Hanafi Fiqh Book Of Salah Week 13 Dua

Hanafi Fiqh Book Of Salah Week 13

Dua for Studying

Intentions for Studying I intend to study and teach, take and give a reminder, take and give benefit, take and give advantage, to encourage the holding fast to the book of Allah and the way of his Messenger, and calling to guidance and directing towards good, hoping for the support of Allah and His pleasure, closeness and reward, transcendent is He.

Week 13 – Objectives The Book Of Salah ØWitr Salah ØDua Qunut ØTable of Rakahs ØNafl Salah ØSaläh in Unusual Conditions ØSaläh While Sitting ØSaläh in Train and Airplane ØTaräwïh Saläh

Witr Salah ﺍ ﻭ ، ﺑ ﺍﻟ ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ ﻭ ﻭ ﺍ ﺍ . ﺍ " ﺍ ﺍ ﻭ Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib: I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: The witr is a duty, so he who does not observe it does not belong to us; the witr is a duty, so he who does not observe it does not belong to us.

Witr Salah • Witr Saläh is Wajib • If a person misses Witr forgetfully or intentionally, it is compulsory for him to make it up • Witr Saläh consists of three Saläh-units ending with a single pair of Saläms • Witr is offered after completing the Sunnah Saläh of Ishä comprising two Rakahs • In every Rakah of Witr, it is compulsory to recite Fätihah and another Quränic chapter or three verses

Witr Salah Dua Qunut: Read before Ruku of the 3 rd Rakah

Witr Salah - Dua Qunut • If a person is unable to recite the traditional Qunüt supplication, he should say: Rabbanä ätinä fid dunyä h asanatañ wa fil äkhirati h asanatañ wa qinä àzäban när • Or else, he may say: Allähumma-ghfirlï! (O Alläh, forgive me!) thrice, or Yä rabb! (O Lord!) thrice • If a person forgets reciting Qunüt, then remembers it while bowing or after it, he should not recite Qunüt during bowing, nor should he return to standing posture for reciting Qunüt. Instead, he should perform prostration of forgetfulness

• Sunnah Muakkadah (Emphasized) - The Salähs the Prophet ﷺ performed regularly • Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah (Non-Emphasized) - The Salähs the Prophet ﷺ performed at times and missed at times

Nafl Salah • Tahiyyat-ul Masjid (salutation of the mosque) - Desirable for a person entering a mosque to perform two Rakah before or after sitting. • Tahiyyat-ul Wud ü (salutation of ablution) - Two units of Saläh are desirable after ablution • Salät-ud Duha - Two Rakah and up to twelve Rakahs are desirable 20 minutes after Sunrise. • Tahajud – After Isha Salah and ends before Fajr begins. Some Fuqaha are of the opinion that the time for Tahajjud starts after one half of the night has passed. However, it is more virtuous to perform Tahajjud in the latter portion of the night.

Saläh in Unusual Conditions Saläh While Sitting • Obligatory Saläh and Compulsory Saläh in sitting posture is invalid when the person is capable of standing • Supererogatory Saläh in sitting posture despite the person being capable of standing is valid • If a person performs a supererogatory Saläh in sitting posture without excusable difficulty, he gets half the reward of a person performing it in standing position. • If a person performs it in sitting posture due to an excusable difficulty, his reward is similar to that of a person performing it while standing.

Saläh in Unusual Conditions Saläh in Train and Airplane • Obligatory and compulsory Salähs on a running trains or a flying airplane in sitting posture without an excusable difficulty is invalid. However, if he is faced with an excusable difficulty like dizziness, then it is valid • Similarly, if the train is shaking a lot such that standing becomes difficult, then Saläh in sitting posture is valid • If the train or airplane is standing on ground, Saläh in sitting posture on it without excusable difficulty is invalid • If the person starts his Saläh facing the Saläh-direction, then the train or airplane changes direction, the person should turn towards the new Saläh-direction if he is capable of it. If he is not capable or he is unaware of change in direction of the train or airplane, then his Saläh is valid.

Taräwïh Saläh • Taräwïh Saläh is an emphasized tradition for every individual man and woman • Taräwïh Saläh in congregation is sufficiency tradition for the people of a locality • Taräwïh Saläh consists of 20 Saläh-units performed with 10 ending Saläms. The time of Taräwïh starts after Ishä Saläh and extends up to the beginning of dawn. • It is desirable to perform Taräwïh before Witr Saläh • It is tradition to recite or listen to the recitation of the holy Qurän in its entirety in Taräwïh once in the month of Ramad än

Week 14 The Book Of Salah - Recap Week 15 - Final Exam
- Slides: 14