HUI MAORI Sentence structure Kaupapa tangihanga Hei aha? What is the purpose of? Hei aha te pōwhiri? Hei pōwhiri i te manuhiri What is the purpose of the welcome ceremony? To welcome the visitors. Hei aha te pōwhiri? Hei. . . . . The use of mehemea – if Mehemea ka āhei koe ki te kōrero me tū ake koe If you are able to speak you should stand up
Kupu hou relating to tangihanga Give the Maori translation of the kupu below 1. Funeral 2. Deceased 3. Grieving 4. To call 5. Ancestor 6. Speech 7. Protocol 8. Rules 9. Regulations 10. Immidiate family
HUI MAORI SENTENCE STRUCTURE Ka + verb + ana When 1. Ka tae ana te manuhiri ka tatari rātou ki waho o te kēti/ tomokanga rānei. When the manuhiri arrive they will wait outside the gate/entrance 2. Ka rangona ana te karanga ka timata te whakaeke o te manuhiri ki runga i te marae. When the call has been made the visitors will begin to enter onto the marae 3. Ka mutu ana te kaikōrero ka tū ake te ope ki te waiata hei waiata kīnaki.
HUI MAORI SENTENCE STRUCTURE I a. . e. . . ana While: 1. I te ope e hikoi ana ki runga i te marae ka rangona te karanga While the group are walking on to the marae the karanga can be heard 2. I a mātou e whakaeke ana ki runga i te marae tino mataku ahau. He rerekē te rangona o te karanga ki ahau. When we entered onto the marae I was very afraid. It was a different karanga I had heard.