Housing LIN EXTRA CARE Housing Dementia Conference 18

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Housing LIN: EXTRA CARE Housing & Dementia Conference 18 th February 2014 Enriching Lives with Extra. Care Shirley Hall, Wellbeing & Community Manager Michael Spellman, EOP Services Coordinator

The Enriched Opportunities Programme® (EOP) was developed by The Extra. Care Charitable Trust to support residents experiencing dementia to live independent, healthy, and active lifestyles. + = with dementia The service began as a research project with the University of Bradford which involved: • A 2 year cluster randomised controlled trial of a new approach to living with dementia and other mental health issues in Extra. Care • Development of a specialist staff role the “Locksmith” who unpicks impairments and unlocks a persons potential.

EOP Research Outcomes Residents supported by a Locksmith were… • 50% less likely to move out of Extra. Care into a care home • Spending less time in hospital as an in-patient • More likely to have their mental health condition diagnosed • Had improved access to Health services Residents also… • Rated their quality of life more positively • Experienced decreased symptoms of depression • Experienced greater feelings of social support and inclusion (As detailed in the 2009 Bradford dementia group report, available on the Extra. Care website)

The Enriched Model of Dementia Care The programme is based on Tom Kitwood’s Enriched Model of Dementia Care. Developed from person centred psychotherapy it is a caring and effective way to establish a person’s unique experience of their condition. D = NI + H + B + P + SP • • • Neurological impairment Health Biography Personality Social Psychology Helps to understand ‘connect the dots’ in a maze of misunderstanding. Its holistic, and reduces the ‘failure to listen’ which can lead to a person being labelled as ‘challenging’.

EOP in practice It’s the difference between seeing A Person with Dementia or A Person with Dementia

May, a PERSON with dementia EOP Locksmith intervention ‘Enriched Profile’ Preferences experiences passions Wellbeing Nurse support

EOP in practice The EOP achieves this through five major elements working together: Specialist Expertise • The right Locksmith – found through unique recruitment • A senior role, influencing and teaching everyone to think ‘person centred’ • Skilled empathic communicators that create therapeutic relationships Individual Assessment and case work • One to one ‘quality time’ with residents, understanding their individual experience of dementia or other mental health condition • Development of an ‘Enriched Profile’ & ‘Resident Story’ • Use knowledge to improve the way we care and support

EOP in practice Activity and Occupation • Understanding a person leads to activity that is meaningful • Create opportunities to learn new skills and retain abilities Staff Training • Specific Locksmith Training through the University of Worcester • Locksmith CPD – creating a Locksmith Curriculum • All staff training – mental health awareness and understanding of the EOP Management and Leadership • Requires Scheme / Village Managers full participation • Organisational support, EOP Services Coordinator • Requires an enabling Policy, with commitment to quality and improvement

The Enriched Opportunities Programme® today… • Over 900 residents in Extra. Care live with a mental health condition • Over 390 experience dementia • 66% have been supported by their Locksmith to receive a dementia diagnosis. • The average hospital stay for a resident receiving Locksmith support is 11 days The Enriched Opportunities Programme® is a big part of achieving our vision to create