H 427 TRUSTING JESUS 16 Jesus only is

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H 427 惟有耶穌 TRUSTING JESUS (節1/6) 惟有耶穌是我題目,我的信息是耶穌; Jesus only is our message, Jesus all

H 427 惟有耶穌 TRUSTING JESUS (節1/6) 惟有耶穌是我題目,我的信息是耶穌; Jesus only is our message, Jesus all our theme shall be; 惟有耶穌是我歌賦,我所仰望是耶穌。 We will lift up Jesus ever, Jesus only will we see. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

H 427 (節2/6) 惟有耶穌是我救主,擔當我的所有罪; Jesus only is our Saviour, All our guilt he bore

H 427 (節2/6) 惟有耶穌是我救主,擔當我的所有罪; Jesus only is our Saviour, All our guilt he bore away, 一次成功永遠救贖,使我得以蒙恩惠。 All our righteousness He gives us, All our strength from day to day. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

H 427 (節3/6) 惟有耶穌是我生命,救我脫離罪與己; Jesus is our Sanctifier, Cleansing us from self and sin,

H 427 (節3/6) 惟有耶穌是我生命,救我脫離罪與己; Jesus is our Sanctifier, Cleansing us from self and sin, 惟有耶穌用祂聖靈,充滿我心作我力。 And with all His Spirit's fullness, Filling all our hearts within. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

H 427 (節4/6) 惟有耶穌是我大夫,擔當我的病與疾; Jesus only is our healer, All our sicknesses he bare,

H 427 (節4/6) 惟有耶穌是我大夫,擔當我的病與疾; Jesus only is our healer, All our sicknesses he bare, 復活生命,升天豐富,祂都分賜祂肢體。 And His risen life and fullness, All His members still may share. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

H 427 (節5/6) 惟有耶穌是我能力,是祂賜下五旬節; Jesus only is our Power, He the gift of Pentecost,

H 427 (節5/6) 惟有耶穌是我能力,是祂賜下五旬節; Jesus only is our Power, He the gift of Pentecost, 哦,主,求祢使我得以充滿聖靈常勝捷。 Jesus breathe Thy power upon us, Fill us with the holy Ghost. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

H 427 (節6/6) 我們現在等候耶穌,要聽祂來的召呼; And for Jesus we are waiting, Listening for the Advent

H 427 (節6/6) 我們現在等候耶穌,要聽祂來的召呼; And for Jesus we are waiting, Listening for the Advent call; 始終惟有耶穌可慕,惟有耶穌萬有主。 But 'twill still be Jesus only, Jesus ever, all in all. (副) 惟有耶穌,永是耶穌,我們歌頌這耶穌; Jesus only Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing, Saviour, 祂是救主,生命、大夫,祂是君王建國度。 Sanctifier, healer, Glorious Lord and coming King. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會