Human Resource Information Systems A Definition HRIS Systematic

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Human Resource Information Systems: A Definition • HRIS -- Systematic procedure for collecting, storing,

Human Resource Information Systems: A Definition • HRIS -- Systematic procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving & validating date needed by the organization about its human resources.

HRIS Components • Data collection: – Payroll & benefits – Performance appraisal – Training

HRIS Components • Data collection: – Payroll & benefits – Performance appraisal – Training & development – Recruitment & selection – Employment & job data • Report generation

Acquiring & Implementing HRIS Needs Analysis Implementation & Maintenance Design & Development

Acquiring & Implementing HRIS Needs Analysis Implementation & Maintenance Design & Development

Needs Analysis • Determine departmental needs for data • Determining needs for reports •

Needs Analysis • Determine departmental needs for data • Determining needs for reports • Analyze short and long term needs • Determine system specifications • Vendors bid or packages are considered • Make decision on system

Design and Develop • Decide on project plan and user groups • Purchase system

Design and Develop • Decide on project plan and user groups • Purchase system • Modify and customize • Develop procedures and guidelines • Test system and user acceptance • Convert data • Train systems staff

Implement & Maintain • • Train HR users Make system available to HR Develop

Implement & Maintain • • Train HR users Make system available to HR Develop user documentation Conduct field analysis Test system and user acceptance Maintain & enhance Evaluate & modify

Using HRIS in HRM • • Strategic HRM Job analysis EEO reports Recruitment &

Using HRIS in HRM • • Strategic HRM Job analysis EEO reports Recruitment & selection • HR development • Performance appraisal • Compensation& benefits • Health & safety • Labor relations • The future

Ethical & Evaluation Issues • Ethical issues – Disclosure – Privacy • Evaluation issues

Ethical & Evaluation Issues • Ethical issues – Disclosure – Privacy • Evaluation issues – Efficiency – Equity

Backwards & Forwards • Summing up. We review the components of HRIS and its

Backwards & Forwards • Summing up. We review the components of HRIS and its uses in HRM from strategic HRM to reporting EEO data, linking compensation and performance appraisal and a look at expert systems. Finally, ethical considerations were considered. • Looking ahead: Next time we take up the issue of job analysis, the foundation for much of the work in human resource management.