The Skeletal Slide � This is the beginning of our journey. Here we will slide down the spine, oh la, and see the ribs, clavicles, vertebral columns, the humorous, femur and many other bones. � Now lets continue our magical trip to the integumentary zoo.

The Integumentary Zoo � Here you will see and experience wild pimples, uneducated herpes, evil ugly mentally challenged black heads and disgusting spots known as Psoriasis, better known as Kim Kardashians legs. Now caution do not touch the pimples, they will grow and look worse then they already do. � The next ride in the amusement park is the Ferris wheel of Digestional wonders

The Ferris Wheel of Digestional Wonders Welcome to the Ferris wheel. Hopefully everyone has their mucus coats on, if not your going to melt and die. Hopefully that is not the case. Here you will see the inside of the stomach, the kidney, the pancreas, the colon and the small intestine. Now we wont see much of the colon and small intestine because we will get off before then. If there any corpses around or to the sides of you, feel free to throw them into the colon as we continue. I warn you now that if anyone gets hurt and/or dies on any of these rides no one will be held responsible. If you don’t want to die, then next time don’t come here. Lets continue on

The Nervous chamber for the mentally deranged � We are now entering the nervous chamber. Here you will see the messages flowing through the neurons on the wall. It is quite an amazing sight. But in my opinion, one of the most useless things to learn about. So we won’t spend much time here.

The Circulatory Park � Here you may walk about and see the tiny ponds and rivers of blood. Be careful not to get too close to any virus in the blood, because they are nasty creatures. The largest river here is called the bloodstream and travels throughout the entire body. You may swim in the river but if you drown no one will save you, so have a nice day : p

The Reproductive Pool Inside this pool you will see the sperms swimming about. No one else besides the sperms are allowed in the pool. If you fall in the pool that is not our problem. We will pretend that you were never even on this trip. Understand? Anyways! Sometimes when there's a big wave some sperm fall out of the pool into another place, no one knows where but all we now is that only one of them enters and egg and creates another amusement park : p causing us to expand in business and profit.

END Thank you everyone for attending our amusement park. Now leave and don’t come back unless you have a ticket. Have a nice day.
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