Heart 2 Heart Impact Opportunities Heart 2 Heart

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Heart 2 Heart Impact & Opportunities

Heart 2 Heart Impact & Opportunities

Heart 2 Heart Program Informal partnership - District 4170 and US 12 th Year

Heart 2 Heart Program Informal partnership - District 4170 and US 12 th Year in 2016 -17 Three US districts in the beginning “Mexico Initiative” The Rotary Foundation as a partner Join leaders, exchange ideas, take action

Ecatepec Hospital Project 2008 -09

Ecatepec Hospital Project 2008 -09

Signature Project Water Tank Systems in Grade Schools Active involvement by all stakeholders –

Signature Project Water Tank Systems in Grade Schools Active involvement by all stakeholders – schools, parents, government, Rotarians 10, 000 liter steel tank – 30 to 40 year life Grade schools – 500 to 1700 students per school (average 1, 000) System cost to Rotary- $3, 500

Signature Project Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program Renal failure highest in western hemisphere Recipients ages

Signature Project Holtz-Beahon Kidney Transplant Program Renal failure highest in western hemisphere Recipients ages 15 -49 with high financial need Top notch facilities and doctors with sense of social value Screening assistance for doctors, family contact and assistance from Rotarians Family contribution and assistance required Government provides medicine needs post surgery

Cost effective Kidney Transplants Normal cost at private hospital 1 million pesos $50, 000

Cost effective Kidney Transplants Normal cost at private hospital 1 million pesos $50, 000 Rotary list cost after hospital discounts, family contribution, & Ayudar Foundation support 40, 000 -50, 000 pesos $2, 000 - $2, 500 (Recent costs less than $2, 000)



Otomi Community School Equipment

Otomi Community School Equipment

Rural School Equipment

Rural School Equipment

Water Pumps for 10 Rural Communities

Water Pumps for 10 Rural Communities

Neurological Project

Neurological Project

Community Center La Villa

Community Center La Villa

2016 -17 Projects 7 Global Grant Projects Kidney transplants $192, 000 Dental equipment/training for

2016 -17 Projects 7 Global Grant Projects Kidney transplants $192, 000 Dental equipment/training for rural service 42, 000 Equipment/training for midwife deliveries in indigenous areas 77, 400 Equipment/training for pacemakers 116, 000 Learning to Learn 36, 009 Tortilla & Bread Machine – Comm Center 49, 000 Rehab & training for mentally & physically challenged 38, 600 Total $551, 009

2016 -17 Participation 7 global grants US partner districts DDF (27) Rotary Foundation Match

2016 -17 Participation 7 global grants US partner districts DDF (27) Rotary Foundation Match $551, 009 $202, 647 $256, 552

2016 -17 Projects 2 Non-Grant Projects Wheelchairs (100 @ $150) Toluca school expansion phase

2016 -17 Projects 2 Non-Grant Projects Wheelchairs (100 @ $150) Toluca school expansion phase 2 $15, 000 6, 180 Total $21, 180

2017 -18 Projects 7 Global Grant Projects Holtz-Beahon kidney transplant program Vickie Blade pacemaker

2017 -18 Projects 7 Global Grant Projects Holtz-Beahon kidney transplant program Vickie Blade pacemaker program Education skills workshops (Spanish & math) Neurological center equipment School computer lab Hospital equipment & training (2)

2017 -18 Projects Non- Global Grant Projects Wheelchairs Solar panels at orphanage Solar panels-disabled

2017 -18 Projects Non- Global Grant Projects Wheelchairs Solar panels at orphanage Solar panels-disabled women’s home Commercial washer and dryer at disabled women’s home

Why Heart 2 Heart? Ideal partnership with D 4170 Mexico • • Mexico designs

Why Heart 2 Heart? Ideal partnership with D 4170 Mexico • • Mexico designs the projects & writes the grants Local Rotarians are very involved Solid support from district leadership Easy to visit Mexico supports US global grants Partnership with TRF through global grants Partnership with FURMEX for small projects

Why Heart 2 Heart? Partnership opportunities for US • Districts, clubs & individuals can

Why Heart 2 Heart? Partnership opportunities for US • Districts, clubs & individuals can participate at any time regardless of size • Project opportunities now available year round • Multiple project options; six areas of focus • Not just a one-time, one-project partnership • Team ownership of projects

New Developments Expansion to District 4140 Positive Peace Conference in District 4185 * Institute

New Developments Expansion to District 4140 Positive Peace Conference in District 4185 * Institute for Economics & Peace Project CURE

Next trip to Mexico November 8 - November 15, 2017 “Hearing a hundred times

Next trip to Mexico November 8 - November 15, 2017 “Hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once. ” www. rizones 30 -31. org/news/heart-2 -heart We can make a difference when we work together – T. E. A. M. We Need Partners and Sponsors!

Rotary: Making a Difference Our Opportunity

Rotary: Making a Difference Our Opportunity

What Can You Do? 1. Encourage district support (DDF) 2. Encourage club contributions 3.

What Can You Do? 1. Encourage district support (DDF) 2. Encourage club contributions 3. Sponsor a project as a club or group of clubs 4. Encourage individual contributions – directly or as gifts/honors 5. Visit Mexico personally, or encourage club/ district partial sponsorship of a traveler 6. Schedule a club program on Heart 2 Heart 7. Support the Rotary Foundation