- Slides: 7

GREETINGS FORMAL GREETINGS RESPONSES Good morning Hello Good afternoon Hello, good afternoon Good evening Hello, how are you? I’m fine thank you How are you doing? I am very well thank you Informal Greetings Responses Hi, how’s your life? Terrific/ Great and you? What’s news? Just fine, thanks How’s everything? All right thanks How’s business? Pretty well. What about you? Good to see you? Thanks

A: Good morning, Alex. B: Good Morning, Nita. A: How are you? B: Fine, thanks. A: Hello, Ms, Nia. How are you doing? B: Pretty good, thanks. How about you, Anton? A: Not bad, thanks A: Good morning, Ann. How’s everything? B: OK, thanks. How are you today, Budi? A: Just fine, thanks.

The Present Tense of “Be” (am, is, are) Positive Negative Interrogative I am. . . I am not… Am I…? You are … You are not… Are you…? They are… They are not… Are they…? We are not … Are we…? She is… She is not … Is she …? It is … It is not … Is it …? Anton/Nina is… Anton is not… Is he/she…? Celly and Prio are… Celly and Prio are not… Are Celly and Prio…?

Examples: 1) My name is Tya Puspa. I am a student. I am not a teacher. 2) You are on time. You are not late. 3) Is he a doctor? He is very polite. 4) That student is diligent. Many students are lazy. 5) Seva is clever. Sadam and Salma are clever too.

Exercise: 1. A: excuse me, …you Tom Harry? B: no, I…My name…Seva Majid. I…a new student. 2. A: what …your phone number? . . it 0725678644? B: No, that…the old number. My new number…. 0725777898 3. A: … 0725 the area code? B: Yes, It …the are code for Metro city. 4. A: where …they from? …. they from Pekalongan? B: No, they……They…from Bantul. 5. A: She…very pretty. …she a model? B: Yes, She…. Sherina, a talented actress. 6. A: Where…the children? . . they in the playground? B: No, they …. . in the living room.

Personal Pronoun Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun Object I My Mine Me Yours You He His Him She Hers Her It Its - It We Ours us They Theirs Them

Saying Good Bye Saying Good bye Responses Sorry, I’ve got to go Yes, of course. It was nice to see you Well, talk you later then Bye-bye Please, excuse me but I really have to go Please, keep In touch Good bye and give me regard to Mr. Edi Good bye See you later See you Take care So long