HS 1 2 4 Panta Rhei hydrology society

- Slides: 11

HS 1. 2. 4 - Panta Rhei (hydrology, society, environmental change) and Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) Coevolution and Prediction of Coupled Human-Water Systems: A Synthesis of Change in Hydrology and Society Fuqiang Tian 1, Jing Wei 1, Murugesu Sivapalan 2, and Günter Blöschl 3 1 Tsinghua University, tianfq@tsinghua. edu. cn; 2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 Vienna University of Technology

Panta Rhei – Everything Flows v 2 nd IAHS scientific decade (2013 -2022) Panta Rhei Focus: Change in Hydrology and Society Maxim by Heraclitus v 1 st IAHS Scientific Decade (2003 -2012) Prediction in Ungauged Basin, PUB v Case study focusing on science in practice under Panta Rhei

Panta Rhei 4 th Biennium 1 st Biennium (2013 -2015): initial phase 2 nd Biennium (2015 -2017): growth phase 3 rd Biennium (2017 -2019): growth phase 4 th Biennium (2019 -2021): Synthesis phase 5 th Biennium (2021 -2023): Panta Rhei Targets: Understanding, Estimation and Prediction, Science in Practice Continued growth Benchmark assessment Synthesis report Enhance impact

Panta Rhei Synthesis Book v Community efforts to summarize the contributions and achievements of this decade focusing on coevolution and prediction of coupled human-water system v More than 100 authors joined world widely including researchers (natural scientists, social scientists), engineers and practitioners, guided by a high-level advisory board v Publication of the book expected in 2023

Panta Rhei Synthesis Book Outline

Lead Authors Chapter 1 - Introduction Lead Authors Aditi Mukherji Chapter 2 - Theoretical Framework Fuqiang Tian Marc Muller Chapter 3 - Phenomena Giuliano Di Baldassarre Yongping Wei Chapter 4 - Methods Saket Pande Anna Scolobig Chapter 5 - Data Heidi Kreibich David Yu Chapter 6 - Floods Alberto Viglione Jenia Mukherjee Chapter 7 - Droughts Margaret Garcia Elizabeth Koebele Chapter 8 - Agriculture Systems Pedro Medeiros Xi Chen Chapter 9 - Transboundary Systems Jing Wei Amin Elshorbagy Chapter 10 - Global System Naota Hanasaki Megan Konar Chapter 11 - Case Studies Alberto Montanari María José Polo Chapter 12 - Grand Synthesis Fuqiang Tian Ana Mijic Chapter 13 - Recommendation Patricia Gober Anthony Jakeman Total number of authors: 108 Maria Rusca

Advisory Board (30) ANDERIES Marty (Arizona State University, USA) ARAÚJO José Carlos de (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil) ARHEIMER Berit (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden) BAKKER Karen (University of British Columbia, Canada) BLÖSCHL Günter (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) BROUWER Roy (University of Waterloo, Canada) CAI Ximing (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) CUDENNEC Christophe (Agrocampus Ouest, France) FÜRNKRANZ-PRSKAWETZ Alexia (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) GOBER Patricia (Arizona State University, USA) GUPTA Joyeeta (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) JAKEMAN Antony (Australian National University, Australia) KHAN Shahbaz (UNESCO, Indonesia) KINZELBACH Wolfgang (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) LEONG Ching (National University of Singapore, Singapore) LI Xin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) LIU Heng (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria) LOUCKS Daniel Peter (Cornell University, USA) MONTANARI Alberto (University of Bologna, Italy) MUKHERJI Aditi (International Water Management Institute, India) NDIRITU John (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa) OKI Taikan (University of Tokyo & United Nations University, Japan) PAHL-WOSTL Claudia (University of Osnabrück, Germany) SIVAPALAN Murugesu (University of Illinois at Urbana. Champaign, USA) TIAN Fuqiang (Tsinghua University, China) UHLENBROOK Stefan (International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka) WESCOAT James (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) XIA Jun (Wuhan University, China) ZWARTEVEEN Margreet (IHE Delft Institute of Water Education, The Netherlands)

Timeline 1. 2021. 1 -2021. 6: zero draft a) A zero draft of first 11 chapters. This is mostly a preliminary draft, but it teases out the structure of the chapter and the main messages clearly. b) A first internal review on the zero draft by editorial/advisory board. c) Starting of the chapter 12 Grand Synthesis and Chapter 13 Recommendation. 2. 2021. 7 -202. 12: first draft a) First draft of first 11 chapters + zero draft of last 2 chapters based on input from internal review; b) A second round of internal review by advisory board. 3. 2022. 1 -2022. 6: a) A second draft of whole book; b) A 3 rd round of internal review by author teams, editorial board, and advisory board. 4. 2022. 7 -2022. 12: a) A 3 rd draft of whole book, drafting of pictures; b) An external review among IAHS. 5. 2023. 1 -2023. 5: a) Finalize the whole book; b) Publication of the book in May of 2023. 6. July of 2023: launch of book at IUGG General Assembly in Berlin

Panta Rhei Synthesis Book – Chapter 1 Title: Panta Rhei: flows of information and water between hydrology and society 1. 1 Dynamics of coupled human-societal systems 1. 2 Scenario based water resources forecasting and planning 1. 3 Why Panta Rhei as 2 nd IAHS Decadal Initiative 1. 4 Key elements in Panta Rhei Initiative 1. 4. 1 Water crises 1. 4. 2 Phenomenon 1. 4. 3 Feedback between human and water 1. 4. 4 Explanation and prediction 1. 4. 5 Synthesis 1. 4 How to read the book and what to get out of it

Panta Rhei Synthesis Book – Chapter 1 Name Specialty Affiliation International Water Management Institute (New Delhi) Aditi Mukherji policies and institutions of water resources management Alberto Montanari schemes and theoretical principles for designing infrastructures Daniel Peter Loucks development and application of environmental engineering, economics, ecology, and systems analysis methods for Cornell University addressing regional environmental and water resources issues. Fuqiang Tian hydrological processes and modeling, evaluation and prediction Tsinghua University on hydrology under changing environments Giuliano Di Baldassarre feedbacks between social and hydrological processes Uppsala University Heidi Kreibich flood risk analysis and management Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Jim Wescoat water resources planning and design, Landscape history and Massachusetts Institute of Technology heritage conservation, Disaster-resilient design Jing Wei water value analysis based on text mining and modeling Margreet Zwarteveen water allocation policies and practices, focusing on questions of IHE Delft equity and justice Roy Brouwer water resource valuation, hydro-economic modelling and water University of Waterloo policy instruments Violeta Cabello Villarejo citizen science, social-ecological system Ximing Cai University of Bologna Tsinghua University Autonomous University of Barcelona coupled human-natural system analysis with an emphasis on human interferences in hydrological processes, water-energy. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign food system modeling and sustainable water resources management

Contributions to each chapter and case studies from both natural and social sciences are welcome! THANK YOU !