Hand forearm Lateral Lateral epicondyle of Humerus Radius

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Hand & forearm

Hand & forearm

Lateral: Lateral epicondyle of Humerus Radius thumb Medial: proximal radioulnar j Radial notch in

Lateral: Lateral epicondyle of Humerus Radius thumb Medial: proximal radioulnar j Radial notch in Ulna Radial head Distal radioulnar j Ulnar notch in Radius Ulnar head Medial epicondyle of hummers Ulna

Right arm & foraarm Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondule Little MEGA

Right arm & foraarm Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondule Little MEGA

Right arm & forearm ON TOP OF HEAD , WEAR A CAP ON TOP

Right arm & forearm ON TOP OF HEAD , WEAR A CAP ON TOP OF RADIAL HEAD CAP ITULUM Proximal radio ulnar j

Elbow, Lateral view

Elbow, Lateral view

HUMERUS Coronoid process Trochlear notch Olecranon process Radial head Ulna Radial neck

HUMERUS Coronoid process Trochlear notch Olecranon process Radial head Ulna Radial neck

Lt Hand PA

Lt Hand PA

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform H P Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate T Hamte C T L

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform H P Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate T Hamte C T L T S Articulate with 2 nd MC Capital letter Capitate bone biggest carpal bone

Susan Looks Too Pretty Try To Complement Her Susan Scaphoid Try Trapezium Looks Lunate

Susan Looks Too Pretty Try To Complement Her Susan Scaphoid Try Trapezium Looks Lunate Too Pretty Triquetrum To Trapezoid Pisiform Complement Capitate H Her P T L Hamte T C S T

In identifying joints & • phalanges , remember to mansion the specific hand &

In identifying joints & • phalanges , remember to mansion the specific hand & digit

Hand, Oblique view A. Thumb 1 ST Finger(digit) B. Index 2 nd Finger(digit) C.

Hand, Oblique view A. Thumb 1 ST Finger(digit) B. Index 2 nd Finger(digit) C. Middle 3 rd finger(digit) D. Ring 4 th finger (digit) E. Little 5 th finger(digit) 1 Distal phalanx of 2 nd digit of Rt hand 2 Middle phalanx of 2 nd digit of Rt hand 3 Proximal phalanx of 2 nd digit of Rt hand 4 distal phalanx of 1 st digit of Rt hand 5 proximal phalanx of 1 st digit of Rt hand 6 Sesamoid bones 7 Distal interphalangeal joint of 5 th digit of Rt hand 11 Trapezium 12 interphalangeal Trapezoid 8 Proximal joint of 5 th digit 13 Capitate of Rt hand 14 Hamate 15 Scaphoid 9 5 th Metacarpophalangeal joint of Rt hand 16 Lunate 10 5 th Carpometacarpal joint of Rt hand 17 Triquetrum 19 Radius 20 Ulna

Hand oblique

Hand oblique

Wrist Lateral view

Wrist Lateral view