outside the company It may be difficult to manage people who were previously your co-workers It may cause resentment between staff The candidate may already have a reputation within the business which may be poor
External Recruitment n n External recruitment occurs when a person from outside the organisation is employed. Jobs may be advertised in newspapers, job centres, on the Internet
External Recruitment – Good or Bad? Advantages n n n New staff will bring new ideas to the business They will often be keen to make a good impression and work harder They make existing staff work harder Disadvantages n n The employer does not know the qualities of the new employee Advertising and interviewing takes a long time and costs money They need time to settle in They may be resented by existing workers who have been overlooked for promotion