Hazardous Materials Training Part One Overview of hazardous

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Hazardous Materials Training

Hazardous Materials Training

Part One Overview of hazardous materials regulations (HMR) training requirements

Part One Overview of hazardous materials regulations (HMR) training requirements

Regulatory bodies that govern the transportation of hazardous materials • OSHA-concerned with protecting the

Regulatory bodies that govern the transportation of hazardous materials • OSHA-concerned with protecting the employee. • DOT-concerned with the safe transport of hazardous materials (via air, rail, roadway). • EPA (DEP)-concerned with protecting the environment. • NFPA 58 concerned with bulk storage of Propane. • All require written plans, formal training, emergency response procedures.

OSHA or DOT Jurisdiction OSH Act • Section 4(b)(1) of the OSH Act states

OSHA or DOT Jurisdiction OSH Act • Section 4(b)(1) of the OSH Act states that OSHA does not have jurisdiction over health and safety if another Federal agency exercises its statutory authority in this area. U. S. courts interpret the OSH Act using the “gap theory” or “hazard-by-hazard” approach: • If DOT has a regulation that would reduce or eliminate the workplace hazard, DOT regulations apply. • If DOT does not have a regulation to address the hazard, OSHA regulations apply.

OSHA or DOT Jurisdiction • DOT has jurisdiction for: • In transit operations between

OSHA or DOT Jurisdiction • DOT has jurisdiction for: • In transit operations between destination points, including readjusting and securing the load. • Proper handling of hazardous materials during loading and unloading vehicles and rail cars according to the Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 171 -180). • OSHA has jurisdiction for: • Actions associated with loading and unloading the vehicle or railcar at destination points where DOT does not address a safety or health hazard. • Response to hazardous waste emergencies.

Overall objectives of today’s training presentation Will focus primarily on DOT training but will

Overall objectives of today’s training presentation Will focus primarily on DOT training but will also encompass the main requirements of OSHA & EPA training requirements regarding the handling and transporting of hazardous materials Help to prevent unplanned releases and accidents involving the hazardous materials transported by this operation Provide information regarding the hazards of the chemicals/hazardous materials that you may be exposed in your workplace.

Scope of training You should: • Be familiar with the general provisions of the

Scope of training You should: • Be familiar with the general provisions of the Hazardous materials regulations (HMR) part 172, subpart H (formerly HM 126 F) • Be able to recognize and identify the hazardous materials as they apply to your job function • Have knowledge of emergency response information, self protection measures, and accident prevention methods and procedures

DOT required Haz Mat employee training shall include • General awareness/familiarization training • Function-specific

DOT required Haz Mat employee training shall include • General awareness/familiarization training • Function-specific training • Safety training • Driver training • Specific cargo tank training • Security awareness

Hazardous materials covered in this presentation Propane Diesel Gasoline Fuel oil ( #2, #6)

Hazardous materials covered in this presentation Propane Diesel Gasoline Fuel oil ( #2, #6) Kerosene

Areas that we will cover relevant to these products are: • Hazardous materials table

Areas that we will cover relevant to these products are: • Hazardous materials table • North American Emergency guide book (guide sheet 128) • Shipping papers • Placarding • Highway carrier requirements • Emergency response procedures

Areas we will not cover today • • • Packaging Labeling Transport by Air

Areas we will not cover today • • • Packaging Labeling Transport by Air Transport by Rail Hazardous materials other than propane, oil, diesel, kerosene *These are topics that are included in the requirements but do not apply to your operation

Hazmat employee (49 CFR 171. 8) A HAZMAT employee is a person employed by

Hazmat employee (49 CFR 171. 8) A HAZMAT employee is a person employed by a HAZMAT employer and who, in the course of employment, directly affects hazardous materials transportation safety. This term includes owner-operators of a motor vehicle that transports hazardous materials in commerce.

Hazmat employee (includes owners) • Loads, unloads, or handles hazardous materials • Manufactures, tests,

Hazmat employee (includes owners) • Loads, unloads, or handles hazardous materials • Manufactures, tests, reconditions, repairs, modifies, marks, or otherwise represents containers, drums or packaging as qualified for use in the transportation of hazardous materials • Prepares hazardous materials for transportation • Is responsible for safety of transporting hazardous materials • Operates a vehicle used to transport hazardous materials

HMR divides responsibility in three categories The shipper The carrier The driver

HMR divides responsibility in three categories The shipper The carrier The driver

The shipper (owner, driver, dispatcher, fleet manager, office) • Person or company sending the

The shipper (owner, driver, dispatcher, fleet manager, office) • Person or company sending the hazmat from one place to another: • Must assign proper shipping name, hazard class, identification numbers, correct type of packaging, correct label and marking on placards, correct placards • Properly packages the hazmat • Prepares shipping papers • Certifies on the shipping papers that they have prepared shipment properly

The carrier (driver, fleet manager, company owner) • Transports shipment to destination • Ensures

The carrier (driver, fleet manager, company owner) • Transports shipment to destination • Ensures that product has been correctly named, labeled and marked for shipment • Reports any accidents or incidents to the proper government agency

The driver • Ensures that shipper has properly identified, marked and labeled product •

The driver • Ensures that shipper has properly identified, marked and labeled product • Must refuse leaking shipments • Attaches appropriate placards • Delivers products safely & obeys all rules and requirements • Keeps shipping papers in proper place

General awareness Must be familiar with the requirements of HM training requirements Hazard communication

General awareness Must be familiar with the requirements of HM training requirements Hazard communication training: • Must be able to recognize HM • Must know hazards of chemical to which you may be exposed (hazard classes) • Must know what to do in the event of an emergency or unplanned release

Function-specific training Must be familiar with the standards as they apply to your specific

Function-specific training Must be familiar with the standards as they apply to your specific job These will vary depending on the individual’s specific job function

Safety training Must include: • Emergency response information required by subpart G of part

Safety training Must include: • Emergency response information required by subpart G of part 172 • Measures to protect the employee from the hazards associated with the Haz. Mat to which they may be exposed in the work place, including specific measures the hazmat employer has implemented to protect employees from exposure • Methods & procedures for avoiding accidents involving hazardous materials

Driver training Training must include the following subjects: Pre-trip inspection Use of vehicle controls

Driver training Training must include the following subjects: Pre-trip inspection Use of vehicle controls and equipment, including operation of emergency equipment Operation of vehicle • Turning, backing, braking, parking, handling, effects of braking, dangers of maneuvering through curves, effects of speed, dangers of weather & road conditions, and high center of gravity Procedures for maneuvering tunnels, bridges and railroad crossings Requirements pertaining to attendance of vehicles, parking, smoking routing and incident reporting Loading and unloading procedures Packaging and securing load

Operators of cargo tanks Training for cargo tank drivers must include: • Operation of

Operators of cargo tanks Training for cargo tank drivers must include: • Operation of emergency control features of the cargo tank • Special handling characteristics: High center of gravity, fluid-load subject to surge, effects of fluid-load surge on braking, characteristic differences in stability among baffled, un-baffled and multicompartmented tanks, effects of partial loads on vehicle stability • Loading & unloading procedures • Properties and hazards of the materials transported • Retest and inspection requirements for cargo tanks.

Part Two General Familiarization

Part Two General Familiarization

Hazardous materials “Materials that are capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety,

Hazardous materials “Materials that are capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, & property when transported in commerce. ” A material is considered to hazardous if it: • Meets one or more hazard class definitions • Is a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, marine pollutant, or elevated-temperature material.

Hazardous materials table Lists and classifies those materials which the DOT has designated as

Hazardous materials table Lists and classifies those materials which the DOT has designated as hazardous materials for purposes of transportation and prescribes the requirements for shipping papers, package marking, labeling, and transport vehicle placarding applicable to the shipment and transportation of those hazardous materials.

The hazardous materials table Lists materials alphabetically by proper shipping name. Consists of 10

The hazardous materials table Lists materials alphabetically by proper shipping name. Consists of 10 major headings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Symbols HM descriptions & proper shipping names Hazard class or division Identification numbers Packaging group assigned to the material Label codes Special provisions Packaging Quantity limitations Vessel Stowage

Symbols + - “Fixes”(means you can’t change it) the proper shipping name, hazard class

Symbols + - “Fixes”(means you can’t change it) the proper shipping name, hazard class or division and packing group in columns 2, 3 &5 A – means that the material is only regulated if offered for and/or transported by air, unless the material is a hazardous substance or hazardous waste. In that case, it’s regulated in all modes of transportation * see definitions D- Identifies proper shipping names describing materials for domestic transportation. G-identifies n. o. s. and generic proper shipping names that require the addition of one or more technical names I-identifies proper shipping names describing materials for international transportation W-means material is regulated only if transported by water unless the material is a hazardous substance or hazardous waste

Nine hazard classes Class 1 - Explosives Class 2 - Gases Class 3 -

Nine hazard classes Class 1 - Explosives Class 2 - Gases Class 3 - Flammable liquids Class 4 - Flammable solids Class 5 - Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides Class 6 - Poisons/toxic materials Class 7 - Radioactive materials Class 8 - Corrosive materials Class 9 - Miscellaneous hazardous materials

Products that may be carried by your company Propane • Class 2 #2 Fuel,

Products that may be carried by your company Propane • Class 2 #2 Fuel, diesel, kerosene, gasoline • Class 3 Packing groups PG I - great danger PG II - medium danger PG III - minor

Shipping papers Must include: • Proper shipping name • Hazard class • Identification number

Shipping papers Must include: • Proper shipping name • Hazard class • Identification number • Total quantity of materials being shipped

When transporting empty cargo tanks Shipping papers are still required if a cargo tank

When transporting empty cargo tanks Shipping papers are still required if a cargo tank has been emptied, but not cleaned of the hazardous residue. (For Propane dealers) When transporting ASME tanks with a capacity of 125 gallons or greater to or from a customer’s location, they must not contain more than 5% propane during transport.

Shipping papers May be in any form or format as long as it contains

Shipping papers May be in any form or format as long as it contains the information required by the HMR in the correct sequence Must contain basic description & any additional descriptions or entries Must be legible & printed in English Must accurately communicate the hazards of the materials being transported Most must be certified but certification is not required for materials transported by cargo tank

Shipping papers Must be readily available & visible to a person entering the driver’s

Shipping papers Must be readily available & visible to a person entering the driver’s compartment. Must be clearly distinguishable. Must be within immediate reach of the driver while restrained by lap belt. When the driver is not in vehicle must be in holder on inside of door or on driver’s seat.

24 -hour emergency response number Required on all shipping papers. Must be monitored at

24 -hour emergency response number Required on all shipping papers. Must be monitored at all times while the material is in transportation, including storage incidental to transportation. Contact person must be capable of providing emergency response & incident mitigation information immediately, upon request.

Emergency response information The shipper must also provide emergency response information for each hazardous

Emergency response information The shipper must also provide emergency response information for each hazardous material listed on the shipping paper.

Emergency response information Information about hazardous materials & the necessary immediate precautions & actions

Emergency response information Information about hazardous materials & the necessary immediate precautions & actions to take in the event of a spill or leak are required. Must carry in the same manner as the shipping papers.

North American Emergency Guidebook-Guide Sheet 128

North American Emergency Guidebook-Guide Sheet 128

Placards There are two placarding tables: When determining which placards must be used and

Placards There are two placarding tables: When determining which placards must be used and what options are available, both placarding tables must be considered.

Placards • Must clearly communicate the hazard of the material being transported. • Must

Placards • Must clearly communicate the hazard of the material being transported. • Must have no visual competition. • Must be readily visible from the direction it faces. • Be on all four sides of vehicle (each side and each end) placed so words are level and read from left to right. • Must be located clear of appurtenances and devices, away from dirt and water & at least three inches away from any other markings. • Words and/or numbers must be displayed horizontally.

Placard modifications • The word “gasoline” may be used in place of the word

Placard modifications • The word “gasoline” may be used in place of the word “flammable” on cargo tank transporting gasoline. • Fuel oil (in cargo tank) may be used in place of word “combustible”. • Placarding is responsibility of shipper and carrier (that includes driver). • If the required placard is missing, or damaged, no matter what the reason, the shipment must not be transported.

Part Three Carriage by Highway

Part Three Carriage by Highway

HMR, part 177 “Carriage by Public Highway” Requires motor carriers to train employees in

HMR, part 177 “Carriage by Public Highway” Requires motor carriers to train employees in the prescribed regulations. Additional specific training is required for operators of cargo tanks or vehicles with a portable tank with capacity of 1, 000 gallons or more.

Motor Carriers Must also comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) &

Motor Carriers Must also comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) & refer to driver qualifications, hours of service, equipment standards and operational requirements. US DOT reps may inspect all motor carrier records, equipment, packaging & containers -- that may affect the safe transportation of hazardous materials.

Loading and unloading (HMR 177. 834) Attendance requirements: • A cargo tank must be

Loading and unloading (HMR 177. 834) Attendance requirements: • A cargo tank must be attended by a qualified person at all times when it is being loaded. • The person who is responsible for loading the cargo tank is also responsible for ensuring that is so attended.

Loading & Unloading A person “ attends” the loading or unloading of a cargo

Loading & Unloading A person “ attends” the loading or unloading of a cargo tank if, throughout the process: • He/she is awake/alert • Has unobstructed view of the cargo tank • Is within 25 feet of the cargo tank • Knows the hazards of the material

Safety Measures No smoking on or near vehicle. No spark producing tools. Use caution

Safety Measures No smoking on or near vehicle. No spark producing tools. Use caution with tools so as not to damage packages, containers, or their closures. Do not load flammable materials in a cargo space that has a heater unit.

Driver Training/Cargo Tank Trucks

Driver Training/Cargo Tank Trucks

Pre-Trip Inspection “No motor vehicle shall be driven unless the driver thereof shall have

Pre-Trip Inspection “No motor vehicle shall be driven unless the driver thereof shall have satisfied himself that the following parts & accessories are in good working order, nor shall any driver fail to use or make use of such parts and accessories. ” (FMCSR part 392. 7)

Pre-Trip Inspection Critical inspection items include: • Service brakes • • Parking brake Steering

Pre-Trip Inspection Critical inspection items include: • Service brakes • • Parking brake Steering mechanism Lighting devices & reflectors Tires Horn Windshield Rear-vision mirror or mirrors Coupling devices

7 - Step Pre-Trip Inspection procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vehicle

7 - Step Pre-Trip Inspection procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vehicle overview Check engine compartment Start engine & inspect inside the cab Turn off engine & check lights Do walk around inspection Check signal lights Start engine & check brake system

Product weight Prior to loading vehicle, you must know: • Amount the liquid will

Product weight Prior to loading vehicle, you must know: • Amount the liquid will expand • Weight of liquid per gallon • Legal weight limits

Outage The space you leave for expansion is called Outage. You must know the

Outage The space you leave for expansion is called Outage. You must know the outage requirements of each product you haul.

Cargo tanks High center of gravity Subject to “surge” Prone to roll over on

Cargo tanks High center of gravity Subject to “surge” Prone to roll over on curves, ramps and during evasive movements

3 Types of tanks • Bulkhead - Solid steel divider within the tank which

3 Types of tanks • Bulkhead - Solid steel divider within the tank which creates separate compartments. • Baffled - Dividers with holes in them, designed to slow down the front-to-back surge. They do not have much effect on side-to-side surge. • Un-baffled or “smooth bore”

SURGE: The movement of the liquid from the front to the back, and from

SURGE: The movement of the liquid from the front to the back, and from side to side. Determined by two major factors: • Amount of liquid in the tank • Design of the tank

Countermeasures for dealing with surge Maintain 12 to 15 second eye lead time Always

Countermeasures for dealing with surge Maintain 12 to 15 second eye lead time Always slow down before entering curves - posted limit is for cars not tankers. Accelerate gently through the curve. Avoid sudden stops whenever possible by maintaining a good cushion of safety around the vehicle.

Three factors that can cause a skid: Oversteering Overbraking Overacceleration

Three factors that can cause a skid: Oversteering Overbraking Overacceleration

Emergency maneuvers It is almost always better to steer to avoid an emergency than

Emergency maneuvers It is almost always better to steer to avoid an emergency than to brake to avoid one. Don’t brake while making an emergency turning maneuver. If you must brake, use stab or controlled braking. When using stab braking, release the brakes as soon as the wheels lock up, and then apply the brakes hard again. If the steering tires lock up, you will continue straight regardless of how you turn the wheel. If you must leave the roadway, slow to 20 mph, if possible, before applying brakes.

Part Four Spill prevention and emergency response procedures & action plans

Part Four Spill prevention and emergency response procedures & action plans

Objectives for this section Review OSHA HAZWOPPER requirements Review the emergency operating procedure requirements

Objectives for this section Review OSHA HAZWOPPER requirements Review the emergency operating procedure requirements Review some emergency operating procedures Review spill prevention measures

OSHA First Responders Awareness level First responders are individuals who are likely to witness

OSHA First Responders Awareness level First responders are individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous material release & have: • An understanding or what hazardous chemicals are & risk associated with them. • An understanding of potential outcomes of HM emergency. • The ability to identify the hazardous materials. • Understanding the role of first responder in the emergency response. • Plan, including site security & control. • Ability to realize need for additional resources & make appropriate. • Notification to communication center.

OSHA First Responders Operations level • Knowledge of basic hazard & risk assessment techniques.

OSHA First Responders Operations level • Knowledge of basic hazard & risk assessment techniques. • Know how to select & use proper personal protective equipment provided. • Has understanding of basic hazardous materials terms. • Knows how to perform basic control, containment and/or confinement (dam, dike, divert). • Knows basic decontamination procedures. • Understands relevant SOP & termination procedures.

Basic terms Flammable liquid-any liquid that has a flash point 140 F or less

Basic terms Flammable liquid-any liquid that has a flash point 140 F or less Flash point-temperature where the liquid will ignite, detonate, explode

North American Emergency guidebook Contains information on hazardous materials Accepted by emergency response information

North American Emergency guidebook Contains information on hazardous materials Accepted by emergency response information Driver should have individual guide sheets or should know which guide sheets apply to the product being carried In the event of accident, if possible take guide sheet & shipping papers and get away from vehicle Provide ER info to first responders

North American Emergency guide sheets provide info in the following areas: Potential hazards •

North American Emergency guide sheets provide info in the following areas: Potential hazards • Fire or explosion Emergency response • Fire • • • Spill or leak • First aid Health Public safety Protective clothing Evacuation Fire

North American Emergency guidebook: Guide sheets 128 (Petroleum Oil) & 115 ( Propane)

North American Emergency guidebook: Guide sheets 128 (Petroleum Oil) & 115 ( Propane)

Potential hazards of petroleum products: Guide sheet 128 FIRE OR EXPLOSION · HIGHLY FLAMMABLE:

Potential hazards of petroleum products: Guide sheet 128 FIRE OR EXPLOSION · HIGHLY FLAMMABLE: • Will be easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames. • Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. • Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. • Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). • Vapor explosion hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. • Those substances designated with a "P" may polymerize explosively when heated or involved in a fire. • Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. • Containers may explode when heated. • Many liquids are lighter than water. • Substance may be transported hot.

Potential hazards of propane-guide sheet 115 FIRE OR EXPLOSION · EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. • Will

Potential hazards of propane-guide sheet 115 FIRE OR EXPLOSION · EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. • Will be easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames. • Will form explosive mixtures with air. • Vapors from liquefied gas are initially heavier than air and spread along ground. • Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. • Containers may explode when heated. • Ruptured cylinders may rocket.

Health hazards of petroleum products

Health hazards of petroleum products

Protective measures

Protective measures

Emergency operating procedure requirements A comprehensive written emergency operating procedure must be developed for

Emergency operating procedure requirements A comprehensive written emergency operating procedure must be developed for all transfer operations and hazmat employees who perform unloading functions must be trained in its provisions. The emergency operating procedure must be prominently displayed in or on the cargo tank motor vehicle

Emergency responses for leaks during transit • If the problem is before the nozzle,

Emergency responses for leaks during transit • If the problem is before the nozzle, then SHUT OFF THE NOZZLE. • If the problem is with the nozzle, then PUSH THE STOP BUTTON at the meter. • If the problem is with the tank, then USE CONTAINMENT MEASURES TO STOP OR SLOW THE LEAK, THEN CALL FOR HELP. • If the truck is on the roadway, try and pull OUT OF THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC but DO NOT drive beyond the nearest point at which safe removal of the fuel can be made. • Warn nearby person of fire hazard. Extinguish nearby open flames. DO NOT SMOKE! • Report the spill to your company emergency response coordinator

Emergency response procedures in transit If possible: Dam, Dike or Divert spilled product, keep

Emergency response procedures in transit If possible: Dam, Dike or Divert spilled product, keep it away from storm or sewer drains, catch basins and waterways. Contain product using booms, pigs, absorbent pads or gravel/soil embankments. Secure site until remediation and emergency response personnel arrive on the scene. However, never take action unless you have been properly trained (awareness level and operators level) and directed by your employer to do so.

If a spill occurs during delivery or service call • Shut off the supply.

If a spill occurs during delivery or service call • Shut off the supply. • Look around for sump pumps, drains or holes , or cracks in floors and foundation-keep oil away from these areas. • Contain spill by using oil pads, booms or speedy dry. • Use plugs or patch on tanks if possible. • Create a vacuum in tank by using a fill cap or plastic bag and placing over fill. • Say as little as possible to homeowners, never admit liability!

Report all spills If spill happens during normal business hours: - report to office

Report all spills If spill happens during normal business hours: - report to office If after hours, call SPLASH hotline direct.

Be prepared to tell them • Extent of spill-quantity • Location of the spill

Be prepared to tell them • Extent of spill-quantity • Location of the spill - Address - Inside home, outside home, on the road • When it happened • If in the home, has the homeowner been notified • If on the road, have any emergency responders arrived on the scene • Is the product contained or not

Most Common Spill Claims Tank over-pressurization: • Blocked or partially blocked vent • Pumping

Most Common Spill Claims Tank over-pressurization: • Blocked or partially blocked vent • Pumping too fast for vent pipe size Misdelivery: • Disconnected fill pipe • Defective tank • Wrong address Leaking hoses

Recommended Spill Prevention Measures • Always employ No Whistle-No fill policy. • Double check

Recommended Spill Prevention Measures • Always employ No Whistle-No fill policy. • Double check address & location of fill. • NEVER LEAVE THE FILL PIPE during delivery! Stay alert. • Pre-inspect new customers whenever possible. • Use reasonable pumping rates-no greater than 70 gpm. • Check hoses for wear on regular basis. • Pull hose from shoulder, never drag nozzle on ground. • If you suspect anything is wrong. STOP the delivery and call dispatch.

Safety Really is No Accident! Famous last words: “It’s just common sense” “That could

Safety Really is No Accident! Famous last words: “It’s just common sense” “That could never happen to me” “It’s not my fault…the other guy should have removed that disconnected fill” “But I had the right of way” “I’ve been doing it this way for years!”