Healthy Relationships 101 Leta M Perriello Unhealthy Relationships

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Healthy Relationships 101 Leta M. Perriello

Healthy Relationships 101 Leta M. Perriello

Unhealthy Relationships Examples of physical abuse: ● ● ● ● ● Pushing someone Hitting

Unhealthy Relationships Examples of physical abuse: ● ● ● ● ● Pushing someone Hitting someone Kicking someone Slapping someone Shoving someone Punching someone Grabbing someone Choking someone Shaking someone Examples of emotional abuse: ● ● ● Shaming/mocking someone Constant criticism Invading privacy Coercion Spreading rumors Destroying property Limiting another person’s autonomy Threatening violence Threatening suicide Ignoring boundaries and needs Frequent shouting

Warning Signs Are you ever afraid of your partner? Does your partner threaten you?

Warning Signs Are you ever afraid of your partner? Does your partner threaten you? Does your partner control your money? Has your partner physically or emotionally hurt you? Has your partner forced you into sex? Does your partner stalk you?

https: //ywcaspokane. org/progra ms/help-with-domesticviolence/power-and-controlwheel/

https: //ywcaspokane. org/progra ms/help-with-domesticviolence/power-and-controlwheel/

Red Flags: Abusive Personality ● ● ● Possessiveness Controlling Behavior Quick Involvement: person attempts

Red Flags: Abusive Personality ● ● ● Possessiveness Controlling Behavior Quick Involvement: person attempts to control your behavior Isolation: person attempts to ruin your relationships with family and friends Victim Complex Cruelty to Animals or Children Use of Force in Sex Verbal Threats Rigid Gender Roles Volatile Breaking Objects Use of Force

Resources National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799 -SAFE (7233) http: //www. thehotline. org National

Resources National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799 -SAFE (7233) http: //www. thehotline. org National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: http: //www. nrcdv. org/ Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project: (800) 832 -1901 http: //gmdvp. org/

Signs of a Healthy Relationship A healthy relationship is when both/all partners develop a

Signs of a Healthy Relationship A healthy relationship is when both/all partners develop a connection based on: ● ● ● ● Mutual respect Trust Honesty Support Fairness/equality Separate identities Good communication A sense of fondness/playfulness Healthy relationships require maintenance! No relationship is perfect, but your relationship should have more healthy than unhealthy traits. Within reason, accept what you cannot change and work to change what you can.

More Signs of a Healthy Relationship ● ● ● Both/all partners have good self-esteem

More Signs of a Healthy Relationship ● ● ● Both/all partners have good self-esteem independent of the relationship. Both maintain individuality within the relationship. Both maintain relationships with family/friends outside the relationship. Both are able to express themselves without fear of consequences. Both take interest in one another’s hobbies/activities. There is no violence in the relationship. Both trust each other and are honest with each other. Both have the option of privacy. Both have respect for the other’s sexual boundaries. Both are honest about sexual activity. Both accept influence from one another, but do not coerce, manipulate, blackmail, or pressure one another. ● Both try to resolve conflict fairly with a mutual goal of compromise.

Fostering a Healthy Relationship How? ● ● ● ● Keep expectations realistic Keep communication

Fostering a Healthy Relationship How? ● ● ● ● Keep expectations realistic Keep communication open Be flexible Develop your self-esteem Be dependable Fight fair Show affection Be yourself! Why? ● Healthy relationships help people to live more happy, healthy lives! ● People with healthier relationships tend to experience less stress. ● You deserve it!